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View Full Version : Has anyone tried Prolotherapy for skating injuries?

11-14-2007, 08:47 PM
Hi Everyone,

For the past two months I have been experiencing pain on the inside ankle bone (medial malleolus). Nothing seems to have helped (I've tried rest, ice, pain killers, more padding, less padding, everything I can think of putting inside my skate). Now it has formed a spongy bump on the upper portion of the bone that is very tender to touch and near disabling when in my skates.

Sports medicine Dr wants to try prolotherapy to see if that helps.

Curious as to whether anyone has received these treatments in the past or knows of anyone who has. I'm just not sure that I buy the "sugar heals all injuries" theory...

Any insight would be appreciated - thanks!

11-14-2007, 09:32 PM
According to Prolotherapy.org (http://www.prolotherapy.org/), the therapy is only good for injuries to tendons and ligaments. It sounds to me like you have an inflamation of the soft tissue over the ankle bone that does not involve either tendons or ligaments. Did I misunderstand? I was having the same problem until I resolved it with a combination of a deeper ankle pocket in my boots and application of Salonpas medicated pads after skating. I used the ones with aspirin.