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View Full Version : Pro Shops in France/Switzerland

02-04-2008, 03:44 PM
Does anyone know of pro shops in the Geneva area of France/Switzerland, or in Lyon, France?

I am going on holiday there on thursday and my parents suggested that we have a look for skates there since i need new ones again! Hopefully they might be cheaper there or they may have more selection cus im strugging to find anything suitable......

My mum speaks quite good french and i speak a bit too but hopefully my aunty or cousins, who all speak fluent french will be able to come to the pro shop with us!

Mrs Redboots
02-05-2008, 05:53 AM
There's certainly a rink in Lyon - they had Europeans there a couple of years ago - but I don't know anybody who currently skates there to ask about a pro shop! Google might help, perhaps?

02-05-2008, 10:58 AM
hi mrs redboots, thanks for your reply

i tried google but couldnt seem to find anything on the english google and i dont know the fench word for 'pro-shop' lol

02-05-2008, 11:45 PM
I recently went to Switzerland and looked into how to get Graf boots just because I heard you could get them for so much cheaper in country. I didn't end up doing that for a few different reasons (and not being fluent in either French or German was a big part of that decision!) but I did find an easy list of distributors on the Graf site.

Sorry I don't have any personal knowledge to help you out. We skated a few different places but the rink I liked was in Neuchatel, which is in the French-speaking side of the country. It was called patinoire du littoral (lakeside?).

02-06-2008, 02:15 AM
I searched on French Google for you (magasins patinage sur glace lyon)

http://www.glace-danse.com -this one is in Lyon
http://www.ok-patinage.com -"french shop" for skating stuff. not sure if it's in Lyon, though.
http://www.passion-patinage.com/spip.php?rubrique36 - this one gives you a long list of shops/websites/rinks!

hope that helped ;)

peanutskates x

02-06-2008, 04:55 PM
peanutskates - thanks for the links, the top one was really helpful. i had already seen the bottom one but couldnt make much sense of it.

hopefully i will be able to go to the one in Lyon.

02-09-2008, 02:56 PM
it's ok. if you need any help translating websites - Google 'website translator', and you can type in the site and have the whole thing translated into English!

02-18-2008, 12:18 PM
i didnt manage to get to any of the proshops you mentioned because we were having too much fun skiing...

...untill i fractured my coccyx in 2 places lol

but thanks for the help anyway :)

Mrs Redboots
02-19-2008, 08:35 AM
Owww! Poor you, coccyxes do hurt worse than anything, I think, and fracturing it is seriously nasty!

Hope you will be able to skate again soon - or are you ignoring the discomfort and skating anyway? I expect sitting down is more problematical right now!

02-19-2008, 12:17 PM
i have been told by the doctor to stop skating for 15 days and then go and see my gp to ask further advice

at the moment im really struggling with getting to college and attending lessons b/c of it - cant sit down or lie down. i would love to go skating but am too scared to fall on it ....

02-19-2008, 12:20 PM
omg. you have all my sympathy. I hit my coccyx (not even a fracture) and it hurt soooo much. hope you have a speedy, speedy recovery (((hugs)))