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View Full Version : Early spring or yet more winter: 27 January-2 February

Mrs Redboots
01-27-2008, 10:33 AM
Since this week ends on what I think of as Candlemas, but I believe in the US is called Groundhog Day....

Nearly Spring: Back on the ice at last! Started choreographing our new free dance, although didn't make much progress. Ice lovely and quiet this morning.

Yet more winter: I think I spent most of the session with my bum stuck out, slightly scared, as we were going faster than I like! Did an off-ice workout after Church and am shocked at how out-of-condition I am - feel absolutely exhausted now!

01-27-2008, 11:52 AM
Working my way through the NISA level 1 field moves :) Edges were okay...spirals would be okay if I could turn my foot out. Crossovers...need to work on turning that foot (again) out/in and keeping my shoulders up and my chest out.

Not much today :D It was a pretty good practice. If I could just remember to open my hips...

01-27-2008, 12:57 PM
Early Spring: My university's synchro team took 2nd place out of 12 teams at the 2008 Eastern Sectional Synchronized Skating Team Championships held this past weekend in Richmond, VA! We had an amazing skate -- no falls, great timing and expression,etc. -- and beat out twelve other teams that have been around far longer than we have. (We're only in our second year together.) We competed in the open collegiate division and are now the 2008 Eastern Silver medalists! :mrgreen:

01-27-2008, 04:26 PM
practiced in a way crazy crowded public session this afternoon. That pretty well confined me to practicing spins and jumps at which I suck, because they take less space. It's not a bad thing to be forced to practice things you aren't good at, I feel like I made some progress. ;)

01-27-2008, 06:04 PM
I only went for show rehearsal...and didn't stay after for club ice. I was a popsicle after 30 minutes. Apparently the heat was out in the ENTIRE building and skating in the rink was as cold as outside, just no wind...BRRRRR!!!!

As always, groups are worked with first, so I was able to skate around and do nothing. But another skater and I did do some backspin stuff. Her tip seemed to help. She is a really good skater, very friendly and helpful and I appreciated her taking the time...plus we were both BORED & COLD!

We have a new boy skating, he is very good. His sister is in our club and she is a very nice skater and very friendly. They will be good additions to the show.

Our show is a take on Cats.....it should be interesting! My character is being adapted around my impending surgery....I will be able to sit or just do simple skating if need be.

01-27-2008, 09:18 PM
Early Spring: My university's synchro team took 2nd place out of 12 teams at the 2008 Eastern Sectional Synchronized Skating Team Championships held this past weekend in Richmond, VA! We had an amazing skate -- no falls, great timing and expression,etc. -- and beat out twelve other teams that have been around far longer than we have. (We're only in our second year together.) We competed in the open collegiate division and are now the 2008 Eastern Silver medalists! :mrgreen:

CONGRATS!! Maybe I saw you there! :) I didn't get to watch Open Collegiate, though. My team took 3rd in Adult.

Kim to the Max
01-27-2008, 10:18 PM
[early spring]

I feel as if I'm getting more spring and height on my axels...however that has not translated into landing them better/not cheated. Coach's only instructions for while she was away at Easterns (synchro) were to not have a complete meltdown (check....for now) and to land an axel (not check...but getting closer)... I have been focusing on pulling my legs in (and I have the marks on my right boot to prove it!) and pulling my arms in, which hopefully will help me eventually land this blasted jump.

For kicks, I did two double sals today :) Got the rotation, leg position was horrible and they were badly two footed, but if I start practicing them again, of course that will get better. I haven't done those in a long, long, long time...however, when I was skating competitively, my double sals were always better than my axels!

Worked on moves for the first session tonight...had a hard time getting in my power circles due to a small group number having a lesson to get ready for our show. Also worked on my leg position on the CW power 3s. Brackets felt a little funky, but I still got through them.

[yet more winter]

No ice on Tuesday, however, the campus rink has ice tomorrow if I can get out of my office before my 8:30-10:30pm meeting, otherwise there is an hour of "public" ice on Tuesday, and I should be able to duck out a bit early on Wednesday to get to the figure skating session that afternoon...as long as I go back to work for a bit that night...Thursday night I have a lesson with coach...hopefully I won't freak out too much...I just need to check tomorrow to see if the vending machine in my building has Twix bars...(superstition)...

The dress I had ordered in DECEMBER off of ebay still has not arrived (probably a postal problem...I think I had a very old address on my ebay account. I have the people I worked for there watching for it, but who knows...). I have a message out to a shop with a website that is 3 hours north of here (my local shop has nothing), to see if they have a dress that will work in stock. I hope that they have it. I would feel very weird and "unskater-like" if I tested in just a practice skirt.

01-28-2008, 03:36 AM
Yet More Winter:

Tried to go to home rink to skate today and ended up finding NO PARKING anywhere but this one parking lot where they were charging $20/flat rate for parking and I'm only gonna be there for about an hour and 15 minutes? No THANK YOU! Not that AOSS here... especially not for a public session!!! LOL!!!

Early Spring:
Found new inspiration to work on those darn moves... and his name is Braden Overett!!! :bow: I LOVE his choreography and footwork and he did a pretty decent job with Bebe's and Ryan Bradley's programs too, especially the straightline footwork!!! Of course, fat chance I'll ever get my basic skating down to the point where I'll even pass Silver Moves, never mind get those type of footwork. :roll: But I'm dopey enough that I'm gonna try for it anyway, just to see if I can do it. :P (Hell, it was against the odds that I would become a Bronze lady and go to AN too a while back... :P )

01-28-2008, 08:06 AM
Congrats to the synchro skaters - sounds like a fun competition.

Early spring last night at practice. Felt better than I have in a while. Session really too crowded to practice moves for very long. Worked on change foot spin, which somehow I did once well enough to pass Freestyle 3, but still can't do very well because of a lousy backspin. But my backspin is coming along better than it has ever been, so I'm getting encouraged! Had my first lesson on the Bronze moves. They don't seem too hard. Gotta start working on back 3's b/c those are going to take a looong time to learn. Only can do one now.

Oh, yes, and ordered new skates!! Jackson Elites. And I can keep my old blade (which sounds like a good thing given the blade backorders people have been complaining about).

01-28-2008, 08:22 AM
CONGRATS!! Maybe I saw you there! :) I didn't get to watch Open Collegiate, though. My team took 3rd in Adult.

That's great! Unfortunately, we were so busy that weekend between practices and just getting into Richmond that I didn't get a chance to watch the Adult competition. Congratulations anyway!

01-28-2008, 10:15 AM
Well, first private lesson back post-partum. Coach asks, "So what do you want to work on?" My answer: Back crossovers and mohawks. My back crosses feel out of whack timing-wise and I need to work some drills to get more comfy doing mohawks at higher speeds.

So we started in on back crossovers and, like always, it's a knee bend issue. I'm also not always stepping out on a RBO edge CCW, so need to work on that. I've been struggle in on crossovers and freezing in our synchro program -- in one case because the person I connect to is really unstable and forward and pushes my arm forward (I hate blaming others, but I just don't have my core strength back to correct this issue), and in the other it's right before a scary fast pass-through and I don't like how fast we're going -- and the people I'm to connect to take off and I can't catch them. Whe we get connected, all is fine.

Learned the 5-step mohawk combination from the Bronze MIF test. I'm a little tentative and not pushing too much -- my lobes are just barely taller than me, LOL!

Moved on to my nemisis: three turns. Nailed both FO on the first shot (shocking both myself and my coach) RFI on the second try and LFI was non-existant, LOL!

Moved on to scratch spin and have determined that this is actually a tad bit better than when I stopped practicing before Violet -- I'm two footing the entrance less severly and hitting a very balanced neutral. Not getting my foot crossed and still two-footing the choctaw, but it's not putrid, LOL!

Did 1/2 flips as they're in our syncrho program -- from mohawk, all is fine, from crossovers, ick. Believe it or not, I'l lipping the 1/2 flip directly from crossovers, LOL!

Group lesson: Since I'm already at the rink and there's a low freestyle class before the tot lesson I teach, I've been taking that class as "directed practice" I told the instructor she doesn't need to devote too much energy to me as I'm really only auditing. We worked more on scratch spins -- it's sort of funny because the four pre-teens in the class are flinging themseleves into toe-pick spins like they're going out of style and I'm puttering along with a well-balanced spin that I'm afraid to push into and, in reality, I'm NOT the one who is going to fall out of the spin, LOL! Also did waltz jumps and toe loops -- on the wall. Instructor told me I was nuts and landing them perfectly and to get off the wall! LOL! I so don't want to do that... She shook her head and said "Even as slow as you're going, you're not toe-waltzing that toe loop. You're doing these text-book perfect! Don't be a chicken!"

Easier said than done...

Rusty Blades
01-28-2008, 11:45 AM
More Winter: I don’t normally make the 2 hour round trip to the city unless I have to work and today was a Monday off for me but because a major storm is forecast for tonight and tomorrow and because I have only 3 weeks before the next competition I REALLY can't afford to miss my Tuesday session so I skated today.

The first day of skating after the weekend usually isn’t my best. It takes me awhile to get down in the knees for the Sit spin and Shoot the Duck and today was no exception. It was a light session (only 2 other skaters from 7:00 to 8:00) and I intended to work hard in the second hour so I took it easy warming up the edges, spins and jumps and just trying to limber up.

Not quite spring: By 8:15 I was the only one on the ice so I stuffed my MP3 player and FM transmitter in my pocket (which allows me to play my music from out on the ice) and started working on my Bronze Free program. Coach and I had about 1:20 of the 2 minutes choreographed so I skated through that, to the music. I omitted the 2 individual jumps early in the program but did the Waltz/Toe combination and adlibbed the last 40 seconds. Ok, not bad, but I can do better than that!

Sunshine and Daffodils: On the second pass, I used my best elements for the last 40 seconds - OH YEA! That works! On the third time through my legs were getting too rubbery to do the footwork sequence but the rest of the program went well and I liked ending it with power and speed! :mrgreen:

A Chilly Breeze: As I was draped over the boards gasping for breath, head coach went by and said “Ok, DOUBLE run-through!” I glared at her and said “That was the THIRD!” and she laughed. (Coaches are just plain MEAN!) She made some very positive remarks about how far I have come in 2 years and that is always nice (particularly when you are draped over the boards like an old rug and wondering if you will ever walk again!)

After the fourth run-through I was totaled, completely rubber-legged - can’t “slack off” and keep up with the music - but I REALLY like the program with that ending :mrgreen: All that remains is to do it with the individual jumps in place and survive until competition!

Warm Sunshine: What a hellofa skate! Everybody needs one of those every once in awhile ;)

Now it had BETTER storm tomorrow so I can't get to the city or my coach will want me to do multiple run-throughs again - 8O

01-28-2008, 01:10 PM
yet more winter - dragging my tired self to rink in the cold and dark. Running late, and slow to get moving. I practiced edge rolls, paying attention to arms and shoulders, per my lesson notes. It was mostly a lousy spin day and not very jumpy

early spring - two birds flying around the rink (yes, indoors, why do you ask?) started singing when the sun rose through the windows. It was cheery, my program runthroughs went quite decently.

01-28-2008, 05:48 PM
Working on silver and gold moves, 8 step is nice and even both sides are equal in size and shape, slightly less power CW but better mohawk. Coach is getting picky on cross cut/strokes more extension, 3's are very easy for me, double forward 3's are easier...power stroking seems good and chasse pattern is nice, coach can tell I actually tried on that one.

Worked on dances for 20 minutes non stop almost had a coronary, endurance needs a lot of work, managed, euro, 14, american, R fox 6 Patterns, and fox also 6 patterns, but not very pretty.:halo:

Still have issues with RBI/O edges with too much power and RBO bracket. They were very painful to do and my head remembers it so I tend to tense up on those moves and lock my knee. Still much better than this time last year when I physically could not do them at all.

01-28-2008, 05:55 PM
Took the twins to Tae Kwon Do and made a list of their test elements, along with how the class practices each move.

Spring: Of course, I had to run through it with them a few times. I did pretty good at the kicks, they were high and well-balanced.

Winter: Now my hip is sore - must be doing the kicks wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

01-28-2008, 07:45 PM
Spring: Our Daughter competed in the ISI Lake Placid competition last weekend. We all had a great time. Her programs are on our Youtube page if you would like to see them.


Winter: One of the freestyle sessions that she regularly skates at was lost to hockey this week :(

01-28-2008, 07:47 PM
early spring - two birds flying around the rink (yes, indoors, why do you ask?) started singing when the sun rose through the windows.

I always wonder about the eventual fate of such birds. I've got a soft heart for the wild creatures.

Early Spring: I hadn't been able to skate since last Wednesday's disaster because of work that took me through the weekend. I was able to make this evening's freestyle session and things went MUCH better than last week. Speed and familiarity came back after a lengthy 15 minute warmup.

It's certainly true that getting INTO the ice works so much better. It FEELS much better too with deep knees working away. There are still elements where my legs are too stiff, but stroking in particular lets me sink down where it feels SO nice. And it's SO fast.

I'm pleased with my skating tonight.

01-28-2008, 09:24 PM
Took the twins to Tae Kwon Do and made a list of their test elements, along with how the class practices each move.

Spring: Of course, I had to run through it with them a few times. I did pretty good at the kicks, they were high and well-balanced.

Winter: Now my hip is sore - must be doing the kicks wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I did Tae Kwon Do about 40 years ago. I had a purple belt and was working on brown when I quit. I was able to break 4 boards with a flying side kick, and think I still could, except that I would have to be carted off by ambulance afterwards :lol:.

I was able to make this evening's freestyle session and things went MUCH better than last week. Speed and familiarity came back after a lengthy 15 minute warmup. <snip> I'm pleased with my skating tonight.

Ha! Told you so ;).

Haven't skated for myself since my lesson on Friday, but gave a lesson tonight on pre-pre moves, and felt pretty good on the ice. Will try to get to outdoor rink for an hour tomorrow morning -then have to start with work again. May get some time in the early afternoon.

Rusty Blades
01-29-2008, 04:03 AM
Definitely Winter: The anticipated blizzard has arrived. Roads closed all over, "travel not advised" on most everything else. No skating this morning. Nothing to do but sit and wait it out.

01-29-2008, 08:57 AM
Spring - had a great practice session and only 4 of us on the ice. Lots of room for spirals, bauers and such and time at the end to play "can you do this" with one of the kids. Lots of fun.

Mrs Redboots
01-29-2008, 09:35 AM
early spring - two birds flying around the rink (yes, indoors, why do you ask?) started singing when the sun rose through the windows. It was cheery, my program runthroughs went quite decently.As long as they didn't leave little messages all over the ice! I heard the dawn chorus when we left for the rink this morning, which was very nice.

Winter: Coach1 has run quite mad and given us steps that he knows darn well I won't be able to do well in our step sequence. Actually, working out what the problem was (apart from bottle!) and seeing why I couldn't quite do them was quite interesting. But if he thinks I'm going to do a rocker all by myself when Husband isn't holding me up, he really does have another think coming! This is the man who says I'll never do the Level 4 compulsories well enough to test.... sheesh.

Signs of spring: Well, so I may not, but I ran through a Dutch Waltz, just for fun, without the music or anything, just counting - and I have never done it better! Filled the rink far, far more than I ever have before. I stopped after one pattern, didn't think I could possibly do two!

01-29-2008, 10:35 AM
the dreadful - i can't feel my legs symptom appeared tonight. It was horrible, I got on the ice and I popped my first lutz jump. And then I popped the second, and the third...
After my coach told me to just do it... it finally fixed itself ... :frus:
I forgot my program twice in the middle but managed to remember a few seconds after that...
Fell on my double salchow in the program, out of the program... it was a mess today.

early spring:
Landed probably one of the nicest axels in a program ever, I was like woah nice one and then thats how I forgot what to do next :giveup:

01-29-2008, 10:50 AM
It's working 9/10 great in programme, and not at all out of it!!! What the? :?: :?:
Aren't things supposed to work worse in programme than out of it?

Oh yeah I did more scratch- and 1-foot spins today holding my blade guards in my right hand and 7 out of 8 were perfectly centered. Without it, they're all over the place... My sit spin was working a lot better with guards too.
I think I'll continue practicing with the blade guards for a while, try to get it into my muscle memory, whatever it is I'm doing...

The ice was really bad today (as in, perfect mirror but ROCK hard, I was skidding all over the place and my edges are sharp.) Horrible as far as trying to practice MIF, I can tell you...

My skating friend is back from Australia though. We intend to kick eachother's butts into stretching, since we both seem to not feel very much like it. :mrgreen:

01-29-2008, 11:15 AM
Spring or Winter (not sure yet!):

I'm signed up to test Silver Moves and to re-test the Canasta Tango and Rhythm Blues in less than 3 weeks. Must practice!!

01-29-2008, 01:01 PM
Oh yeah I did more scratch- and 1-foot spins today holding my blade guards in my right hand and 7 out of 8 were perfectly centered. Without it, they're all over the place...

Heh...a similar thing happens to me. When I attempt a scratch spin with my left hand at my hip, and outstretch my right arm, I can generally center better than in a normal spin.

Heck, if I enter the spin with both arms BEHIND my back, I usually center better.

Now why in the heck IS that?

01-29-2008, 01:21 PM
Winter winter winter winter.

I think that ever since we choreographed my program 2 weeks ago, most elements have been getting worse. 2-foot spin? FI pivot? Half-flip? Forget it. They all suck. Spin: I travel halfway to Timbuktu, can't find a center to save my life. Pivot: I don't know what I'm doing now that I wasn't doing 2 weeks ago, but darnit! they don't work! Half-flip: I don't know; I just have a mental block.

I've been trying to look very much on the bright side (and indeed, waltz jumps, edges, and spirals are all consistently good & solid), but I'm discouraged to the point of wanting to just pitch the skates in the trash. I don't know what my problem is, and coach isn't seeing anything wrong specifically (she's pushing me more to keep practicing over and over, but if I keep doing everything wrong over and over, how does that help?) so what the heck do I do to fix these?

Oh, and dd wet her pants at school for the second day in a row. . . Not quite sure what's going on with the kiddo. . . :(

01-29-2008, 02:24 PM
Heh...a similar thing happens to me. When I attempt a scratch spin with my left hand at my hip, and outstretch my right arm, I can generally center better than in a normal spin.

Heck, if I enter the spin with both arms BEHIND my back, I usually center better.

Now why in the heck IS that?

That one I can explain to you. You need to lead into the rotation with your left shoulder (sort of push it back and down with the muscles that go from your shoulder down along your shoulderblade and back), and bring your right arm along with your right leg around.
The pulling into it and the discovery of those muscles was very important for me to center it (more over, it's for all the spins, not just the scratch).

01-29-2008, 04:33 PM
Loop and loop-loops at speed again! (Hmmmm? Where were YOU the last two weeks of my lessons??? :?? ) I did a very NICE one after my primary coach taunted me by saying I should be doing "that" (an axel that the student that he was teaching was doing...) :twisted: I landed a NICE and FAST loop-loop CLEAN in front of him just to get his goat! :twisted:

Flip is crappy again! And my lutz tries aren't that great either. I did land one or two of them, but they were royally cheated on the takeoff... :oops: :frus:

Everything else is "thawing..." :mrgreen:

01-29-2008, 05:45 PM
Annoyed with my coach today as he also teaches my daughter and has just announced he is no longer going to teach on Mondays which is the one day the patch is less crowded and daughter can get her music on and practice. Her other lessons are Saturday mornings (which have become ridiculous and dangerous since the coaches have all started doing group lessons on patch - one Saturday I counted 50 Yes fifty8O skaters ranging from almost complete beginners to those doing axels/doubles. Of course the coaches get more money from groups, so now they all do it but surely there should be a limit) and Wednesday mornings when she gets no practice time, having to rush off to school.

Why just stop in the middle of a term with no notice?:evil: Anyway I did let him know I was annoyed but it doesnt' change anything.

Summer: imagining coach's head on the ice and my blades landing on it was very therapeutic and did wonders for my jumps! Coach now says he will have to make me angry before any competitions:x

more summer: I did get a nice compliment from another adult learner today who said she thought I looked elegant and graceful on the ice (she must be the only person who has ever applied those words to me but nice all the same!). Oh and test programme actualy went very well today considering I've only ever run it through properly two or three times before - and that I was still annoyed at the time!

Terri C
01-29-2008, 07:16 PM
Early Spring:
Had good runthroughs of both my Artistic program and my Bronze CM program on lesson!! Tacked on some good loops at the end of lesson too!

Yet More Winter:
This was all done on the downside of the head cold I've had for the last few days or so.
Secondary Coach is cutting her teaching time back after our next competition in two weeks. I may not be working with her come July. When Primary Coach returns from her PSA gathering, I'll discuss with her my options/candidates for a new secondary coach.

Kim to the Max
01-29-2008, 07:45 PM
[Early Spring]

No ice tonight at my normal rink, but went to the rink on campus for an hour tonight.

[Yet more Winter]

There was skate and shoot right before the open hour, and they didn't cut the ice in between, which meant that the ice sucked.

[Early Spring]

Moves were okay. Brackets were more sure, power circles were good, as were the double 3s and the CCW power 3s, and slips and rips. However,

[Yet more Winter]

Nerves are setting in...I'm not at total meltdown, but I can feel myself getting worked up... The CW power 3s were failing me today...I have been concentrating on my leg position, which means that I'm feeling unsure about them. And some of my friends who were eating close to the rink stopped by, which didn't make things better. Plus, some of the folks I work with have been asking what time I test...which I assume means that they want to come watch. While I understand that they are trying to be supportive, I would much rather them come to an exhibition than a test. I just don't know how to tell them that, knowing that they want to come and support me. What I keep telling this is that it's not a freestyle test and that it won't be exciting... The other part of it is that while skating does come up when I'm at work, I tend to keep those two things separate... Oh well...That is not what I need to focus on...I need to focus on making sure my moves are spot on and that I have a dress to wear on Friday!

And on to that other drama in my life right now...I ordered a dress off ebay in December. It hadn't come as of 2 weeks ago...I e-mailed them...it got lost in the mail...so they said they were going to resend it...it's still not here. I was gone all last week, so I couldn't do anything about it. So now, I am scrambling to find a dress to wear. I contacted a shop 3 hours away on Sunday, they were checking to see if they had a certain dress in stock on Monday, well...it's Tuesday and I still haven't heard from them. I called and e-mailed today, so hopefully I hear from them. At this point, I'm going to have to pay for overnight shipping, which is going to suck....

[Early Spring]

I'm going to skate the open freestyle tomorrow on campus, and then I have a final lesson with coach on Thursday and the test session on Friday.

01-29-2008, 09:43 PM
Nerves are setting in...I'm not at total meltdown, but I can feel myself getting worked up... The CW power 3s were failing me today...I have been concentrating on my leg position, which means that I'm feeling unsure about them. And some of my friends who were eating close to the rink stopped by, which didn't make things better. Plus, some of the folks I work with have been asking what time I test...which I assume means that they want to come watch. While I understand that they are trying to be supportive, I would much rather them come to an exhibition than a test. I just don't know how to tell them that, knowing that they want to come and support me. What I keep telling this is that it's not a freestyle test and that it won't be exciting... The other part of it is that while skating does come up when I'm at work, I tend to keep those two things separate... Oh well...That is not what I need to focus on...I need to focus on making sure my moves are spot on and that I have a dress to wear on Friday!

And on to that other drama in my life right now...I ordered a dress off ebay in December. It hadn't come as of 2 weeks ago...I e-mailed them...it got lost in the mail...so they said they were going to resend it...it's still not here. I was gone all last week, so I couldn't do anything about it. So now, I am scrambling to find a dress to wear. I contacted a shop 3 hours away on Sunday, they were checking to see if they had a certain dress in stock on Monday, well...it's Tuesday and I still haven't heard from them. I called and e-mailed today, so hopefully I hear from them. At this point, I'm going to have to pay for overnight shipping, which is going to suck....

No, don't give into the CW back power 3's! 8O You can beat them! I don't know if my big "aha!" fix will be relevant to your leg issue, but it has been working like a charm for me every time, so here it is: On the entrance edge to the first one, I think about completely straightening and extending my free leg and pointing the toe so that there's a straight line all the way from my right hand to the tips of my right toes. That helps me control the curve of the edge as well as keeping my free leg still and closed. It also keeps me from rushing the first turn. Then it's just set, point, turn, push, set point, turn, push. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D

If all else fails, could you just wear a skating skirt and warmup jacket? That's what I wore last time and it was absolutely fine, since it was just a MIF test, not a freestyle program. Saved me lots of money on a dress. ;)

And yeah, I'd just lie to my friends and tell them it's two hours later. :twisted: Pressure and distraction is the last thing you need on a MIF test!

Now I'm off to make some sacrifices for both of us to the Skate Gods for Friday. . .

Kim to the Max
01-29-2008, 10:54 PM
No, don't give into the CW back power 3's! 8O You can beat them! I don't know if my big "aha!" fix will be relevant to your leg issue, but it has been working like a charm for me every time, so here it is: On the entrance edge to the first one, I think about completely straightening and extending my free leg and pointing the toe so that there's a straight line all the way from my right hand to the tips of my right toes. That helps me control the curve of the edge as well as keeping my free leg still and closed. It also keeps me from rushing the first turn. Then it's just set, point, turn, push, set point, turn, push. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D

If all else fails, could you just wear a skating skirt and warmup jacket? That's what I wore last time and it was absolutely fine, since it was just a MIF test, not a freestyle program. Saved me lots of money on a dress. ;)

And yeah, I'd just lie to my friends and tell them it's two hours later. :twisted: Pressure and distraction is the last thing you need on a MIF test!

Now I'm off to make some sacrifices for both of us to the Skate Gods for Friday. . .

I will not give in to the CW Power 3s! I refuse!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I have a skirt that I could wear, and if all else fails, I will wear that, however, I just know for me, wearing a dress would put me into the mind frame of testing better...it's a psychological thing :)

Sending tons of positive thoughts your way!!

01-30-2008, 07:00 AM
This is for last night's skate...I was zonked by the time I got home (have a very bad head cold):

Early Spring: Ok, yell at me-I did toe-loops and they ROCKED!!! I only did 3. Also did some salchows from mohawks, which everyone says are not full-rotation jumps...whatever. they were nice.

More Winter: the heat is STILL out in our rink, so besides the Under Armour Cold Gear, long sleeved t-shirt, fleece jacket, and club jacket and the matching stuff on the bottom of my body......IT WAS FRICKIN' COLD!!!!!!!!!! I even had the toasty-toes in my boots and after 45 minutes on the ice my toes were numb....and I still had to teach! Word is-it's to be fixed (hopefully) Wednesday).

My cold was really knocking me out so I could not even backspin. However, 3-turns were good on my left side. I've been doing strengthening exercises on my left leg just to maintain muscle tone.

My surgery (discectomy) is scheduled for February 29th. Pat, I'm having it done at Christiana-I'm sure I'll be in good hands up there!!! Word is I will have to stay overnight (boo!!!) but that's ok. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Until then, I'm skating. And trying to behave like my doctor wants me to! :giveup:

01-30-2008, 07:45 AM
*whispers: I don't want the evil gods to hear me: good luck to our test-takers this week!
Hoping for clean skates with no reskates or retests.*


Early Spring:
Spins were good, I did a really nice sideways-leaning spin, not a layback by any means, but a nice attitude spin.
MITF were better, even dodging the giant coned-off ice mess.
(Coolant leak; they had to dig up the ice in a 3' patch between red/blue lines near the wall.)
Made it difficult to use hockey lines for the alt 3's - too much traffic.
Half jumps are all solid, but those singles are making me insane.
Tango stops were excellent - now I'm trying to do the one-foot version; I think someone called it a "show stop?"

Yet More Winter:
Why can't I land these singles!!!????!!! I landed loops last year with lov2sk8, yet this year, nada.
Practicing two-foot spins with an entrance was funny - I can't believe how much distance I can get on them - roflol!
Salchows were a misery and I think I'm cheating my toe loop this week.

I have a ton of work to do for work, but I'm going to try and sneak out for a quick skate or gym workout.

01-30-2008, 08:23 AM
cold dismal rainy winter - windy and rainy skating outdoors this morning. It wasn't my spins totally sucking, it was the gusts of wind knocking me off balance. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. :giveup:

01-30-2008, 08:32 AM
It's good for you, Liz - makes you stronger. lol

What do you do to make yourself presentable after a skate session like that? Do you go to work or home first?

01-30-2008, 09:00 AM
It's good for you, Liz - makes you stronger. lol

What do you do to make yourself presentable after a skate session like that? Do you go to work or home first?

I bring my work clothes in a separate bag and change into them after, either at the rink or in the bathroom at work. If I'm really revolting there's a fitness center in my office building where I can shower.

01-30-2008, 09:02 AM
My lesson has been postponed to Friday due to the Olympia being down. (Battery died.) No ice cut and no coaches there.

I got a call from my secondary coach asking to move my lesson to an EVEN EARLIER TIME!!! ACK!!!! I'm gonna DIEEEEEE!!!! :frus:

Okay, I shouldn't complain. It's only by 15 minutes...

... and I'm going back to bed NOW to catch up on some much needed sleep!!! :mrgreen: http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/muede/d035.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/muede/g060.gif

01-30-2008, 09:34 AM
I bring my work clothes in a separate bag and change into them after, either at the rink or in the bathroom at work. If I'm really revolting there's a fitness center in my office building where I can shower.I just thought you'd be wind-swept and your hair would be all tangled. (From someone who used to skate outdoors in the rain/wind/snow/sleet....) Wasn't implying that you were "revolting" but I'd bet you'd have an empty seat next to you on the subway, lol. I used to work where Credit Lyonnais (52nd/6th) is now and often used the fitness center after skating at Rock Center.

01-30-2008, 09:50 AM
Lesson today -

Spring--still doing slalloms to warm up for one foot power pulls - coach says I'm doing really well and to work on that another week and we will start the one foot next time. In fact overheard her telling a younger student who is working on power pulls as well that mine were more powerful than hers and she needed to practice more!

We worked some more on mohawks, getting a real stretch before changing feet, remembering to tighten my gluts so that I don't over rotate after the change- that's still deep into winter

Thaw - back outside edges from Bronze moves - on my right crossover I tend to go up on my toe on the left foot and she made me concentrate on keeping my heel down. I realized how much up on my toe I was when I tried to keep the heel down. Also I was turning my head before the crossover and that was wrecking my pattern. Do not turn my head until I have finished the crossover and am starting a new edge.


Mrs Redboots
01-30-2008, 11:26 AM
Spring: Breakthrough on Mohawks, inside 3s and general using inside edges to do something with. Realised that when I do an inside edge, I've been trained always to do it contra-body, i.e. with the opposite arm and shoulder forward. Never practice them with-body.... so natch, can't do things like Mohawks or inside 3s from them!

So spent awhile doing 3 inside edges (making sure I rise in the knees, coach1 said) followed by a Mohawk, and then doing a crossover, inside edge (as in Russian stroking) into a Mohawk, cross over, step forward, cross over, Mohawk on the other side, with coach1 waxing lyrical about my tracings!

Winter: And if I try putting it after a FO swing roll, as is currently choreographed? I am doing that swing roll countered, probably in self-protection!!!! Ah well. As coach1 said, "It's only your second day of practising!"

01-30-2008, 11:49 AM
[CENTER]*whispers: I don't want the evil gods to hear me: good luck to our test-takers this week!
Hoping for clean skates with no reskates or retests.*

***quietly seconded!!!***

-had a major meltdown at my lesson last week! There were many tears involved, and it was pretty ugly!
-axel hasn't been so consistent
-I think my camel may also be psycho, or perhaps has decided to leave me to visit Sessy!
-flying camel is still a little weak and layback is traveling cross country!
-I'm still ending my program way after the music, so some tinkering may be necessary
-I'm ready for Sectionals to be over now so that I can move on!!!! I'm kind of glad I'm not doing AN this year. I don't think I could take another month of this program!

-I got some really great advice from some of my skating friends, and a cute eCard from my coach's dogs/ children after the aforementioned major meltdown.
-some axels have returned to me, but not the really good ones
-I am getting through my program with good stamina, and it may be time to move on to the dreaded double run-throughs
-I landed a few double salchows with only a 1/4 cheat!!!

01-30-2008, 12:43 PM
I will not give in to the CW Power 3s! I refuse!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I have a skirt that I could wear, and if all else fails, I will wear that, however, I just know for me, wearing a dress would put me into the mind frame of testing better...it's a psychological thing :)

Sending tons of positive thoughts your way!!

Yes! Sending tons your way, too! We can do it!! :D

P.S. Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)

01-30-2008, 12:48 PM
Practicing two-foot spins with an entrance was funny - I can't believe how much distance I can get on them - roflol!Ok, I'll bite...what entrance??? Do you just skate into it then flip your foot around to start the spin? Or do you do something different?? (I'm probably not explaining it right)

Debbie S
01-30-2008, 01:00 PM
Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)How about the teenager at the rink I skate at on Saturday who skates around the ice yelling "Excuse me!" (and I mean yelling) everywhere she goes, even if no one is in her path or even near her? Seriously. An adult skater friend of mine and I started mimicking her last Saturday (one of those times you get so mad you either have to make jokes or explode) - "Excuse me, you're obstructing my work toward my second retry on Silver Moves!" :lol: :lol:

Another adult skater there told me she just stopped paying attention to the kid (the proverbial Little Boy That Cried Wolf), b/c several times she'd hear "excuse me" and stop immediately, thinking the kid was right behind her...and then she'd look and see the kid 30 feet away. :roll:

Seriously, good luck to all who are testing this week! You can do it! (said in a whisper.....)

01-30-2008, 01:19 PM
Yes! Sending tons your way, too! We can do it!! :D

P.S. Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)

Are virgin sacrifices are out of fashion this season? Shoot! I had such a nice stock of them in my cellar. Now what will I do with all of them?

01-30-2008, 01:21 PM
***quietly seconded!!!***
-I think my camel may also be psycho, or perhaps has decided to leave me to visit Sessy!

I bet whatever they have is contagious! After all, the last time all the camels ran off at the same time, too.

BTW the competition in March does require at least 1 jump. I'm not sure if a half-loop would count so just to be on the safe side I'm gonna practice waltz jumps in the wrong-for-me clockwise direction tomorrow. Hah, that'll be fun. Maybe I'll try a flip in the wrong direction, wouldn't that be fun! I do intend to practice lots of MIF otherwise though. And prolly get my skates sharpened again, too. I hate the ice at our rink, they keep it so hard I have to get my blades sharpened every 3 weeks or so, even though they feel perfectly fine at other rinks, at ours they just skid. :(
... when pushing off from standstill! :evil:

01-30-2008, 01:23 PM
P.S. Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)I think the playtime kid, definitely. (You're a little scary, y'know?) roflol!

Ok, I'll bite...what entrance??? Do you just skate into it then flip your foot around to start the spin? Or do you do something different?? (I'm probably not explaining it right)Any entrance - I usually do it from a standstill because I teach it that way. I tried a crossover/hold entrance with slapping my free foot down, a two-foot glide start, and something else. All required traveling money, lol.

Who practices two-foot spins when you can already do a scratch and back scratch spin -- only people getting ready for a test. lol

01-30-2008, 01:32 PM
I just thought you'd be wind-swept and your hair would be all tangled. (From someone who used to skate outdoors in the rain/wind/snow/sleet....) Wasn't implying that you were "revolting" but I'd bet you'd have an empty seat next to you on the subway, lol. I used to work where Credit Lyonnais (52nd/6th) is now and often used the fitness center after skating at Rock Center.

A hairbrush and barrette fixes the hair in about two minutes. I go for a drip dry look most days anyway - I'd rather be skating than styling!

July and August, rushing to work from skyrink I can be pretty sweaty. Not so much in rock center season except the first and last couple of weeks.

01-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Who practices two-foot spins when you can already do a scratch and back scratch spin -- only people getting ready for a test. lol

LOL! That's what I thought when I did my PB test- the 2 foot spin was my worst element (well, the jumps were probably worse, but I was least comfortable with it) because I hadn't done one in ages! I ended up with the crossovers into a wind up and setting my foot down approach. I don't think I traveled during the test, but it took awhile to stop traveling. The 2 foot glide start was the worst for traveling, and coach said NO WAY to stand still starting (though the test doesn't really specify).

Kim to the Max
01-30-2008, 01:51 PM
Yes! Sending tons your way, too! We can do it!! :D

P.S. Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)

I say one of each just to be sure :twisted: ;)

I can also round up a few college students I work with....

01-30-2008, 01:57 PM
Do you think the Skating Gods would prefer a sacrifice of a young child who freezes in the path of my back power 3's or one who thinks freestyle sessions are her playtime? :twisted: ;)YES!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Good luck to all you test takers out there!!! :bow:

01-30-2008, 02:18 PM
Good luck to all you test takers out there!!! :bow:


01-30-2008, 04:23 PM
I think the playtime kid, definitely. (You're a little scary, y'know?) roflol!

Any entrance - I usually do it from a standstill because I teach it that way. I tried a crossover/hold entrance with slapping my free foot down, a two-foot glide start, and something else. All required traveling money, lol.

Who practices two-foot spins when you can already do a scratch and back scratch spin -- only people getting ready for a test. lol
Well that is interesting, i never thought about doing it that way! I usually skate forward, glide on 2-feet, then do a 3-turn-type thingy with my left foot to start spinning.

I practice 2-foot spins a lot. And when i can't seem to spin any other way, I go waaaaay backk to the 2-foot. If I can't do a good 2-foot spin I hang it up for the session cause it means my balance is too crazy to spin. I can get a really fast 2-foot going on a good day.

01-30-2008, 04:34 PM
Early Spring: Finally getting the hang of my double sal. I'm still a little off axis so it's causing me to have some funny landings. I'm still adjusting my take-off to make this easier. Double loop is making some serious progress. I gotta take it easy on the power though. I either overrotate or underrotate. Trying my best to make the landings as smooth as possible. Double flip is working well so long as I don't rush the take-off. I can't seem to do a single lutz anymore. It overrotates on it's own. :twisted: I guess that means I need to start working on Double lutz again. Flying Camel is improving. I got 5 revs out of it. It's still slow but I'm going for 8 revs. I won't complain.

Extra Long Winter: My double toe is still horrible but getting better. I'm having a hard time with this jump because it is the only jump that I pic with my left foot. I'm so focused on not cheating the jump that I don't get the height I need to finish the rotation. My back is still rounded on my back sit. Trying to fix that. I'm about as flexible as a tree trunk :oops: so I'm definitely working on that.

My 2 year skating anniversary is February 12!!!! I can't believe I've been doing this for 2 years and I'm still motivated!!!! Whoo-hoo!!! :mrgreen:


01-30-2008, 05:48 PM
Early Spring: Man, coach worked my butt off today!!! I'm signed up to test the Killian next Friday, rescheduled from when I was sick last month.

So at the beginning of the lesson I asked "Do you think I should still do it next week?" and he just said "We'll see."

SO--45 minute lesson, all Killian, all the time!! Started out with SIX patterns w/ the music. The we worked on some technique issues, and did one or 2 patterns w/o music to get those things pulled back together. THEN, the drills began! 2 patterns with music. Then when the next song comes on, 3 patterns. Then with the next song, 4 patterns. Then 2 again, then 3. By this time I was literally slumped over the boards between rounds, gasping for breath. (for those who are unfamiliar, here's a Killian (http://youtube.com/watch?v=6FpGPUDXo3E). Not that I can do it that well!)

BUT--I noticed somewhere in that craziness my brain totally turned off (probably due to lack of oxygen!), and my feet just took over, and even though pretty exhausted, I was still skating decent patterns. Which made me very happy, because if I can do 'decent' when I'm barely conscious, I should be able to pull off a passable test when I'm fresh & ready to go!

Finally he let me stop, and as I looked up at him through glazed eyes, fighting for air, he simply said, "We will test this dance next week." Hurrah!!

ETA: Good luck to Kim & doubletoe!!! Be strong!!

01-30-2008, 05:49 PM
Are virgin sacrifices are out of fashion this season? Shoot! I had such a nice stock of them in my cellar. Now what will I do with all of them?

OMG, I should hope these little kids are. . .8O But they are child actresses, so. . .?? (Stop that, Doubletoe! Stop it, stop it!)

01-30-2008, 05:54 PM
OMG, I should hope these little kids are. . .8O But they are child actresses, so. . .?? (Stop that, Doubletoe! Stop it, stop it!)Boy, are you on a roll today!!! :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol:

phoenix: WAAAAAY too funny a story about your Killian (or rather Kill-Me-Now) dance!!! :lol:

Blackmanskating: I'm not surprised you lasted for two years!!! I expect to see you at Nationals! :twisted: :P :lol: (And yes, you can quote me on that. LOL!!!)

01-30-2008, 06:31 PM

*still breaking in new skates and can't get enough knee bend when laced all the way up.
* inconsistent practices - skate great one day and crappy the next.
* getting REALLY dizzy when spinning.
*no money or time for private lessons anymore.


*One foot spins - almost did a scratch spin with legs crossed!!!
*3-turns coming along well. FI3s need work
*I just found out about an adult group class starting in a month for those who have passed USFSA LTS Adult 4. It's on nights that I don't work, and it's definitely affordable compared to private lessons. Yay! I can get instruction now! :D

Kim to the Max
01-30-2008, 07:55 PM
Thank you all for the positive thoughts :)

[Early Spring]
Skated for an hour today before my 8pm meeting. CW Power-3's decided to show up today :) Worked on making sure I was being "crisp" on those, which tends to help me with my leg position problem.

[Yet more Winter]
Brackets decided to take a vacation. I am having an issue with the forward right outside/back left inside brackets...I just need to clear my head and not think about it so much!

[Early Spring]
I actually wore a skating skirt today! And I wasn't all that uncomfortable :) I thought that it was going to take some adjusting...

I also went and bought a dress today...it was on sale, and according to the lady at the skate shop, it looks good on me :)

[Yet more Winter]
I need to relax!!!

[Early Spring]
Lesson tomorrow :)

01-30-2008, 09:18 PM
Thank you all for the positive thoughts :)

[Early Spring]
Skated for an hour today before my 8pm meeting. CW Power-3's decided to show up today :) Worked on making sure I was being "crisp" on those, which tends to help me with my leg position problem.

[Yet more Winter]
Brackets decided to take a vacation. I am having an issue with the forward right outside/back left inside brackets...I just need to clear my head and not think about it so much!

[Early Spring]
I actually wore a skating skirt today! And I wasn't all that uncomfortable :) I thought that it was going to take some adjusting...

I also went and bought a dress today...it was on sale, and according to the lady at the skate shop, it looks good on me :)

Yay!! Glad the CW back power 3's are back AND you got the dress checked off the list!
The LBI brackets are the ones I have to watch out for, too. Especially the first one. What's the deal with that? . . .

01-30-2008, 11:14 PM
Early spring:
Made the tough decision to leave double salchow out of my program too... lol I have never done two axels in one program before and coach is making me do the second one out of a spread eagle to up the difficulty... (and its my fault for landing it at least 90% of the time during lesson and in the programs so she thought it was a really good idea... :giveup: )

So anyways it was still a pretty good choice. Program run throughs today were really good. Not having to stress about the double salchow let me go through the rest of the program much more happily.

I was falling alot on jumps after lesson was over... but I guess thats just stamina. Future work... lol

01-31-2008, 05:50 AM
My surgery (discectomy) is scheduled for February 29th. Pat, I'm having it done at Christiana-I'm sure I'll be in good hands up there!!! Word is I will have to stay overnight (boo!!!) but that's ok. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Good luck! I will come visit you if you want. We can touch base right beforehand. Hopefully you will have a quiet roommate and not one who (was very nice but) snores like a lumberjack!:evil:

01-31-2008, 09:08 AM
Good luck on surgery Deleware. Good luck on tests everyone.

Early spring - practicing Bronze moves. They are harder than I thought to get perfectly placed. I don't think they will take too long to perfect, although the judges may think otherwise.

I do think it will take quite a while after that for silver, though. There was a thread about that a week or two ago with a lot of discussion. But for me it will be a big step up because these are skills I didn't learn as a kid. So instead of relearning, I'll be learning anew. Those back 3s are really not happening yet - well I can do the left outside one, as that is what my backspin turns into:oops: . But not the others. Better start working on them now if I want to pass silver in my lifetime.

Winter - I put so much time into practicing field moves for my test that I neglected my jumps and spins. Worked on them this morning and Tuesday, but I have lost some ground. Don't know how much of that is due to my boots as my heel is lifting and my foot seems to be moving around a little. But as I tell my coach, I don't know whether its my boots that are broken down or me. Anyway, waiting for new boots to come it.

01-31-2008, 09:14 AM
Cycling to the fysiotherapist and the ice rink was real fun with a strong gale strength windforce (8/9 beaufort).
Camel is still psycho, now only working with my hands hooked together behind my back. Sit spin is a bit wobbly.

The public session was pretty deserted (4 rental skates people, 3 hockeyers, 4 figure skaters counting myself) so I got to do a lot of programme run-throughs! It's working pretty well, save for 2 "dead spots" (one of which is from dizzyness after a spin, the other I'm not sure)
Scratch spin and 1-foot spins work from any approach and are picking up speed to the point of making me nauseous. I'm starting to like spinning!!! :mrgreen:
Clockwise waltz jumps are still there (I need to do one in the march competition).
Back power 3-turns on large hockey circle were working, so were the rockers.

Fysiotherapist cleared me to do anything I like (I'm still not gonna be jumping for a while though because *I* don't think it's safe yet) but he wants me to like... skate a few minutes, rest a few minutes, skate a few minutes, rest a few minutes. It works on public sessions but I'm not sure how this is supposed to work in a lesson!!!

Rusty Blades
01-31-2008, 10:00 AM
The Depth of Winter! - HolyMaryMotherOfGod! Yumpin yimminy! Was it FRIGGIN COLD in that rink today! It was -34C outside, -40 something with the windchill, and it was WARMER outside than in the rink! Anybody with a lick of common sense was somewhere else. Me and one other skater cast considerable doubt on our connection with common sense and showed up with skates on 8O

Getting "warmed up" was a JOKE! At -40 something, 60 year old joints don't bend worth spit and 60 year old muscles figure cramps are a way to keep from freezing - muscle cells don't want to die alone! Even with longjohns and insulated runner's pants, and 4 layers on the top (including my winter coat) the cold just CUT. After 20 minutes of trying to warm up on the ice :giveup: I went and sat in the lobby where the hot air (more like -10C, but that felt HOT!) from the register could blow on my skates and up my pant legs. That helped get rid of the cramps but even the 16 year old couldn't get her legs warmed up.

Early Spring? (Not!): Hit a couple of good uprights spins that left nice tight loops on the ice (it's easy to pull in tight at -40 LOL!) and got deeper in the Sit Spin than I expected. Some of the Waltz jumps were pretty good but couldn't quite get the timing for the Toe Loops - stiff joints bend but not very quickly when the oil in the crankcase is like molasses! :frus:

Coach was a no-show - she was one of the ones with common sense - still snug in a warm bed and sleeping! I hung around until 1:15 into the session and decided to call it a day. When I came back from changing, the other skaters was GONE! Smart girl! :bow:

At least tomorrow is supposed to be 20 degrees warmer! By then I might be able to bend again..... :roll:

01-31-2008, 10:05 AM
Shesh, Rusty Blades, I'm hard core, but not THAT hard core!! Much as I love skating, I'd probably take up a warmer sport if I were in your shoes....er, skates! :bow: :bow:

01-31-2008, 10:25 AM
You should get one of those pants mountain climbers and south pole personnell has. Like ski-pants only warmer.

01-31-2008, 12:07 PM
Rusty I like your attitude girl! Common sense or not.

01-31-2008, 01:28 PM
I wore my ski pants (as usual) today. Toasty warm and my knees worked pretty well.

Early Spring:
First two patterns of Prel MITF were okay; still a little one-sided because of my knees. I avoided the Alt Fwd 3's - all of them. I needed a day off from the frustrating buggers. Power 3's were very good.

Waltz, Toe loop were great both separately and together. Salchows were much better than Tuesday, whew! still need to hold the entry edge longer, though.

All the half jumps are in good shape, even the split falling leaf. Well, the falling part - just need more split in the middle.

Spins were great - layback, sit, CAMEL, scratch, back scratch, back sit, Back camel - even did a back camel-upright combination. Yay me!
Yes, I centered my two-foot spin with the BO=>FO3 entrance, I'm so proud. rofl

Yet More Winter:
I've discovered that I can't do a Salchow-Toe Loop without panic. lol

Flip and loop are a little better, but still not getting the needed height or rotation. Faked a couple of full Lutzes today, hahahaha! Cheated the landings every time.

I have a good sit spin but a lousy broken-leg sit spin. More to practice.

01-31-2008, 04:15 PM
Early Spring:
I'm finally healthy enough to get back to serious training! Last week's head cold made me take enough time off for my ankle to heal.

Yet More Winter:
I've only practiced once this week, and it was atrocious. All I wanted to do was the first section of my program: combo spin, spiral sequence, and spread eagle into axel. Well, the spin and the axel are gone, nowhere to be found on the hour long freestyle session. :evil:

I'm beginning to think that I may have to dumb this program down for Mids. Hopefully I can have a long talk with my coach tomorrow about how dismal I'm feeling about the program right now.

01-31-2008, 05:15 PM
rusty, now I feel bad complaining about MY rink cause our heat is out...and it's cold (duh it IS an ice rink). It is not as cold as yours. I'll stop complaining now! Is it summer yet?

I had a wonderful lesson last night, even though my leg was NUMB and not from the cold!!! Although I did some nice backspins warming up for lesson, they only came back a bit for lesson...however, coach was happy!!! glad THAT leg isn't messed up! Coach did say that my "situation" is forcing me to work on things harder and in a more concentrated way; she is right!

so, I did a backspin and the ankle of my free foot TOUCHED my skating leg! Except for having my leg open just a bit, my arms were "hugging the beach ball" and it was GREAT!!! 2 years!!! WOOOOO!!!! Now I know I can do it!!

Next, I showed her the footwork for my routine I've been working on. It's ok-not bad, not wonderful but it will get better.

Then, because I can't jump ON ice, we ran through some setups! Loop, toe-loop, salchow, and LUTZ!!!! When I get back in September I will start on the Lutz! (um I need to remind her I don't have a flip yet). But for now, I can walk-through and do the setups.

Now, the doc didn't say anything about not doing jumps off-ice. I can land a loop ON ONE FOOT off-ice. With a check-out. I'm happy with that.

01-31-2008, 06:03 PM
Wow Rusty and I thought I was dedicated. Ohh and I'm gonna take you up on that Adult Nationals offer. I'll be there. If not this year, then definitely next year.


Terri C
01-31-2008, 06:31 PM
Rusty I froze in my rink today too! Only 20 minutes out on the ice and I couldn't feel my hands!

Early Spring:
Artistic program is coming along nicely.

Yet more Winter:
My one work colleague who coordinates our work schedule is giving me a very hard time about going to Easterns in March. While that weekend is my normal weekend to work I put in for that Friday stating on my vacation request form that I would be in NJ that weekend. She is insisting on that I had to request the entire weekend off in order to get it. Anyone with common sense would know that one would not travel 500 miles and back in one day! I plan on discussing this with my boss tomorrow. :roll:

Worst freeskating program run through in weeks today!

01-31-2008, 07:02 PM
This is for Monday - have Bronze FS test on saturday, omg.

Early spring: ran through the program three times with music and one without and one of the music ones was passable, heh :D

I think the second one would have been too but a coach had her student running patterns at the end and they wouldn't yield to me (my coach and I were peeved...skater in lesson in program with music takes priority...sheesh).

I have a chance of passing on Saturday if I don't stress out too much about it. I'm trying to take it lightly as everyone seems to fail this first try. This is taking the pressure off.

Actually skated with arm movements...

More winter: but looked down at the ice way way way too much. Barely held my sit spin. Two footed my loop once. So, we will see...if I have to retake it, I have to retake it...nerves REALLY screw me up in tests.

01-31-2008, 07:10 PM
S@D: Good luck with your surgery!!!

Blackmanskating: Ummm... given your jumps, I mean Nationals as in US Nationals, NOT Adult Nationals!!! :mrgreen: (But I definitely do expect to see you at Adult Nationals too! Go for at least Championship Adult Gold (or even Masters Men) in AN 2009!!! LOL!!! :lol: ) Of course, work on your moves first!!!

Rusty Blades: YOU are ONE CRAZY LADY!!! I'm freezing here and it's 49F currently (not MINUS 40F!!!) GOOD LORD!!! 8O :giveup:

And speaking of freezing here....

Muscles took quite a while to warm up for my lesson. I could barely feel my butt and hip at the beginning of the session... that's how bad it was!!! 8O (You guys who had hip problems before KNOW that you need your butt and your hip to do ANYTHING in skating...)

Okay, looks like I'm starting to get more confidence going into the loop-loop for my FS program. I got more speed going into it and though I still had to put in a lot of concentration into it, I had very little hesitation going into it! YAAAAAAY!!!

But not enough to get the flip jump (I actually chickened out b/c someone was in my path going into the flip jump!!!) I was ending behind the music again! Primary coach took some in-between stuff out that was taking up my time, thank goodness!!!

I also had trouble with some transition stuff from my jumps and my cross behind step going from the LBO edge to RBO edge! Ohhhhhhkay.... I'm gonna have a GREAT time working on back cross-strokes on the Silver Moves test...NOT!!! :frus: We changed the program to deal with that too!

Once we worked out those kinks, my coach skated with me to the program and I managed to end the program on time. :mrgreen: (Though I missed the flip this time and I did land them clean in practice w/o the music too. :evil: )

New straightline footwork is still kinda funky but much MUCH better than when I started on it. I actually can do my little "twizzle" now. (Alright! So I don't piss off my secondary coach with the ice dance background... it's a foot turn. :P )

And okay, it's still kinda slow and it's still a flutz, but primary coach says that the tries are not that bad. He says that I could officially say that I've been landing my lutzes in practice!!! YAAAAAY!!!! (Note: His Gold level guy saw me land the lutz too... and says "Ooooooh!!! She's landing her lutz now!!! Now go faster into it!!! :P " So I have eyewitnesses besides my primary coach!!!)

Still Winter but thawing...
And just for fun and so I am showing that I'm thinking of my NYC coach, I did a few forward shoot the ducks. Good news is I could do them. Bad news is... I CAN'T GET UP FROM IT!!! :lol: But the next time I try shoot the ducks, I'll immediately practice the sit spins afterwards and see if I could get down lower still on the spin.

Kim to the Max
01-31-2008, 09:37 PM
This is for Monday - have Bronze FS test on saturday, omg.

Good luck!!!!

Kim to the Max
01-31-2008, 09:49 PM
[Early Spring]

Had a lesson with coach at the rink I'm testing at to prepare for tomorrow's test...

[Yet more Winter]

Regressed on my brackets a bit :( they were better toward the end of the session. Took me two tries to get the CW power3s...ugh...I only get one re-do!! I can't be taking two or three tries to get it right!!

[Early Spring]

Coach was a good sport about the nerves :) We'll just have to see how I am tomorrow. I know that when I was younger, I always seemed to pull it out at a test...Competitions on the other hand....not so much :roll:

Coach also told me that another coach on the ice was asking if I was testing tomorrow and had commented that I was looking very strong...however, she also had asked if I was doing adult track (no offense to those doing adult track) and was amazed when coach told her that I was going standard track...

[Yet more Winter]

My ankles were hurting today...for a good part of my lesson...almost a tired feeling, but also achy...I'm wondering if I either didn't tie my skates tight enough or if something is hitting a nerve or something...

[Early Spring]

Either way it goes tomorrow, my friends and I are going out to the bar ;) I told coach this and she asked if she could come too :) Which would be fun because we are pretty much the same age, and all of my friends are all about the same age too...

[Yet more Winter]

Coach is holding my iPod hostage until I pass this test.....

Mrs Redboots
02-01-2008, 09:23 AM
Spring: Pretty empty rink this morning, especially after the ones with jobs all cleared off at 08:00! Those of us who weren't working this morning were few and far between!

Winter: Right now my Mohawks are slow and reasonable or fast and cheated! Sigh. And I end up with my bum stuck out and my knees straight.

Spring: At least I can feel what's happening. And I know that if I tense my core muscles I'm less likely to lurch forwards on the BI edge. And might even succeed in flowing a bit out of it and getting the crossover.

I can do a really nice sequence: LFO, cross to RFI, LFI/RBI Mohawk, cross to LBI, step to RBO, cross to LFI, RFI/LBI Mohawk, cross to RBI and repeat.

Winter: However, this is not the steps I'm supposed to be doing, which is LFO, RFI chassé, LFO swing, RFI/LBI Mohawk, cross to RBI, do another LBO/RBI crossover, LBO, step to RFO. I cheat the Mohawk, and end up with my weight all wrong, but if I get the 2nd crossover, I'm laughing. Husband, on the other hand, says he can't step to forwards for love nor money as his weight's all wrong.


Good luck to all those taking tests!

02-01-2008, 10:06 AM
Competition is tomorrow! muahahahah!

Practise today was great. I even landed some double loops and well some underrotated double toe loops and axel-underrotated double toe loops. And its nice to think... ok next year i'll fully rotate them haha

Leaving the double salchow out was a good choice. I have no idea what happened to it, I popped most of my double salchows today. But it must have loved the rink in the US too much and didn't want to come back with me. I'll work on that after nationals... thinking of trying a different way of entering it.

So anyways my confidence is boosted, my stress levels decreased and I got through my programs today alot more easier than normal.

The entry to my combination spin is still kinda wierd. I think the corner that I land the previous jump in isn't good for the set up. I better work this out in the very last pre competition practise tomorrow. We still got 20 mins before the last 5?6? mins before the program. It must be something to do with the corner I'm in, maybe if I brought it just a little more out to center ice (or imagined it was out in center ice) it would feel better.

This year feels just plain wierd. I dunno I'm excited but my body doesnt seem to realize its nationals yet I think haha. I think I'm used to nationals being in march. They moved it forwards this year which is kinda wierd for me I guess.

At the back of my mind... I'm still having doubts about everything... I havent had this many good program run throughs before. Its just... not usual for me to be like this. So many years of competiting and I still find myself in new situations. I definetly know I can do it though. I just want to capture that feeling when I go tell my friend hey look I managed to do this spin/jump, want to see? And then I always do it really nice, coz I'm all happy and excited... I just really want to do that in competition.

I had one really enjoyable spiral sequence at the end of practise. I went into it at full speed (and didnt lose my edge :O:O ) and it was like wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :mrgreen:

Rusty Blades
02-01-2008, 10:08 AM
Almost Spring: Thankfully the rink wasn't still at -40! It wasn't "warm" but it was possible to skate without antifreeze ;) Coach didn't stuff her alarm clock under the covers this morning so she was there early - WITHOUT donuts! (I told her it is "tradition" that when a coach stands-up skaters, she has to bring donuts the next time.) She tried to weasel out of it - "You are an elite competitive athlete in training - you don't get donuts!" When I recovered from the fits of laughter, I reminded her that she is ALSO entered in Nationals right along side me 8-) Coach had two other skaters ahead of me so I did some warm-up and even had a few minutes rest before it was my turn under the whip.

Spring: In lesson we worked on the last half of my program - with some tweaking I think she is satisfied with it although my upright spins had abandoned me by then. We finished up by going over the first part a few times and spiffing it up a bit and to my amazement, the Sit Spin actually worked! Got enough revolutions and deep enough to count :mrgreen: Coach cheered :halo:

Still Winter: Now I just have to find the key to unchain myself from my subconscious fear and put the jumps into my program! I KNOW I can do them and I know they are BIG when I let them rip, I just have to get rid of the mental block that stops me from doing them! :frus:

02-01-2008, 10:18 AM
Good to hear on the sit spin!

For the jumps, what do you feel different when in a program and out of it?

I'm sure its different for every one, but for me I skate as though I was in a tiny box sometimes when I tense up. So I just have to remind myself how big the rink is.

Hope you manage to find something that works for you!

02-01-2008, 10:19 AM
Early Spring-
Was a having a good spinning day. Apparently my backspin is here to stay because it is consistent. (Skate gods you did not hear that).
Did enough decent forward spins that I was dizzy and fell down trying to exit them.

Yet more winter-
Loops were bad as always and yet coach wants to see loop-loops. They so did not happen.
Forward sit is still a pipe dream but my unintentional broken leg sit is getting better.

Rusty Blades
02-01-2008, 10:49 AM
.... what do you feel different when in a program and out of it?

For me it is between doing the jumps along the boards and out on the open ice. I can "let 'er rip" along the boards (where I feel "secure") but when I get out on open ice, something subconscious gets in the way - the jump is all set up, I KNOW I can do it, I know my landings are rock solid, but some deep-seated sense of panic stops me from planting the pick for that Toe Loop or kicking though for the Waltz.

Sure, there is some "fear of pain" but I have cracked a rib, damaged a shoulder, and sprained an ankle in the last two years doing other things but that doesn't stop me from doing those other things but I haven't "worked through" the psychology of why this is different yet. It may tie back to a very serious knee injury when I was 19 and a crash on a bad jump took me off the ice for 30+ years. I WILL get through this - I am far too stubborn not to. The sooner I get the break through the more relieved my coach will be ;) (And me to!)

02-01-2008, 11:26 AM
-8-step mohawk is now in passable condition, along with FO-BI 3s, spirals, forward cross strokes and forward power pulls.
-Untwisted camel entry is much better. Got more tips on making the spin better and on straightening my legs. Hopefully they will work.
-Successfully did camels in program.
-I think I've polished up the Canasta and the Rhythm Blues. Now I just need to remember everything when I test!

-Need to polish up back cross strokes and FI-BO 3s, and straighten up back power pulls to make them passable.
-No stamina at end of program to get sit spin.
-Backspins have been icky, probably because I haven't been practicing them much.
-Flip was weird yesterday. I'm curving the 3 turn entry too much.
-Off count on Canasta.

02-01-2008, 01:55 PM
Spring: Pretty empty rink this morning, especially after the ones with jobs all cleared off at 08:00! Those of us who weren't working this morning were few and far between!

I was unfortunately one of the ones that went to work, althought I would much rather have stayed!

-Closed chasses, which I expected to be terrifed of, are feeling fairly comfortable. Even on the weaker side, I'm not bailing on them which is nothing short of a miracle!
-Canasta Tango felt heaps better than it has done recently.

-The wide step in the Golden Skaters Waltz...good lord :roll:

02-01-2008, 01:58 PM
Our new group class coach is great!!!
My spins were *scarily* good with her tips, I just seemed to spin on forever!
And, she was all critical at the rest of the class for looking down on the ice and hunching the shoulders all the time and I got lots of compliments for my posture (of course she didn't see me practice my back crossrolls and back power 3's yet, LOL!)

My half-loop wasn't getting any height at the beginning of the lesson. It did later on, but still it was a quarter cheated from the looks of the landing tracings.

Kim to the Max
02-01-2008, 03:02 PM
[Yet more Winter]

Got a retry for my test. So, I'm stuck in Intermediate Hell for at least another month. Judges comments just didn't make sense...but then again, they pretty much only passed one person for moves today...everyone got a retry with the pre-juv moves and the Intermediate moves... I'm fine with it...disappointed yes, but I know that I skated well and that's what I was hoping for. Coach wasn't happy about the results, and even other folks who were watching my test and the others were surprised that I didn't pass. Coach had said that it appears that these judges were looking for someone skating at a senior level to go out there and skate these moves and that they were not leaving any room for a bobble or anything...they have to realize that folks are nervous going out there... One judge actually said that I have incorrect technique on my back power circles! 8O :evil: 8O :evil:

I had said that I don't care that I got a retry, but if the judges were being that harsh all the way around, maybe they need to take a look at the over all test session and the judges...because I'm sure there are a ton of people who should have passed but didn't...

Oh well, another one of the skaters in my flight was saying that we can't even re-test at the next test session coming up because it's 2 of the same judges. We're going to have to go to another county!

I did freak some of the coaches (mine included) with my eating a package of Twix Bars before my test :) It's my way of getting a bit of a sugar rush before I go out...

Here are the judges comments:

Forward Power Circles: 1) Power is not running-choppy, scratchy toe; 2) ok on speed change; toe pushing quicker steps; 3) running on skates not edges; 1st part okay lost gaining speed by running

Backward Power Circles: 1) Power is not running-choppy, scratchy toe; 2) scratchy-need to flex ankle; 3) incorrect technique; toe pushing-no stretch (8O WHAT?!?! How do you toe push on back crossovers?!?!? It could be the shape of the pattern which went a little wonky on one of them...)

Backwards Power 3s: 1) Not stepping on a clean edge; 3s uneven ....(can't read); lost of control 3s 1 and 5; 2) BI edges are flat, step down needs to be perpendicular to axis and not @ 45degrees; foot furn 2nd pattern; 3) turns lack control, edge quality poor

Backwards Double 3s: 1) loss of control on 3s 1 and 5, lack of edge quality; 2) edges okay; 3) poor form in turns, extension weak, lacks control

Brackets in the Field: 1) touchdowns, lack of control, your lobes are square, at times on 2 feet into bracket; toe pushing; 2) foot down on 2nd set of brackets; 3) loss of control on turns, touch down; exercise lacks control and shape and edges

Slide Chasse pattern: 1) Move lacks control-poor edge quality, wide stepping problem; 2) need to flex ankle more; 3) out of control in turns

1) 15.7
2) 18.4
3) 17.5

02-01-2008, 03:07 PM
Well, everything was aligned just right and I was doing great this morning. I had been nailing my back power 3's--especially the CW ones--for the past two weeks and I continued to nail them in the warmup in front of the judges (not that they were looking). But on the actual test, I guess I was just too hyped up to show how I could kick this move's @$$ and it messed me up on the CW back power 3's, which is what I had messed up on last time. The rest was great except for two brackets that were off, but I held onto and figured would be good enough.

I got a reskate on the back power 3's, which meant that, once again, if I just skated those like I always do in practice, I'd pass. I got through both end patterns of the CCW ones and the first end pattern of the CW ones, then, heading into the second CW end pattern, I told myself I was just about to pass this test. Bad idea. It pumped me up too much and made me rush/power the first two turns and pop the second one, flipping myself out of the pattern. Retries from all three judges.

The judges were all really sympathetic, of course. But nobody could say anything that really made me feel better. The only thing that has made me feel better was going home, crawling under the covers and having my kitty snuggle on my chest, nuzzle my neck and purr. Now I'm at the office. I am so friggin' upset and depressed it's not even funny. This is just ridiculous. I think hypnosis might be the next step, although I'm pretty sure I'm tougher to hypnotize than most.

Now I need to put these moves aside until after AN, at which point I will have to work my way up to where I am now AND somehow conquer the mental thing.

OK, just to try to end on some sort of positive note, both my forward and backward power circles got 3.3's from everybody (.1 above passing), and one judge also gave my slide chasse a 3.3. I didn't get either of the negative comments I got on the chasse last time (one judge said poor control on 3-turns and one judges said "not chasses"). Everything else was basically passing except for the back power 3's, but I was pretty discouraged by some of the comments on my brackets. I had clearly fixed the toe pushing and edge changing before the turn, but now I was getting new comments, like "on flats" (hey, better than changing edge, right?!). It's always something, and after the failed re-skate, it looks like they erase the 3.2's and write 3.1's on the moves that got negative comments so that I'll work on those moves on the next try as well. Even the back double 3's, which I thought were the best I've ever skated them, got one or two negative "edge quality" comments. Oh wait, I ended on a negative note again! Oh, whatever. . .

Kim to the Max
02-01-2008, 03:17 PM
Doubletoe: Sorry to hear about the retry :( Perhaps it is best to forget about them for a while and then come back to them later...

Debbie S
02-01-2008, 03:26 PM
I'm so sorry, doubletoe! But at least it's only 1 move that's the problem. I know that doesn't mean much to you now, but not many adult-onset skaters can master the power circles, brackets, slide chasses, and double 3's at Intermediate standard, so you should be proud of yourself for that. And I know you'll get the back power 3's - hey, if you mastered the 8-step....:)

WHAT?!?! How do you toe push on back crossovers?!?!? Happens to me all the time. :oops: ;) Your upper body leans forward and you wind up on your toe picks. That's probably what they meant by toe pushing....although some judges can't always tell the difference between scratches and edge rips. Sorry you got a retry.

Terri C
02-01-2008, 03:31 PM
Well, everything was aligned just right and I was doing great this morning. I had been nailing my back power 3's--especially the CW ones--for the past two weeks and I continued to nail them in the warmup in front of the judges (not that they were looking). But on the actual test, I guess I was just too hyped up to show how I could kick this move's @$$ and it messed me up on the CW back power 3's, which is what I had messed up on last time. The rest was great except for two brackets that were off, but I held onto and figured would be good enough.

I got a reskate on the back power 3's, which meant that, once again, if I just skated those like I always do in practice, I'd pass. I got through both end patterns of the CCW ones and the first end pattern of the CW ones, then, heading into the second CW end pattern, I told myself I was just about to pass this test. Bad idea. It pumped me up too much and made me rush/power the first two turns and pop the second one, flipping myself out of the pattern. Retries from all three judges.

The judges were all really sympathetic, of course. But nobody could say anything that really made me feel better. The only thing that has made me feel better was going home, crawling under the covers and having my kitty snuggle on my chest, nuzzle my neck and purr. Now I'm at the office. I am so friggin' upset and depressed it's not even funny. This is just ridiculous. I think hypnosis might be the next step, although I'm pretty sure I'm tougher to hypnotize than most.

Now I need to put these moves aside until after AN, at which point I will have to work my way up to where I am now AND somehow conquer the mental thing.

I am SO SORRY!!:cry:
No skating for me today- will skate tomorrow am! But did get a e-mail from the Easterns LOC chair regarding T-shirt order, practice ice and videographer.

02-01-2008, 04:02 PM
Doubletoe: Sorry to hear about the retry :( Perhaps it is best to forget about them for a while and then come back to them later...

I'm sorry about yours as well, Kim. :( I hope at least my 4 retries are making you feel less :frus: about yours today. I need to convince myself that the time I've just spent on these moves over the last two weeks--when I was supposed to be getting my competition program up to snuff--has not been in vain. So, "making other skaters feel better about themselves" is officially on my list of reasons for sticking with them. :halo:

I'm so sorry, doubletoe! But at least it's only 1 move that's the problem. I know that doesn't mean much to you now, but not many adult-onset skaters can master the power circles, brackets, slide chasses, and double 3's at Intermediate standard, so you should be proud of yourself for that. And I know you'll get the back power 3's - hey, if you mastered the 8-step....:)

Happens to me all the time. :oops: ;) Your upper body leans forward and you wind up on your toe picks. That's probably what they meant by toe pushing....although some judges can't always tell the difference between scratches and edge rips. Sorry you got a retry.

Thank you, Debbie; I do appreciate that (although I could swear I already HAD them! Arrghh!). And yeah, Kim to the Max, I agree that that is probably what that judge meant about your back power circles. Even though mine were above passing because of the power and speed, I still get that one comment on my back CW ones: "Toe scraping," "watch toes" and "gets scratchy-balancing on toes" were the three comments I got today. The scraping is coming from the right foot--the one that crosses over. I think when I focus on a stronger underpush it gets quieter, though.

02-01-2008, 04:28 PM
Kim to the Max: looking at what the score is for the Intermediate moves and looking at your score would infer that those judges did not think you were ready to test. Also look at the Primary and Secondary focuses on those moves the only noise the judges should hear are rips coming off your edges. If they are dinging you for edge quality of the 3 turns then you should take it to heart as it is the primary focus of the move. I would suggest before you test again you get a national level dance judge to watch your test. Dance judges want more knee bend and want 3 turns that turn themselves.
A very common error is the the running they want to see power generated from both strokes even though they are quick, think Carolina Kostner, she takes very short quick strokes but garners huge speed, why...? Because she has incredibly deep edges and knee bend, she also gets excellent PCS scores for the solid edging and stroking.

Having trialed for a few years and been a test chair for the last few years I chat with the judges a lot, as a skater I am lucky to know a group of judges who will tell me regardless of my feelings what they want to see from me. They do not care that I have an artifical hip, they want to see what they want to see, the standard does have a lot of wiggle room, but you should focus on these primary and secondary issues, also realize that Intermediate being a qualifying level means they want to see a certain amount of power and flow especially if you are younger. If you want to look at it from a different point of view try this, the more retries you get the better prepared you will be for the next level because the judges have pushed you, you will become a stronger skater for having to try again.

Hope that helps.:D :D

Sorry doubletoe, you'll get it sooner or later.

I skated for 2 hours today, and my dance coach actually smiled and said he saw some of my old power coming back. I also managed camel-back-camel (5) so it is nice that I can finally do a change foot spin again.8O 8O

02-01-2008, 04:51 PM
I would suggest before you test again you get a national level dance judge to watch your test. Dance judges want more knee bend and want 3 turns that turn themselves.

Sorry doubletoe, you'll get it sooner or later.

Yep! Exactly why I have been so adamant about avoiding testing on dance sessions, LOL! But yeah, if they say you're doing an edge correctly, you KNOW you are. :roll:

Which reminds me, I just found out that the "edge quality nazi" on my test this morning is an international dance judge, which makes me feel a less awful about her comments. One of the other two was an international freestyle judge and he was much kinder, so it's clearly the discipline rather than the level of the judge that made the difference in pickiness.

And yeah, I'll try to take comfort in the thought that I'll get it sooner or later.:lol: The only way to lose is to quit, right? ;)

I skated for 2 hours today, and my dance coach actually smiled and said he saw some of my old power coming back. I also managed camel-back-camel (5) so it is nice that I can finally do a change foot spin again.8O 8O

Wow, fantastic!! Proof that the only way to lose is to quit.

LOOPLOVER, wishing you a GREAT SKATE on your test tomorrow! Don't forget, you get to reskate two elements on a freestyle test, so you don't have to be "perfect." Just do what you do in practice and it will be enough. :)

02-01-2008, 05:11 PM
Sorry, Kim and doubletoe, for your retries. Looks like you got lots of good feedback here, and you will both pass!

Early Spring with Daffodils!:
Had another great skate and lesson today even though I didn't get any practice last week except by way of demos for my students. I think I must have finally made it over some plateau, because I seem to be hanging on to my progress each week now and really feeling into the ice. Started lesson with FO and FI threes, which were, once again, just a bit better than last week. I can now do them all without any spots, which is major for me. Coach was surprised at how well I was standing up on the FI's. Then we tackled something that has been bothering me for a long time - entering the prelim power three pattern on the L side. I have just not been able to do that first LFO three! Well, today I got it at last. After the lesson I practiced it and successfully upped the speed a bit. One foot spins were not as consistent as last week, but after the lesson, I tried with a T push from-the-line to-the-line, and did several good ones. Got two one rev back spins. Discovered that I had been doing the new adult Pre-Bronze three turn pattern on my difficult side, thinking it was my good side :D. Found that out when I decided to go for the "difficult" side and it was a piece of cake.

Still Winter: Nothing except that I really have no wind yet - yesterday did the pre-juv F power XO pattern and was completely out of breath after one time around. I hadn't realized it was happening. Going for a follow up chest x-ray on Monday, and hoping it is clear.

02-01-2008, 06:18 PM
Oh doubletoe and Kim! So sorry about the retries :evil: :evil:

Flipping nerves ... people who don't skate just don't understand how they take over.

That's it, you will pass soon!!

Thanks for the well wishes, hope I have good news to report tomorrow. One thing I'm very happy about - my test is late morning, so at least I don't have my early a.m. muscle confusion to worry about.

Kim to the Max
02-01-2008, 07:14 PM
Kim to the Max: looking at what the score is for the Intermediate moves and looking at your score would infer that those judges did not think you were ready to test. Also look at the Primary and Secondary focuses on those moves the only noise the judges should hear are rips coming off your edges. If they are dinging you for edge quality of the 3 turns then you should take it to heart as it is the primary focus of the move. I would suggest before you test again you get a national level dance judge to watch your test. Dance judges want more knee bend and want 3 turns that turn themselves.
A very common error is the the running they want to see power generated from both strokes even though they are quick, think Carolina Kostner, she takes very short quick strokes but garners huge speed, why...? Because she has incredibly deep edges and knee bend, she also gets excellent PCS scores for the solid edging and stroking.

Having trialed for a few years and been a test chair for the last few years I chat with the judges a lot, as a skater I am lucky to know a group of judges who will tell me regardless of my feelings what they want to see from me. They do not care that I have an artifical hip, they want to see what they want to see, the standard does have a lot of wiggle room, but you should focus on these primary and secondary issues, also realize that Intermediate being a qualifying level means they want to see a certain amount of power and flow especially if you are younger. If you want to look at it from a different point of view try this, the more retries you get the better prepared you will be for the next level because the judges have pushed you, you will become a stronger skater for having to try again.

Hope that helps.:D :D


Thank you for your comments.

As with anything, of course, there is room for improvement. I knew that going in. But, I also think about how this is my first test in 10 years (I took my Juv. MITF in 1998...I am currently 27 years old...), and that testing in and of itself is a major accomplishment, especially since I just started skating again in September.

I knew that my brackets and my CW power circles were not as strong I would like them. But, I also would not have been testing if my coach did not think that I was ready. Some of the judges comments, for me, and how I skate, came as a huge surprise to both me and my coach (particularly the no stretch/extension comments, because I normally have very good extension)...but, starting Sunday, I will go back and will do some run throughs, seeing if I can identify what the judges are talking about, and work on it, and then test again...no huge deal :) It's all part of the sport...and obviously, there is room for improvement...

02-01-2008, 07:46 PM
For me it is between doing the jumps along the boards and out on the open ice. I can "let 'er rip" along the boards (where I feel "secure") but when I get out on open ice, something subconscious gets in the way - the jump is all set up, I KNOW I can do it, I know my landings are rock solid, but some deep-seated sense of panic stops me from planting the pick for that Toe Loop or kicking though for the Waltz.

Sure, there is some "fear of pain" but I have cracked a rib, damaged a shoulder, and sprained an ankle in the last two years doing other things but that doesn't stop me from doing those other things but I haven't "worked through" the psychology of why this is different yet. It may tie back to a very serious knee injury when I was 19 and a crash on a bad jump took me off the ice for 30+ years. I WILL get through this - I am far too stubborn not to. The sooner I get the break through the more relieved my coach will be ;) (And me to!)

Does your coach have/ever used a moving harness? Would that help you to get it out into open ice, so to speak? Or do you think thats the wrong direction. Well stay safe while figuring it out please!!

@double toe and kim:
Wow you people are awesome already for doing the tests. I have alot of respect for move in the field because we don't have those programs here and I consider them a really crucial part to good skating. Hope you both manage to figure what you can work on to improve, and baring that, that you get better performances/judges the next time round!

02-01-2008, 07:50 PM
(((doubletoe))) (((Kim to the Max))) I'm so sorry about your Int. moves tests.

Doubletoe: judging from my experience at Sectional (which was in between my 2nd and 3rd Bronze Moves tests) I was attacking my program with a lot more power and speed. No moves test is ever done in vain! You will see it more when you do your program for Sectionals! Trust me on this. And taking a break from doing this particular test should help you with your nerves when you come back to this again.

And believe me, the worst critics for moves test IS a dance judge. SOOOO the next time before you test again, go thru a critique with a DANCE judge!!! (preferably with the "edge quality Nazi" at your club. Worked for me when I had to face this one judge that kept retrying me at my first two Bronze Moves tests. I finally had him pulled out to do my critique and the next time around I passed. Helps to deal with the fear, KWIM?)

Kim: You're taking this all very well considering... CONGRATS to you on that!!! :bow: :D

Good luck looplover on your test!!! :D

Make up lesson for Wed with secondary coach!!!

Runthru SUCKED!!! I really need to work on the "in-between" stroking. And I blanked out on the footwork after one of the spins too!!! Oops!!! :oops:

On top of that, we worked on backspins again. Yup! Trying to get it to NOT flip over to the inside edge! We've made some progress though, but it sure felt weird!!! Fun, fun... NOT (for either me or my secondary coach!!!) :frus:

I did land a loop-loop on both runthrus and DID land the flip (which is at the VERY END of my program -- just before my ending scratch spin in fact!!!) on the SECOND runthru CLEAN. (First one, I bailed on it b/c someone was RIGHT in my path!!!) How I managed that I will NEVER, EVER know!!! 8O

02-01-2008, 08:31 PM
Hugs to Doubletoe and Kim. Impressive that you are testing at that level. You will get it next time, I'm sure

02-01-2008, 09:21 PM
First there was winter: outside the rink with freezing rain then turned to lots of snow and then rain but the final straw with the weather was that the snowplow went and packed a ton of snow behind my parked car at the rink after skating was done. Then once inside the rink on the ice I found that I wasn't cutting the ice no matter how deep I was bending my knees. At the worst of it I was executing my first watlz jump of the day and just as I was to roll up to my toe instead of springing up like I normally do, I ended up skidding sideways and couldn't complete the half rotation causing me to land on two feet to save myself. After that I went over to my coach and told him. Had to wait about 15 minutes before he got out his stone to get some kind of edge on my blades.

Change edge spiral is giving my grief since Wednesday. I was doing them no problem before. I don't understand why I can't change the edge all of a sudden. CE spiral runs RFO to RFI. :frus:

Got half of my interpretive finally choreographed between my coach and I plugging away at it. This is the first program where my head isn't planted towards the ice. LOL :D

Footwork section is actually looking good. But my coach didn't get to see it, as I only started it after he left because he had to make it home before the ice storm hit where he lives. He lives almost in the next county east from me.

April fools: it's winter again. I just couldn't get the falling leaf to work and my split was weak. wonder if it's because my blades were very very dull.

Spring: Even though I'm working on getting over a case of bronchitus, I was able to push through my program at almost top speed and kept with the music including when I was in my sit/broken sit and my snot was spinning with me at a 90 degree angle from my nose. At that point the first time it happened it was pretty bad and I had to stop the program laughing about it all the way to my cleanex box. After that, I made sure to really clean out my nose before doing a run through. :oops: :lol:

Started a new move for me; LBO catch foot spiral.

Things I need to work on for next week in my interpretive; LBO catch foot spiral (staying off of the toe pick), falling leaf, split. And must play with my footwork more so that I can get the most out of my levels.

02-02-2008, 07:56 AM
Yay... well I had the competition today. I fell on the axel, which I had been landing all practise and all warm up etc. But I still won (by a really narrow margin) and I just can't wait to see the protocols if I made ANY levels that I was aiming for. I was counting as much as I could in the spiral although I lost track of time on the last part... And I did mess up two of the spins, so they defiently werent the levels I wanted... no idea if I managed to squeek out a level 2 for one of them or not. Hopefully i got my level 2 for my layback. That one went well in my opinion.

02-02-2008, 08:59 AM
Yay... well I had the competition today. I fell on the axel, which I had been landing all practise and all warm up etc. But I still won (by a really narrow margin) and I just can't wait to see the protocols if I made ANY levels that I was aiming for.

CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you got at least one level 2.

Mrs Redboots
02-02-2008, 09:31 AM
(I told her it is "tradition" that when a coach stands-up skaters, she has to bring donuts the next time.)
What I don't understand is why we have to pay our coaches for the lesson if we stand them up, but they don't have to give us a free lesson when they stand us up!

Retries from all three judges.

Got a retry for my test.

****Hugs**** to both of you. Ghastly feeling, not having skated as well as you know you're able, and the judge not being able to pass you. Been there, done that! But you'll pass one of these days, you wait and see.

But I still won (by a really narrow margin)
Congratulations! A win is a win - don't knock it!

Rusty Blades
02-02-2008, 11:11 AM
What I don't understand is why we have to pay our coaches for the lesson if we stand them up, but they don't have to give us a free lesson when they stand us up!

My coach is a softie! She has one student who doesn't show 50% of the time (a young girl who just can't get out of bed for the 7 a.m. session) but she wont charge the skater for no-shows. I have never seen that skater punch her ice card either!

It isn't a big deal for me if my coach can't make it - I know what I need to work on and can always use the extra practice session.

02-02-2008, 11:26 AM
Doubletoe: judging from my experience at Sectional (which was in between my 2nd and 3rd Bronze Moves tests) I was attacking my program with a lot more power and speed. No moves test is ever done in vain! You will see it more when you do your program for Sectionals! Trust me on this. And taking a break from doing this particular test should help you with your nerves when you come back to this again.

And believe me, the worst critics for moves test IS a dance judge. SOOOO the next time before you test again, go thru a critique with a DANCE judge!!! (preferably with the "edge quality Nazi" at your club. Worked for me when I had to face this one judge that kept retrying me at my first two Bronze Moves tests. I finally had him pulled out to do my critique and the next time around I passed. Helps to deal with the fear, KWIM?)

Thanks, my husband is saying the same thing; he comes to all of my tests and says I skate these moves with a lot more flow, speed and power than before. That's a good recommendation about a judge's critique session. I have to admit I'm somewhat relieved that the edge quality comments from the dance judge weren't the cause of the "retry" this time, since they were only in reference to my brackets and back double 3's (which were still passing). But yeah, maybe a practice test with a judge might help put me on the spot and help me get used to doing those back power 3's under pressure without getting myself too pumped up over them. . . Then again, as long as I *know* it's not the real test, I bet I'd be just fine. :roll: :giveup:

I did land a loop-loop on both runthrus and DID land the flip (which is at the VERY END of my program -- just before my ending scratch spin in fact!!!) on the SECOND runthru CLEAN. (First one, I bailed on it b/c someone was RIGHT in my path!!!) How I managed that I will NEVER, EVER know!!! 8O

Yay!!!!!! I can tell that you are now entering a whole new level in your skating! Can't wait to see you kick butt at Sectionals & Nationals! :bow:

TIDESONG - Congratulations!!!!! Let us know when you find out if you got those levels! :)

02-02-2008, 12:21 PM
Early spring: I passed!!! :mrgreen: Wow, I had no idea of how that was going to go. I wasn't nervous before the warmup for several reasons: 1) too stressed out in every other area of my life, which helped today 2) listened to Foo Fighters 3) watched Johnny Weir's nationals freeskate twice before I left 4) knowing that a lot of people fail this the first time took the pressure off.

Then I kept doing the toe loop wrong in the warmup and I drove my coach nuts. Then I got upset and the nerves came back.

But, in the end I got all of the elements...almost ran out of music because I did some mysterious extra footwork (LOL)...as a result my sit spin was slow and higher than it should have been (sit spin was last in program). But it was enough, and some things were pretty good like the backspin (omg!), scratch, salchow.

So, what I take from this is, giving skating less importance in my mind makes me test better. Interesting inverse relationship, there...

Yet more winter: My toe loops. Apparently I'm pre-rotating. I dunno if I did it in the program or not, no judges commented on it (I got a 5.0, 5.1, 5.2). But the coach was not pleased by them and I have to get them right, I have incorrect muscle memory.

Whew! No tests for a while.

Ok. Maybe silver moves in May. :halo:

02-02-2008, 12:41 PM
Thanks everyone, sorry for the video quality... my mum doesnt really know how to zoom so...yeah. But I'll update it with the final goes and stuff if/when I get them.
But yeah I got it up already since better now when I'm all hyper and still adrenaline high than later when I'm back to the normal pace of life :P

congrats looplover!

02-02-2008, 01:47 PM
congrats looplover!

Thanks! I feel kind of bad posting it because it hasn't been a good test taking week here on the forum :(

(Really, I only passed this the first time because I've already passed ISI Freestyle 4, so I've already tested most of this stuff plus flips and loops. The only new thing was the backspin so that's why I'm really psyched about that spin)

02-02-2008, 02:52 PM
[Thursday's Skate]

Not my best...
Uhhh...three turns were better...had some nice convos with the steward :)

Spirals were terrible...took a NASTY fall on one, just caught the edge of my toepick. Straight down on my side...had to brush ice from my fringe down to my boot covers. Resulted in a badly swollen knee for a few hours, grazed him, and grazed/bruised elbow. Spins weren't happening...edges were okay I suppose, could have been better...pretty crowded ice too. Was one of my worst skates in a while.

Kim to the Max
02-02-2008, 03:25 PM
[Yet more Winter]
...everyone got a retry with the pre-juv moves and the Intermediate moves...

Just an update....saw coach today (who was still very sick and looked it :( ), at LTS where I was helping out and she told me that no one from the pre-pre level passed their moves either... That is very disappointing to me because it is hard on the skater to get a retry at that level...at the higher levels it's a bit easier because there is so much more expected, but at that level, I feel as if there is no way that everyone messed up so badly that all of them got a retry...something just doesn't appear right...but, then again, I am not a judge and did not see the tests, so, who knows, but I am disappointed for those skaters who took that pre-pre test....

02-02-2008, 03:31 PM
Puxatawney Phil (Pennsylvania Groundhog/Forecaster) says six more weeks of winter...
...wonder what our resident meteorologist FigureSkates says in his forecast?

Retries from all three judges. Got a retry for my test.
You have my sympathies. I do hope you both get an easy pass with high scores next time.
(I promise to totally ignore you until you tell us the results - I think I am a jinx!)

But I still won (by a really narrow margin)Congratulations!

I passed!!!Congratulations - I was going to come watch your test, but I was afraid that I'd be a jinx!

My twins aren't ready for the Pre-Prel MITF test yet, so I was feeling sorry for myself about not being able to test today.
I left the rink right behind a guy on crutches who only had one leg. Made me think that there are worse things than reskates and retests.

Early Spring:
Taught Basic 4&5 classes today. The kids really want to learn and every success is so satisfying for both of us, lol.

Edges were very secure, all the three turns have become so much easier since I started patching, but I really think it's taking lessons myself that's helped.

Jumps and spins were solid, nothing fancy, but no stumbles or trips.

Yet More Winter:
The blades for my twins aren't going to be in until next week. They're both complaining about their achy little feet.

My new patch blades are here (MK Silver Test - only $75!) so I took my Patt 99's off my old Klingbeils. Skate shop guy said he can mount them next week for me - can't wait.

Mrs Redboots
02-02-2008, 03:57 PM
I passed!!!


Debbie S
02-02-2008, 04:01 PM
Dance judges want more knee bend and want 3 turns that turn themselves. That is so true! For my 2nd Bronze MIF test, my panel was composed of all dance judges (well, they also judge MIF and FS, but their primary area is dance) and I got comments like "forcing edges" (on back perim stroking, and I remember thinking, OK, well I did bend my knees and ankles to get on the edges, but I thought that was what you were supposed to do - but what they meant was I needed more smoothness and flow in the transitions - I just looked too awkward) and also comments about forcing turns on my power 3's. Actually, 1 of the judges passed me, so the fact that a high-level dance judge thought my moves were passable was encouraging.

When I retry, I will probably have at least one of those 3 judges on my panel (2 are regulars at my club, which is very dance-oriented, so every test session has to have high-level dance judges - the third judge has since moved away). I fully expect to get another retry, but my goal is to be closer to passing than the first time...and I know I'll get really nitpicky comments. :oops: :halo:

02-02-2008, 05:20 PM
Congratulations to Looplover and Tidesong
Hugs to Kim to the Max and Doubletoe. You'll get them next time.

02-02-2008, 07:02 PM
What I don't understand is why we have to pay our coaches for the lesson if we stand them up, but they don't have to give us a free lesson when they stand us up!

I don't understand that either!


02-02-2008, 07:05 PM
Early spring: finally, finally finally getting more of a handle on why I haven't been able to do a lot of steps (moahwks and chocktaws specifically) that I used to do easily - a couple of years ago I totally screwed up my neck and basically could not turn it to the right very well, so I started compensating for it which really screwed me up big time!!

So doing lots and lots of yoga and pilates, plus a great massage therapist has rendered my neck to be much more flexible and so now I have no pain and can turn my head - BUT I was in such a bad habit of not turning my head that I still was stuck on those turns and steps - so the other day I just looked over my right shoulder and viola! - Foxtrot Mohawk, Ten-Fox Mohawk and Blues Choctaw - done!! Easy!! Argentine twizzle? Better! Killian Choctaw? better! Quickstep Choctaw? Well, still stuck, but lots of other things better - back-to-front on many many places where you go from left back to right front in MITF and Dances - Better!! Hooray!!!:bow:

I am so grateful to have been able to do so much good work this week!

With the figures - my RFO-LBI3 is better - especially the BI3 - my coach was pleased with the improvements that I had made over last week - still can't control and exit of the turn but that will come as well. The RFO3 is still difficult because the position of it in a figure is so much different than in dance and moves - but that will come too?

will I be competing that figure at PCAS? Time will tell as I still don't know whether there is anyone else competing low-test figures (does anyone out there know of anyone who is signed up to do this?) - if not I'm not going to compete (hopefully they will refund my $$$$$$$$ LOL).:yum:

Yet more winter: Unbelievably crappy ice at my main hockey rink made it difficult to really practice figures (or anything else) at all as there was not one good clear place without a lot of lumps and bumps and ridges and tiny pebbly crappola ice to do anything. We did the best we could but man, you could kill yourself out there!! I wish my coach would just bite the bullet and change to another rink - ANY of the other rinks in our area would be fine with me!!!!!!! and I think her other students would be fine with this as well, but since she's taught there for - well, I think about 30 hyears I don't think she's going anywhere soon...

But maybe... there is hope out there....:frus:

02-02-2008, 10:10 PM
What I don't understand is why we have to pay our coaches for the lesson if we stand them up, but they don't have to give us a free lesson when they stand us up!

If I stand up a student, I do give them a free lesson, and I know at least one other coach who does also. It only happened to me once, and it really hurt, because when your student pays anyway, they are out that one payment, but when you have to give a free lesson, you are out what you would have made when you stood them up, plus the freebie.

Early spring: I passed!!!


02-03-2008, 08:02 AM
Congratulations - I was going to come watch your test, but I was afraid that I'd be a jinx!

My twins aren't ready for the Pre-Prel MITF test yet, so I was feeling sorry for myself about not being able to test today.
I left the rink right behind a guy on crutches who only had one leg. Made me think that there are worse things than reskates and retests.

Oh you wouldn't have been a jinx! :D
I wondered if any of you would be testing...yup I didn't see that guy but I would have thought the same...

02-03-2008, 11:57 AM
But yeah, maybe a practice test with a judge might help put me on the spot and help me get used to doing those back power 3's under pressure without getting myself too pumped up over them. . . Then again, as long as I *know* it's not the real test, I bet I'd be just fine. :roll: :giveup: Well, in my case, just seeing that judge is enough to scare me into doing really well. 8O :giveup: :lol: (I know he's really a nice guy, but his presence just scares me!!!) Given that, it's supposed to be just a little easier for you to get used to having a judge like this tough one do your test and build up your confidence. The best part is that he does welcome someone asking him to critique a practice test session and you get his input on what he's looking for. And there were a couple of things that I didn't expect him to mention about. (Relaxed shoulders was the big one for me... I scrunch my shoulders up a lot and I'm trying to relax (lower) them when I skate.)

Yay!!!!!! I can tell that you are now entering a whole new level in your skating! Can't wait to see you kick butt at Sectionals & Nationals! :bow:Sorry to say, I won't be at Sectionals... but I will definitely see you at Nationals!!! :mrgreen: (Cost for traveling to Nationals is too pricey for me to consider going to Sectionals this year. GRRRR!!!!) We'll see if I will get in a good loop-loop and flip for AN... The runthrus are promising though.

Early spring: I passed!!! :mrgreen: Congrats to our newest Bronze FS lady!!! YAAAAAY!!! :bow:

But I still won (by a really narrow margin) and I just can't wait to see the protocols if I made ANY levels that I was aiming for.Congrats to you on your win in the competition, fellow software engineer!!! :bow:

02-03-2008, 12:21 PM
(((((Helen88))))) HUGS! Those "catch-toe" spirals are the worst! :( Someone once told me to just focus on my toes during spirals: Point the toes of the free foot and LIFT the toes of the skating foot. That advice has saved my life! It's impossible to catch the toepick if you are lifting your toes up inside your boot.

Early spring: I passed!!! :mrgreen:

YAY!!!!!!:bow: :D

Puxatawney Phil (Pennsylvania Groundhog/Forecaster) says six more weeks of winter...
...wonder what our resident meteorologist FigureSkates says in his forecast?

Ah, one of my favorite movies: Groundhog Day! :P

02-07-2008, 02:36 PM
I've started skating regularly during the week again, and I'm so happy doing it that everything is early spring.

I've been doing basics: laps, edges, crossovers, progressives. Then working on FI mohawks, first 3 dances, and today started throwing in FO three turns and a bit of FI three turns.

FINALLY got the gospel of knee bands (after I'm-not-going-to-admit-how-many years). It makes skating a whole new activity! Mohawks are so much easier, stroking so much more powerful. My legs are tired, but oh my I'm going to get so strong.

I'm particularly working on BI edges, because I noticed in FI mohawks that what was holding me back was being contorted on the exit edge. Practicing being able to glide on a BI with a comfortable fluid posture.

[ETA: and (not so) amazingly, having a good BI edge position helps the FO 3-turns also! Now just to work out the FI 3-turn puzzle.]

02-07-2008, 02:45 PM
I wondered if any of you would be testing...yup I didn't see that guy but I would have thought the same...
The twins will (hopefully) be ready to test by the May test session. Their new skates and blades are ready, so we'll be picking them up later today. (I teach a group lesson on Thursday nights.)

Only skated about 40 minutes today; I was running very late.

Early Spring:
Jumps were good, but SSDD; started working on a waltz-loop in the hopes of stopping the hip drop I've been doing. Flip is soclose yet so__far away. (See core strength, below)

Spins were pretty good, spirals were AWESOME - got a couple of compliments. (I love spirals.) Managed a few change-edge ones as well, woot!

Yet More Winter:
Back pivots (either edge) are a misery for me - started working on them today in the hopes of improving my toe loop. Worked for the standalone toe loop, but now I can't put it in combination, lol. Fix one thing, break another.
I can do this, right? (Now I remember why I skipped competing in ISI FS3.)

I definitely have some serious core strength weaknesses; I can feel the waist-breaks and inability to hold onto things.

02-09-2008, 03:26 PM
With the figures - my RFO-LBI3 is better - especially the BI3 - my coach was pleased with the improvements that I had made over last week - still can't control and exit of the turn but that will come as well. The RFO3 is still difficult because the position of it in a figure is so much different than in dance and moves - but that will come too?

will I be competing that figure at PCAS? Time will tell as I still don't know whether there is anyone else competing low-test figures (does anyone out there know of anyone who is signed up to do this?) - if not I'm not going to compete (hopefully they will refund my $$$$$$$$ LOL).:yum:

I know of at least one skater who is competing the low figure at PCAS. He wasn't sure if he would have anyone to skate against/with ... so I told him about you. He claims he's been warming up with these figures so he feels pretty confident.. but I skate with him at least once a week and never see him do them. He also says he told the LOC if no one was competing the lower level figures, he would be happy to be bumped up to the higher figure group.. but again, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. He muscles through a lot of things, has a lot of power, but doesn't have as much finesse as I usually associate with FIGURE skaters. Good luck and I hope to see you at PCAS!

02-09-2008, 04:03 PM
I have heard that there are 3 skating low figures and 9 (!!!!) skating high. That could be an incorrect estimate, though

02-09-2008, 04:38 PM
I know of at least one skater who is competing the low figure at PCAS. He wasn't sure if he would have anyone to skate against/with ... so I told him about you. He claims he's been warming up with these figures so he feels pretty confident.. but I skate with him at least once a week and never see him do them. He also says he told the LOC if no one was competing the lower level figures, he would be happy to be bumped up to the higher figure group.. but again, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. He muscles through a lot of things, has a lot of power, but doesn't have as much finesse as I usually associate with FIGURE skaters. Good luck and I hope to see you at PCAS!

PCAS is at my home rink, and I can tell you there are at a minimum several skaters from the PDX area who will be doing the figures comp. Also 3 coaches from our rink are doing the coaches' interp (including mine!). Very cool.

02-09-2008, 06:55 PM
I know of at least one skater who is competing the low figure at PCAS. He wasn't sure if he would have anyone to skate against/with ... so I told him about you. He claims he's been warming up with these figures so he feels pretty confident.. but I skate with him at least once a week and never see him do them. He also says he told the LOC if no one was competing the lower level figures, he would be happy to be bumped up to the higher figure group.. but again, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. He muscles through a lot of things, has a lot of power, but doesn't have as much finesse as I usually associate with FIGURE skaters. Good luck and I hope to see you at PCAS!

Thanks - interesting... "Happy to be in the high-figures group" kind of scares me - but also think that if he's qualified to be in the low figures group then he doesn't have the test requirements to be in the high figures group (where you have to have your 3rd figure test at least - I think... anyway, if there are three competitors then that will be better I think.

I think mostly I will be laughing the whole time (while watching the judges faces to see if they crack up when they see my "figures done with great finess" LOLOLOLOL:D :D :D ).