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View Full Version : Twins who are Synchronized Skaters

12-10-2007, 09:57 AM
Say,to all Synchronized Skaters here. I was wondering if you have twins on your Team,and if so, do they dress alike on and off ice? I ask because I've seen Teams with twins on them,and was just wondering if there are any Twins on Teams who give people a chance to tell them apart off ice? As you can't tell skaters apart on ice.

12-10-2007, 10:44 AM
I can't answer some of your questions, but I was an ice monitor once some years ago for an ISI synchro competition. One team came in with 3 sets of twins. For an 18 member team, 1/3 of the team was a twin!

12-10-2007, 10:56 AM
I haven't known twins on a synchro team, but I have known twins in dance. Even when they are dressed exactly alike- if you know them, you can tell them apart by their mannerisms (how they talk or walk), and occasionally subtle differences (like how they pluck their eyebrows, or one has higher shoulders)

12-10-2007, 11:12 AM
I can't answer some of your questions, but I was an ice monitor once some years ago for an ISI synchro competition. One team came in with 3 sets of twins. For an 18 member team, 1/3 of the team was a twin!

That must've been a trip! What was their name, Cloning Dolly's ?

12-10-2007, 12:52 PM
I have twins on the synchro team that I coach. When they are wearing their practice dresses, I have a hard time telling them apart. However, one sister is a leader of some of the lines so I can tell them apart when skating. They do not dress the same off the ice -- they are 15 years old.

12-11-2007, 06:03 AM
We had identical twins in our club once, but we didn't have synchro then. They did often do duet numbers for shows, and looked very good together because their lines matched perfectly. They never dressed alike, unless they wore the same costume for a show.