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View Full Version : Which one move from each Discipline would you love to learn first and why?

03-18-2008, 06:44 PM
Ok Kids!!!! Time to please tell me which one move from each Discipline you would love to learn first,and why. Here's mine......

Freestyle = Give me a Spial anytime!!!!

Pairs = Um, I'd say..Death Spial.

Dance = LOL,very hard one. As I don't know any moves.

Synchronized Skating = easy!!!! Give me being lifted ANYTIME!!!!!


03-18-2008, 08:12 PM
Freestyle = ina bauer and laybacks

Pairs = pair sit spin

Dance = Biellman and upright spin

Synchronized Skating = move on the field

03-19-2008, 07:30 AM
Freestyle Layback spin
Pairs I can't choose! A throw jump, or a twist lift I think. But there are SO many cool pairs moves.
Dance I don't really know enough about dance to decide. I'd love to be able to do good twizzles.
Synchro Spread Eagle

These are the moves I want to learn most, not first. I assume first would be much more basic than this :)

03-19-2008, 08:16 AM
Good poll!

Freestyle: wow, hard to choose. Triple axel! Hey, or single axel. Either that, or crazy level 4 footwork done as well as Sasha Cohen.

Dance: I don't know specific moves in dance so let's just say I'd want to do what Tanith Belbin does and just as good 8-)

Pairs: I'm afraid of pairs. So let's just say side by side triple axel :P

Synchro: I've sort of got something for this - I want to be in a huge production of West Side Story on ice, and be in the scene where they have the dance at the gym and the music gets really fast. I don't know what specific move, but that's a huge skating fantasy of mine :mrgreen:

03-19-2008, 09:12 AM
Freestyle: An axel, but its just a dream

Dance: A decent samba, it's my favourite dance but I need a rocket behind me.

Pairs: A proper split twist, I always used to end up slapping my partners face on the way down :oops:

Synchro: I would just like to be able to learn things as quickly as the rest of the team, that isnt going to happen either.

03-19-2008, 09:20 AM
Freestyle: a perfect layback spin
Pairs: death spiral
Dance: 7000 twizzles in a row
Synchro: we're working on dropping back into the arms of the surrounding skaters and kicking up - it's pretty and a lot of fun - hope to master this this season.

Mrs Redboots
03-19-2008, 04:31 PM
If we're talking about a wish list:

Singles: loop jump. I still don't understand the way this works - I can understand how you do an axel (not that I can do one, but I can understand how to do it), but not a loop jump!

Dance: A fast, beautiful and difficult side-by-side step sequence.

Pairs: A beautiful, graceful overhead lift.

Synchro: Not interested; love to watch it, but not do it.