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View Full Version : Exercises to tighten lateral twist of core?

05-19-2008, 07:37 AM
(Can't think what else to call this thread!)

My abs are reasonable forwards and backwards (so I can sit in a "V" with my legs straight and elevated for a significant period of time). They are also OK sideways (think Pilates position where you are sideways on one foot and the matching forearm with body in a straight line, not breaking at the hip).

The problem is that I can rotate the core (twist the shoulders counter to the hips) far too easily (and too far!), and can't really control it when I need to.

Any exercises I can do to strengthen the muscles controlling this? I don't want to lose the ability to rotate, but I would like to control it properly.


05-19-2008, 10:53 AM
Maybe try the machine at the gym where you sit in a sort of a chair, and have to rotate it 90 degrees against the weights? Man I love that thing at our gym, it tightens up my belly in like noooo time.

05-19-2008, 05:44 PM
Sounds like you are looking for off-ice suggestions, but for skating, nothing beats alternating FO3s on a line or 3s to center (a figure 8 with 3-turn at the top of each lobe).


05-19-2008, 07:05 PM
je, sorry yes I should have specified off-ice. Preferably ones I can do at home.

05-19-2008, 08:19 PM
sounds like you want to work your oblique muscles. you can do the bicycle crunch, rotate upper body to opposite knee, keeping legs lifted and knees at 90. sorry im pretty bad at describing this exercise maybe someone can make it clearer. :o)

another good exercise is using a medicine ball. you can do a full upper and lower body workout. holding a medicine ball close to your upper body take giant lunge steps, alternate- at each step down rotate your upper body.

step down with right foot, medicine ball close to chest-rotate upper body ALL THE WAY to the right , make sure to keep lower body low toground and stable.

take big giant lunge step onto left foot foward, medicine ball close to chest-rotate upper body ALL THEWAY to the left, etc.

only do this exercise if you know you have very good form on lunges (off ice!) and wear proper footwear, doing lunges with poor technique is a recipe for knee injury and ankle spraining. if you dont have a medicine ball a 3-5 lb dumbell should be just fine.

good luck!!

05-19-2008, 08:20 PM
there is an exercise called WOOD-CHOPS and it can be done with a medicine ball, dumb bells cables, and either standing or sitting.
here is one site:
if you google it "wood chops+exercise" you can also pick up some videos

i have been doing this for a while and it's good.

another one are PLANKS and SIDE-PLANKS WITH A PULSE (kills me) which is a side plank and you move your hips up and down for a certain count (start low).