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Mrs Redboots
11-18-2007, 03:50 AM
Do any UK skaters know where I can get a sensible elbow pad for my husband? He keeps on falling and banging it in exactly the same place, and it's getting old.... he is talking about padding it, and I think it's a great idea, but not sure what to recommend, for one's elbow!

Any ideas? And stockists (preferably here in the UK, as those places that do ship here from the US charge rather a lot, and one is apt to get zapped for customs and VAT, which negates any savings).

11-18-2007, 04:17 AM

You could try Halfords, they do padding for bike riding but it seems as bit cumbersome.

Personally, I found with son, that just some tubi grip with a sponge inside was far cheaper and more effective, you can also get the thin sponge sheet that you use for washing up. Is it the loop jump? I can remember son having eggs on his elbows from this, I dont land on my elbows much on that jump unfortunately its always my back that gets it when I get a jump wrong, but then again I hardly leave the ground!!

11-18-2007, 05:09 AM
My daughter acquired some Rucanor kneepads from a local sports shop (literally just up the road) ... These look very comfortable to me, I am thinking of getting some for myself. Rucanor is a company specialising in quality martial arts equipment, so I am sure that they do elbow pads too. As for local stockists, perhaps google the Rucanor website?

11-18-2007, 05:17 AM
Maybe you can just go to a supermarket, eg...Target, K-Mart or equivalent, and just grab some inline skating elbow pads, which probably comes with knee pads as well.....but if you only need elbow pads, then just use the elbow pads. They have a hard protective cover that would protect the pad etc from scratches. So if the ice is rough, the hard cover prevents rough ground/ice from damaging the padding material.

11-18-2007, 10:58 AM
I had a look at this place http://www.americansportsuk.co.uk/
believe it or not they have some great elbow/knee pads that arn't too bulky in the american football section.

Mrs Redboots
11-18-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks - I think tubigrip with a sponge or what my family calls squidge cloth (the washing-up cloth!) inside would work really well. The trouble with the in-line skating ones, Award, although he think he might even have one somewhere, is that he wouldn't be able to flex his arms, they seem so rigid.

And yes, it is the loop jump.....

11-19-2007, 02:44 PM
Hi, heres something that might suit from a UK supplier:
Hope that helps!

Mrs Redboots
11-20-2007, 01:11 PM
Hi, heres something that might suit from a UK supplier:
Hope that helps!
Thanks! Mind you, very similar to Samba's solution of a squidge cloth tucked down inside an elastic bandage - both of which we have, floating around somewhere, so might go with that.

BTW and off-topic, I think you will be competing against the Husband on Sunday morning, as there were no other Bronze men so they've put him in with the pre-Bronzes.

01-02-2008, 01:02 PM
I kept banging my left elbow on my spin falls, and I'm not old but at some point I couldn't put it down on a table anymore from the pain. Very annoying, as I have the tendency to put it down and support my chin with my hand when I'm thinking. X-ray looked clean, but naklofen cream wasn't helping anymore and a bump was growing on my elbow. So what I did was take a nice rubbery sponge, sewed a lycra half-sleeve and put the sponge in, stitching it in place around the edges. I just pull the sleeve over the elbow when I practice new spins.
Works like magic. Doesn't look so bad either, considering I took flesh-colored lycra. The sponge gets a little compressed so it doesn't look very bulky either.

01-02-2008, 02:06 PM
If shipping is any better from Canada, then I recommend Akton padding (http://www.sammonspreston.com/ca/Supply/Product.asp?Leaf_Id=A731501). It's gel padding that can be cut to size and is just a tad thicker than the SkatingSafe pads. Renatale recommended it to me and sent me the US link.

01-02-2008, 07:24 PM
No idea if this is any good as I've never had them myself, but did a quick search in sport & leisure on Amazon and came up with these:
Bit pricey but look like they're quite flexible and designed for high impact!