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View Full Version : What constitutes a spiral sequence?

Black Sheep
05-20-2008, 06:03 PM
I've just cut some new music for my new Gold FS program. The second part is slow music which would be great for having a spiral sequence in it! The problem is: What's in a spiral sequence that judges would give credit for? How many different positions (held for at least 3 secs. each, I know)? How much ice coverage? Thanks! ;)

05-20-2008, 06:55 PM
3 different spirals make up a spiral sequence. Serpentine is a good way to make up a spiral sequence.

I've just cut some new music for my new Gold FS program. The second part is slow music which would be great for having a spiral sequence in it! The problem is: What's in a spiral sequence that judges would give credit for? How many different positions (held for at least 3 secs. each, I know)? How much ice coverage? Thanks! ;)

05-20-2008, 11:54 PM
You have a spiral sequence whenever you do two or more spiral positions. Most skaters do 3 so they can utilize the entire ice surface. The entire ice surface is defined as red end line to red end line for a serpentine pattern (what most skaters do) or the full width of the rink for a circular pattern (within 7-10 feet of each side of the rink).

Latest ISU definition/guidelines:


A Spiral is a position with one blade on the ice and the free leg (including knee and foot) higher than the hip level.

Spiral positions are classified according to the skating leg (right, left), edge (outside, inside), direction (forward, backward) and position of the free leg (backward, forward, sideways).

Pattern of the Spiral Sequence - any combination of curves (spiral positions on a straight line are ignored and not counted in the number of positions).

Only the first 3 attempted positions are to be considered for Level features. Change of foot and unsupported spiral position must also be among the first 3 positions in order to be counted. If all these positions are executed with assistance of the hand/arm, Level can not be more than 1 (but GOE is not restricted). Minimum of 3 seconds in each position. In the Short Program no Level will be awarded if there is no change of foot at all; if there is a change of foot, but all position before or after this change are shorter than 3 sec., only Level 1 can be awarded.

05-21-2008, 01:53 AM
Okay so why did the coach put a 2-positions spiral in my programme covering 2/3rds of the ice when I have more than enough power to get the speed needed for a full ice coverage in that part of the programme? Also it's not like I can't do a variety of positions... Wow do I have something to talk to her about in september. :mrgreen:

05-21-2008, 08:59 AM
sessy, maybe your coach wanted the footwork sequence instead. Usually judges only want to see 1 of them (spiral OR footwork) and will ignore the other in terms of point value. Depending on your level, your test may ask for a footwork sequence. Ask your coach what the requirements are and you'll get your answer

05-21-2008, 01:38 PM
Hmmm that's probably the reason, I do have a boarding-to-boarding footwork sequence and she's worked with me separately from the rest of the class on edges and steps when I had that broken ankle, and part of those made it into the sequence.