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View Full Version : Help finding ice dancing level reqirements

06-21-2008, 07:59 PM

I have spent quite a while this afternoon escaping the 110 degrees outside and trying to find the test requirements for partners for adult ice dancing. I have looked all over the USFS web site without luck. I know that the test requirements were in the Adult Sectionals and Nationals competition info, but that is now gone (or at least I can't find it).

Can someone point me in the right direction?

I'm specifically looking for what tests can or cannot have been passed by the 2 skaters doing ice dance. i.e. I have passed one silver dance - what level must a prospective partner have passed and what level can we compete? My rulebook has been conveniently been put in a "safe place" (that means I can't find it at the moment - is it where all those socks go when we do laundry?)



06-21-2008, 08:08 PM
Look at the announcement for AN:

http://www.lakeplacidskating.com/newsite/competitions/2008%20U.S.%20Adult%20Championships%20Complete%20A nnouncement%20FINAL.pdf

Hmmm, now that I look at it, it does not seem to have this info ??????

Here you go -- depending on your partner, you could do Bronze, PreSilver, Silver or PreGold

Adult PreGold:
One partner must have passed at least
one standard, adult or masters pregold
dance; the other partner must
have passed at least one standard,
adult or masters silver dance. Neither
partner may have completed the gold/
adult gold dance test.

Adult Silver:
One partner must have passed at least
one standard, adult or master silver
dance; the other partner must have
passed at least one standard, adult or
master pre-silver dance. Neither partner
may have passed more than one
pre-gold/adult pre-gold dance.

Adult Pre-Silver:
Both partners must have passed at least one standard, adult or masters presilver
dance. Neither partner may have passed more than one standard, adult or
masters silver dance.

Adult Bronze:
One partner must have passed at least one standard, adult or masters pre-silver
dance; the other partner must have passed at least one standard, adult or
masters bronze dance. Neither partner may have passed more than one
standard, adult or masters silver dance.

06-21-2008, 08:45 PM
Have you joined Competitive Adult Skaters (CAS) Yahoo Group? What you're looking for is listed in either CAS's files or links. If you can't find it there, there's always a skaters and coaches at CAS with answers. Some are skating judges as well.


06-21-2008, 09:57 PM
Thanks Mdvask8r!!

I was just having trouble locating those exact instructions!!!

That helps a lot.