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View Full Version : Back sit spin - aargh

10-25-2007, 01:58 PM
Okay, so it appears i have problems - STILL - with my backspin and back sit to get more on the TOE, especially the back sit spin.

When i try to switch from the sitspin to the back sit, i am more on the blade than the toe. Am i supposed to be immediately on the toe from the immediate switch or rock toward the toe after the switch. I feel i have advanced enought at adult silver level that these STUPID ISSUEs should not be ISSUES anymore, and i feel like i am LD on this..... any support would be greatly appreciated. I wind up on the inside edge some on the back sit!

10-26-2007, 10:58 AM
AFter the switch from forward sit to back sit, I'm on the lower part of the toepick for a split second and then I rock back onto the sweet spot right behind the toepick. Although sometimes I miss the sweet spot and fall out of the spin altogether:roll: I don't feel like I'm ever further back on the blade - though I can see how doing that would cause you to fall onto an inside edge.

10-26-2007, 01:30 PM
Well, thanks for responding, Morgail....i was beginning to think i would never get anyone to answer this simple question!

10-27-2007, 05:25 AM

I have the same problem with the back sit spin. For me it seems that it helps to think to keep my abdominal muscles very tight when changing foot.. This way, I prevent myself from loosing and sitting back. Also, I during the change, I try to exaggerate with my leaning forward (extending arms and head towards the front and pushing down). This helps me be more towards the toe than sitting on the blade