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01-08-2008, 10:12 PM
Has any one ever dealt with this? Especially with Jackson boots?

01-08-2008, 10:22 PM
Do you mean blades mounted crooked, or the actual boot itself? My skate sharpener/mounter often has to shift factory mounted blades because they're a bit off centre.

01-08-2008, 10:46 PM
The boot but from the inside. So the fitter doesn't see it but you feel it.

01-09-2008, 04:09 AM
No my old Jackson Competitors were warped/crooked on the outside and in the inside. On the right boot I had a 20% lean onto my inside edge because of the boot. Plus, I pronate on both feet but mostly on my right foot. Both skates had too much room in the upper ankle area.

Are your Jacksons less than a year old? If so, bring them with your receipt back to the shop were you bought them and ask to have them replaced. Yes, you'll have to brake new skates in again but it will be worth it in the long run. When you go to pick up the new pair, have your coach come with you so that they can inspect the new pair or the pairs that they have in the shop that are your size. Sometimes you have to go through several pairs to find a good one especially as an adult with big feet.

01-09-2008, 08:09 AM
Yes, yes, yes!! I had a pair of the high end Jacksons, and those b******s were very badly warped. The place where I bought them refused to send them back, but they tried to "fix" them. I skated in them for a year, and wound up with major hip and lower back alignment problems! My rantings about this are well documented here on skatingforums. This is one of the reasons why I despise Jacksons and will never see the flunkies at Skaters Paradise again.

My advice: force them to refund your money and don't skate in them.

01-09-2008, 08:31 AM
Jacksons have a warranty if there's a problem with the boots; you should have had a brochure type thing in the skate boot box.

01-09-2008, 12:34 PM
I had similar problems with my Riedells. The right boot is a bit twisted, and the sole isn't quite even. However, my pro shop was able to compensate for the problems with a great mounting job and some thin wedges under my blade. Most skate boots are still largely hand-made, and it's rare that a pair is perfect. I've found that a good fitter/mounter can make up for a lot of imperfections in my boots.

01-09-2008, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the info...I had already called the fitter about sending them back. I am sure he is thinking it's all in my head. I feel more confident about my opinion knowing others have dealt with the same thing. By the way, I have tried wedges and more, much more, nothing has worked.