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View Full Version : looking for info on Barrie Mariposa summer program

12-26-2007, 11:00 PM
Hey all,looking for some general information about training environment in Barrie Mariposa during summer school.considering allowing our daughter to go for 4 weeks. she is coming off a three month injury right now and highly motivated, (worked her butt off in off ice training and physio two hours per day every day but weekends-on her own I might add, zero pushing from anyone else) but last summer's training didn't go so positively (was a mix of things including technique, coach versus student-student wanted something coach didn't work towards ie a competitive test-basically made her work her tail off then told her she wasn't ready to even try it...[her other coaches in spins/choreo begged to differ], training at two completely different training centres with strange schedules to follow the coach around-1 is an hour away the other was almost 2 hours away and some of those days wound up getting cancelled on the way there or the coach was busy with his dance teams so didn't give her lesson time) then the competitive test didn't really matter as she wound up with an injury requiring three months off...she's getting back on her feet and expressed strong interest in spending some time in Barrie this summer-she did a seminar last spring and boy did it work for her in terms of positive and in terms of bringing the jumps consistent....she is interested in Robert Tebby (and Doug, but its not like he has time for the non elite I would assume) and we have been told Robert would be available.....along with boarding etc. we're going up to have a look in early Jan. we'd like to know from skating parents (and older skaters) what the environment is like in summer and whether four weeks of the program (since she has exams the last week of June) is realistic for getting anything accomplished in terms of jump assistance on double axel (keeping in mind she's been off and now needs to get her jumps consistent again first) (its from July 21-Aug 15) she would skate before that from July 4 or thereabouts till leaving in her usual summer school. we have not yet talked to her coaches-she's back from injury in Jan-as we know its going to be a rough go of it and they won't like it but we don't feel we have other alternatives with the lack of time and commitment they seem to have available during summer for her-and on top of that-the complete lack of positive reinforcement one of her coaches gives her. [I don't feel taking a child and turning her around and showing her other kids on the ice and telling her they are younger and better is any way to achieve self confidence for any child struggling through considerable physical obstacles (as in muscle injury and another issues to get to her goals-but we're running out of new coaching options on a long term basis and she's determined Barrie this summer is for her] We think a positive environment (we're attracted to that "it can be done" and "give a kid a chance" lingo from this centre) any thoughts on what the program is like please pm us. I'd really prefer my child not skate at all, I don't like the silliness with lack of coaches acting like professionals, politics and rumors at the rink, the absurd happiness about our child's recent injury from yes, other parents at the rink, and real concern personally about my own child's knee holding up (but she and the doctor says it will so I'm stuck grin...)I'm determined to support her in her dreams and goals for so long as they are her dreams and goals..sigh...even if my hair turns white in the proces:giveup: s.. ha ha

12-27-2007, 08:19 PM
how old is she, what level is she at, what jumps does she have, where is her home town club?
Mariposa's summer program divides the kids depending on what jumps they can land consistently regardless of age, so she would be in groups with kids of her level. The ice is very busy, if she is used to skating on busy ice then she'll be OK...the atmosphere is dynamic and most kids thrive on it..Doug Leigh will give lessons to lower level skaters but usually in groups of three...book him early...but it will be a complete waste of time and money unless her coaches teach with the same method and support her going or they'll just undo everything that has been done!! Do you not have an elite training center near to where you live? It sounds as though you need to get her year round coaching sorted out rather that hope for any progress in just four weeks at Mariposa..
Look at your Junior Nationals results...look at which clubs the successful kids train at (not just the winners...anyone that made it to the national level)...see if there's one close to you....find out who their coaches are...talk to the parents of those kids...its a huge commitment...good luck

12-27-2007, 08:50 PM
What elmo said. All of it. How old is your skater?

The feedback from parents who have have kids do Mariposa (2 week/full summer etc) is that their biggest headache was the boarding and supervision. Consider taking vacation and staying with her, depending on age.

12-28-2007, 09:33 AM
mariposa, or "ponderosa the meat market as we fondly refer to it as" (it's a joke (before someone bites my head off)...we all know the summer program is all about making money and that requires lots of bodies on the ice..hehe) will be busy and just like the above posts said, may or may not help. Honestly, sounds like year round coaching is needed. I'd think long and hard about that first.

Of course she'll get something out of it, but she could get something out of going to a new coach or to another skating school for the summer. It would be a fun experience for her none the less

12-28-2007, 08:14 PM
she has all jumps but double axel-including most double double combos except a double anything-double lutz in combination and is 15 but very little for her age.....her own coaches have refused to pass the prenovice test of all things saying she couldn't compete without the double axel being clean (which I sure didn't see a lot of at sectionals)....so she's stuck at the junior silver level b/c the coaches don't have time to put the senior silver program together... and she's frustrated....a judge asked before her injury right in front of her coaches why she wasn't trying the prenovice test on test day as she should be and she was at a loss for words.

we're also at a loss on the year round coaching....just don't know where to go from where we are anymore....we are sort of looking at KWSC-but that has a great dance centre, not so much singles....at least my impression....(we are in WOS)

a new positive environment such as Barrie might help-she thinks it will-(personally I think she thinks that if she goes with the jumps,they might put her through the test day regardless of what her current coaches don't seem to want).....but who knows whats in a teen's mind?

thanks for the tips on what kids are training where... I'll have a look....

we really don't know what to do....sigh...if Mariposa is more of a money maker than skating centre for summer-as for the boarding, that is the dilemma-I can take the month off since I'm self employed and can afford to, so perhaps thats the route too. I just don't want to waste her time if its not going to do anything to get the positive going....

12-28-2007, 08:44 PM
I should add for clarification-she can land a double lutz double toe, for example...but not the reverse-double toe, double lutz....as in a jump where the double lutz is the last double not the first, but they have her doing these combos where she does a single lutz, double sal, double something (no idea what).....and she's also not allowed to say she has a jump or a combo until it is clean and consistently landed for two months.....sometimes the double lutz double toe comes and goes over the course of a month (depending on tiredness, etc)...but comes back...if that makes sense....we're not skaters as parents.....so it gets confusing for us....but from what she went to watch at sectionals (being herself injured) she was pretty mad she didn't get to try her test in the summer when she had the same jumps more or less except the double combos where the lutz is at the end.....she is very worried time is running out age wise...her coaches say oh you're small you have time (she's 80 lbs and genetically tiny-not a medical issue)...but really I think the committment from coaching is an issue...too many things going on maybe, and a basic disagreement over where she wants to go versus where coach thinks she should go....being a professional myself I hate questioning another professional, but at the end of the day, its my money and my child's dreams and goals.....and I don't feel trying for sectionals is something any child should just give up on if they're working for it.

12-28-2007, 09:48 PM
KWSC has a strong singles program and has a competitive atmosphere. With the addition of the Wirtzes this year, and Stephen Belanger they've put themselves back on the map again. Although they are known for Dance (Paul Macintosh), dance is only one part of the entire club.

They had 11 pre-novice ladies at sectionals, none made it to challenge although one skater was 5th at sectionals, close. Last year they had three pre-novice ladies at sectionals. There is growth.

I really don't know what to tell you otherwise.

12-29-2007, 10:34 PM
One more thought...without a pre-novice test she will likely be placed with the test stream skaters in Barrie and not the competitive ones...
Has she ever thought about concentrating on pairs skating?
If she is tiny as you say and you are considering Kitchener...go talk to Chris Wirtz...it's a fantastic place for pairs training...that may be the way for her to go...

madame x
12-31-2007, 07:32 AM
You can go to www.skatemariposa.com and check out the summer program scheulde. I do agree some lower level sessions are crowded, but somehow it works out. It's a very competive atmosphere and the positive outlook of all is amazing. Doug does give lessons in groups of three, even on the elite session. Sometimes this "group lesson" is a very good motivater for the individual skater to try a bit harder. It would make sense to plan ahead and book coaches, boarding, etc... The staff at the Mariposa office is exceptionally helpful with everything. I believe you can rent a mini-suite at Georgian College at a reasonable rate if you are planning to go along with your daughter. I've been told the rooms at Georgian are clean and only 15 minutes from the rink. If you go to the Mariposa website, you will be able to contact any other coach you are thinking your daughter would like to work with. Good luck.