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View Full Version : How did you and your coach get you ready to compete?

05-26-2008, 09:43 AM
Say,to all on-ice skater competitors here. I would like to ask you...when you first began to compete..how did you and your coach get you ready to compete? As far as what your training routine was,how your coach got you used to competing for the first time,etc.

Mrs Redboots
05-26-2008, 09:47 AM
Just went out and did it, as I recall... I mean, I told him what I was going to do, so he made sure I could do it to the best of my ability (which wasn't very high back then!), and helped me choreograph my free dance, which was basically just forward stroking and a couple of chassés.... well, never mind. And then I just went out and did it.

05-26-2008, 03:29 PM
Good question! We run through my program more often. I also like to do segments of the program over and over. If I'm working on an element, I do the steps in and out of it as well.

Rusty Blades
05-26-2008, 07:49 PM
Well I chose the music (with coach's approval) and we worked together on the choreography incorporating the best moves (in coach's opinion), then we (I!) practiced parts of the program until they were the way she liked them, and finally she had me do program run-throughs, then multiple run-throughs, then run-throughs with a short warm-up and no waiting, then run-throughs with a long wait.

My regular coach wasn't with me for my first competition but the head coach was - my first ever competition was Nationals last year so it was a big deal for me. I do my own thing for an hour or so to get in the right head space and then turn myself over to the coach. She makes sure I get to things at the right time: costume, skates, rink-side, etc., and keeps me centred between warm-up and competition.

That's about it .... that's all there is to it ;)