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05-28-2008, 11:44 AM
Have you used a different program for freestyle testing than the one you use in competition? I'm competing in pre-bronze, but would like to start building a bronze test program, and was thinking of using totally different music/choreography/etc. Is that a bad idea? A skating friend of mine thought that the familiarity of my 'old' program would help, but when I reminded her that I'd have to change a bunch of the elements, she wasn't so sure anymore. Any thoughts?

Debbie S
05-28-2008, 11:59 AM
I competed in Pre-Bronze for 3 seasons, essentially. The first 2 (well, really 1 1/2), I had 1 program, and then, for the last year before I tested up, I got a new program that I eventually used for my Bronze FS test and then for a season of Bronze comps (with a few element changes). I felt like I had outgrown my first program, and was ready for new music, but not everyone changes their program between Pre-Bronze and Bronze - it depends on how long you use the program and how tired you get of hearing the music - lol. And if you outgrow the elements and choreo enough so that it would be easier to put together a new program instead of reworking the old.

Generally, it's not that hard to swap out elements in a program. I wouldn't get a new program just b/c of that, if you really like your current program and it's the right length and the choreo works.

05-28-2008, 09:13 PM
I've always used a different program (usually much easier for the test). Often there are requirements in the test that you may have in combination in your competition program.

For example, (elements in no particular order):

Bronze free program when I tested: Sit spin, back scratch, scratch spin, flip, sal, waltz toe. Basically those are the requirements.

Bronze free program when I competed: Camel-sit, layback, back scratch-forward scratch combo, lutz, flip toe, loop loop, half loop-one footed sal-sal

Current Silver competition program: Camel-sit-broken leg, layback, back scratch-forward scratch (subject to change when I have a better flying camel), lutz, lutz toe, loop loop, flip-half loop-sal, flip (flip to be replaced with an axel soon, and loop loop will probably be an axel loop eventually).

When I test my silver free, I'll have to change the camel-sit-broken leg to just a camel (which is required). The loop loop will become a plain loop (since a loop is required). Nothing I'll really have to practice or change.

05-29-2008, 01:13 PM
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to start on a new program for your Bronze test, especially now that the time limit for Bronze has gone up to 1:50. Not only will the different music keep you from getting confused during your program, but the extra time will also give you more room to "grow" during your first season in Bronze (for example, adding more positions and/or revolutions to your spins, which will make them take up more time).

05-29-2008, 04:21 PM
I've used the same program, but have taken out or added elements for the test. For bronze, I used my interpretive program, and for silver my silver program. The only programs I tested with but not competed with was for the standard and adult pairs tests.

Terri C
05-29-2008, 07:24 PM
I had the required elements that was needed to pass the Bronze test and pretty much used that for my Pre Bronze freeskate program. All I did in competition was do a toe loop/toe loop combination instead of the single toe loop..

Now that I've passed the Bronze free... and the music is 1:50..
I've decided to keep the same music that I've had the last three years as I had not competed the program much. Easterns was only my third time out with that program.
So my primary coach is going to make me a 1:50 cut and I've told myself to be ready for whatever Secondary Coach throws at me when it's time to choreograph.
I've already started working on flip and camel and more jump and spin combos .

05-30-2008, 09:28 AM
I had forgotten about the time increase. I think also that Doubletoe brought up a good point about possibly getting confused. Plus it's fun (for me, at least!) to look for new music, etc. So I will probably go for a totally new program for Bronze test, and keep my old comp program pre-bronze for now. Thanks everybody for your input.