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01-11-2008, 08:01 AM
I don't train as much as last year. I don't train as often as last year. I don't jump in the trainings, unlike last year. I warm up better than I did training last year and I cool down better too, because I have to cycle to the rink, last year I took the bus.

So why do I have muscle ache in my upper thighs for 2-3 days after training when nothing of the kind was the case last year?!

01-11-2008, 05:50 PM
Hmm. . . the cycling??

01-11-2008, 07:57 PM
Has your diet changed at all? Maybe there's something you're not getting as much of now as before? I'm thinking along the lines of water, potassium, protein? Are you sleeping less than last year? Sleep is when your body rebuilds itself after injury and after exercise (and the regular day), and I know when I get a bad night of sleep, my body feels worse the next day.

Edited to add: I just posted something in another thread that made me think of this one. Sessy, after you skate, do you take the time to stretch? Sometimes if I don't stretch after I skate, I'm sore the next day.

01-12-2008, 04:39 AM
I think you might be right on Mika... Previously I had some 10 minutes waiting around for the bus and I was bored during those and did stretches, which I obviously don't do anymore now! Gonna stretch from now on and see if it gets any better.


01-13-2008, 05:39 PM
And if you ride the bike home, maybe stretch after you're done cycling, since that's still exercise? (Either stretch after skating AND cycling, or just stretch after cycling?)

01-13-2008, 06:04 PM
Whenever my B12 drops too low (I have an ongoing b12 deficiency), my muscles ache unbearably. I do a sub-lingual b12 tablet each morning until my levels are back up.

01-13-2008, 11:28 PM
And if you ride the bike home, maybe stretch after you're done cycling, since that's still exercise? (Either stretch after skating AND cycling, or just stretch after cycling?)

That is exactly what I was thinking as well! Skating and cycling both use your quadriceps muscles a lot, so be sure to stretch them well as soon as you get off your bike!

01-14-2008, 03:25 AM
Whenever my B12 drops too low (I have an ongoing b12 deficiency), my muscles ache unbearably. I do a sub-lingual b12 tablet each morning until my levels are back up.

Oh that could be it too, since I'm allergic to bread (except 1 kind, which tastes foul), but meh, I have the injections with the B complex and I always think it's such a hassle so I only use those when I grow really tired... I guess I'll get a pot of pills and try to remember taking them. :mrgreen:

Yeah stretching after cycling would probably be the easier thing. :)