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06-18-2008, 09:53 AM
Say, we all know that Figure Skating got it's name from School Figures made on ice. But does anyone know how School Figures themselves got their name?

Skating Jessica
06-18-2008, 10:25 AM
Here's what Wikipedia has on the topic (I think the bold part answers your question best):

"Compulsory figures, in which skaters use their blades to draw circles, figure 8s, and similar shapes in ice, and are judged on the accuracy and clarity of the figures and the cleanness and exact placement of the various turns on the circles. Figures were formerly included as a component of singles competitions but were eliminated from those events in 1990. Today figures are rarely taught or performed. The United States was the last country to retain a separate test and competitive structure for compulsory figures, but the last national-level figures championship was held in 1999.

The original focus of the sport was the carving of specific figures into the ice. The patterns of compulsory figures all derive from the basic figure eight."

06-18-2008, 01:35 PM
The official name was "compulsory figures". I was told the nickname "school figures" was because the different figures taught the skater about all the different edges and turns, so doing them was like going to school.

06-18-2008, 07:05 PM
The official name was "compulsory figures". I was told the nickname "school figures" was because the different figures taught the skater about all the different edges and turns, so doing them was like going to school.
