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View Full Version : ughhh i give up (but not really)

12-05-2007, 01:10 AM
I saw the doctor today for my ankle. My peroneal tendons dislocate. Now guess what the solution for that is?

Surgery, of course.

He said he wanted to get a second opinion because he's too emotionally involved at this point (he did my first ankle surgery). So now it's off to another doctor, a great one, world-renowned, but ugh! I can't handle ANOTHER surgery! I mean, I most likely won't have a choice, but UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH

I had my meniscus trimmed in october of '06, my ankle ligs reconstructed in march of '07, and i'm having hip surgery in a few weeks. And the most frustrating part is that the recent injuries have been unpreventable. Like, it would be one thing if I had done these things to myself, but my hips are congenital and my ankle may be too. Sorry for the rant, but AHHHH

12-05-2007, 02:35 AM
Sorry to hear you have another injury, not a lot I can say that might help you feel better about it.

I dunno, sometimes I think surgery, painful and slow though the recovery might be, if it can fix your problem for the longer term, it might be a quicker option than lots of physio and exercises - might even mean less time off doing the things you love, like skating.

Hope the news is good from your 2nd opinion.

Mrs Redboots
12-05-2007, 02:45 AM

But just think, because of your skating you're so much fitter than the average patient, and should heal a whole lot faster.

**Sends lots of virtual chocolate, flowers and grapes**

12-05-2007, 03:47 AM
Whaddaya say the 2 of us kidnap a reindeer and blackmail santa into bringing some new ankles around, eh? :lol:

12-05-2007, 10:47 AM
Whaddaya say the 2 of us kidnap a reindeer and blackmail santa into bringing some new ankles around, eh? :lol:

Hey, I'll take one of those suckers :lol:


12-05-2007, 01:24 PM
Hey, I'll take one of those suckers :lol:

me too!! heehee

ibreakhearts - Is there any way you can schedule the two surgeries close together so that the recovery time will overlap? I don't know if the doctors would allow that, but since you'll be off-ice for your hip recovery, you might as well get the ankle surgery done then too. Although if the ankle is on the opposite side of the hip, then you might want to space them out or you'll be stuck in a wheelchair.

12-05-2007, 02:03 PM
Ugh!! That is SO CRAPPY! Oddly, though, I think it might make me feel slightly better if I knew that my injuries were due to a congenital condition because I'd know that I would probably have ended up having to have surgery with or without the skating. I would hate to be sitting around thinking of all of the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" scenarios and feeling like it had been my fault, KWIM?