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View Full Version : What was it like the first day that you got lifted?

02-13-2008, 06:00 PM
Say,I know I've asked this before. Be we have some newbees. So I'll ask it again. What I'd like to know is what was it like the first day you got lifted as a skater? What did it feel like? What was that first lift like for you,etc.? Please include your Discipline.

02-13-2008, 06:02 PM
Can I turn this around? I lifted somebody else once. Which was much easier than I thought it would be, actually. LOL! And fun!
I was like "Dang, why wasn't I born a boy?" :lol:

Rusty Blades
02-13-2008, 07:51 PM
It was a few years ago .... like 44 8O .... I was 14 and fearless .... now I am 58 and MORTAL! ;)

That was Pairs.

Mrs Redboots
02-14-2008, 06:54 AM
It was off-ice and I'd had a few, which helped.... our first dance lift on ice, stone-cold sober... not so good! And I am NOT looking forward to trying our new lift on ice next week, either.

02-14-2008, 05:13 PM
I've never been lifted and I don't think I want to be! I think I have trust issues...

02-15-2008, 11:27 AM
Here's how to get over the fear of being lifted. (From a male skater that has worked with several pairs partners)

1) Always do any lift for the first time off-ice.
2) Have a coach show you the correct way to do the lift. Improper technique can hurt one or both skaters.
3) When learning a lift, have a spotter helping/watching. Having someone to break any falls can make you feel more comfortable.
4) Start with easy/training lifts - trash can, and stag lifts are very easy and lets you learn the basics with the girls feet just a few inches off the ice.
5) Then, move on to waist lifts (Group 1), and then armpit lifts (Group 2).
6) The guy needs to make sure he is doing off-ice weight lifting.

Overhead lifts:
- Most overhead lifts start with the guy lying on his back on the floor and holding the girl so that she feels the "balancing" that is needed. Depending on how she's built she has to learn how much bend legs up, and how much to bring arms forward or back.
- After getting comfortable on the floor the guy can move to his knees.

02-15-2008, 03:08 PM
It was awesome. But I'm pretty fearless (and a bit impulsive) now- this was when I was 15 or 16!

02-15-2008, 09:01 PM
Well. . .My old coach used to pick me up iin play from time to time and I loved it. =-)


02-16-2008, 06:42 AM
I used to find that the girls that were small enough for me to lift (I am only 5'9"!!) didn't want to do pairs but there were plenty of girls that were too big, like 5'11" plus, really wanted to go for it. I was the only pair guy at my rink, aside from one other who was only 10!! I think the problem is that the skaters parents made sure they wouldn't get into pairs fearing for their children's safety and this inate fear carried through with them as they grew and became more elegible. I understand that these folks don't want to see their kids get hurt but it makes it damn difficult to find partners, especially in the UK. My last partner came from spain and didn't work out, and no matter what she told herself, there was no way she was under 9 stone. Lifts are as much about timing as they are about strength but there is a limit to how much a guy can lift safely.