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View Full Version : How long did it take you to find your natual balance when you first learned to skate?

01-12-2008, 09:10 PM
Say,how long did it take all of you here to find your natual balance when you first learned to skate? I found mine on the very first day at my Learn to Skate Program. Anyone else?

01-13-2008, 03:27 AM
Well, I didn't get mine for a very long time, until my mother got me skates with toepicks. Then I had it in, oh, about 5 minutes. :mrgreen:

01-13-2008, 04:18 AM
to be honest, it all came very naturally to me. i found the balance almost immediately. i guess i was one of the obnoxious kids who didnt really have to work to learn the basics. i went skating with my friend once and she taught me (in rentals) one and two foot spins, waltz jumps, and started me in backcrossovers all in one day. i had been on the ice a couple of times before, but yeah, the only word for it for me would be natural. i guess comfortable as well. i must just belong on the ice :D

01-13-2008, 06:13 AM
I started on quad roller skates and did not have any problem when I put ice skates on.


01-13-2008, 07:36 AM
this is going to sound really weird...although I skated on roller skates for a million years (my first pair were clamp-ons!!!)...I always FELL. When I got ice skates, I took right to them! I am one of those people that rarely fall when I'm on the ice; I have good balance.

On wheels, that's another story :giveup: and I'd rather not go there.

01-13-2008, 07:56 AM
I don't even know what "natural balance" means. But I skated for fun as a kid and never had trouble feeling secure on skates.


01-13-2008, 08:29 AM
I didn't have to find it. I've always been able to stand on skates. In my beginning classes, I'd say most kids are able to balance on the first day. There are always a few who are scared, but they're usually able to do things if they try. The ones who really can't seem to stay on their feet are usually either young children in hockey skates (I recommend switching to figure skates for a few weeks), or are okay as long as they're standing in one place, but fall as soon as they try to move. In that case, they're usually not "marching", but are trying to walk like they would on dry land in shoes. Or, they're overconfident and trying to go too fast and get all out of control. I've never taught beginning adults, but those I've seen seem to catch on pretty quickly. You rarely see adults fall (although that's not always because they're particularly skilled - sometimes it's because they're just very cautious).

01-13-2008, 09:09 AM
I'm still looking for mine!
(3+ years in and counting)

Kim to the Max
01-13-2008, 09:25 AM
When I first started skating as a kid, I found my balance pretty quickly and progressed through the basic skills and freestyle levels.

When I skated for the first time over the summer after about a year or so of not being on the ice at all (before that I had skated maybe every 6 months or so and maybe did some jumps and spins, but didn't do anything very serious), it took me about 15 minutes or so to shake off the cobwebs :)

Rusty Blades
01-13-2008, 09:45 AM
I didn't have any trouble when I was a youngster but after 36 years away from skating, it took a LONG time! I was just thinking about that last week, how much my balance has improved over the last 2 years.

01-13-2008, 02:26 PM
I don't remember. My mom took me skating when I was little, I don't even remember what age I was the first time, probably 5ish. I was an independant little cuss and just clung to the boards and stumbled my way around till I got the hang of it. I wouldn't say I was a natural, it was hard and took me some time without any instruction, but I loved every minute.