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10-08-2007, 04:04 PM
Hi all I just found this forum again, and I got a question
How crooked are your feet?
Mine actually are so crooked that I have to custom order my sk8es. Cause all the others just twist and then the heal falls off.:lol: :frus: :frus:
So post pics of your feet.

10-08-2007, 06:16 PM
So post pics of your feet.

Hmm... Don't think I'll do that. I'd break the internet.

10-09-2007, 03:19 AM
Don't know about crooked, but definitely not pretty. With the width of my bunions, the pictures probably wouldn't fit on the internet

10-09-2007, 05:47 AM
Don't know about crooked, but definitely not pretty. With the width of my bunions, the pictures probably wouldn't fit on the internet

Heh...I hear you...thank God for custom boots...:(

10-09-2007, 08:23 AM
yeah......true...for long term skaters, or even short term ones...if you care about your feet, then custom fit is really beneficial. Boots that don't fit the feet well can lead to various problems with feet, including annoying calluses etc.

10-09-2007, 06:03 PM
Do skates cause bunions?? My mom says my feet look like I have those but im only 15!!!!

10-09-2007, 06:33 PM
Do skates cause bunions?? My mom says my feet look like I have those but im only 15!!!!

I got 'em from many years of ill-fitting but cute high heels...

10-09-2007, 06:39 PM
I actually have unusually nice looking feet for a skater - considering I have had three fractures in the last 5 years, too! (off-ice clumsiness of course!). My feet are different sizes so I get a split length/width boot, but it still is not a custom-boot.

Not crooked but one of my ankles is thicker than the other. Is it my landing leg/foot? I don't remember, I have to think about it (yes, I used to do freestyle...)

10-09-2007, 06:48 PM
Do skates cause bunions?? My mom says my feet look like I have those but im only 15!!!!

Definitely! I never wore high heels or ill fitting shoes - then I took up skating. The bunions came after I had spent a month skating every day to pass a field moves test.

Now I have bunions anyway from my skates I have started to wear high heels- might as well now as the damage is done!!!!

Skates that are very slighlty too small are the most probable cause in my case as well as hereditary predisposition to bunions. I think you can get them at any age but it's tough to get them at 15!

There was pic of Naomi Campbell's (the supermodel) feet in today's paper - she has awful bunions - really horrible - and she still wears outrageous shoes!

10-09-2007, 07:11 PM
How crooked are my feet?

Well, my feet don't steal and don't lie but they have been known to cheat some of my jump landings. LOL :lol:

Really, have bunions on both feet. My right foot pronates more than my left foot does. Because of the bunions on my feet, I have wide balled feet. The width of my feet just behind my bunions has about a quarter inch difference and the arch width goes in another quarter inch. My heal is about a B width heal but across the ball of my feet the width is a D. Yet my ankle at the rear is very narrow but at the front where the ankle bone is it is wide. I have scary feet.

10-09-2007, 09:06 PM
my feet are quite straight and wide... but my toe nails are awful...

10-10-2007, 03:30 AM
Do skates cause bunions?? My mom says my feet look like I have those but im only 15!!!!

My bunions are definitely not from skating, I have had them since about your age. Mine were caused by the way I walk, according to the podiatrist. However, I have to say they've got bigger since I've been skating.

I highly recommend ensuring your skates fit properly to avoid them.

10-10-2007, 05:35 AM
Actually, my feet aren't in too bad shape (just a bit of hard skin), but I do have a pronation problem, particularly on my right foot. This got so bad last year it was causing tendonitis; according to my podiatrist I was walking 'incorrectly' on the right foot - sort of twisting it instead of rolling from heel to toe. But thanks to her help (and special insoles in my shoes), it seems to be getting better.

Have to wear sensible shoes though :cry: - can't wear flip-flops too often in the summer and can't cope with heels at all.

S xxx

Mel On Ice
10-10-2007, 12:17 PM
my left foot is a 6.25 E, my right is a 6.5 C. Flat as pancakes. I call 'em my Fred Flintstone feet.

I do have lovely, long toes except for the wee wee wee mutants and their stick-straight-up nails on the end.

Oh, and they puff like rising dough when it's too hot and humid.

And I have to buy off the rack shoes between 8 and 8.5 to accomodate the width so the toes curl up like elf shoes.

Thank God for custom skates!

10-10-2007, 12:38 PM
Hmm... Don't think I'll do that. I'd break the internet.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My feet aren't crooked, don't have bunions or any kind of fungus. Heel spurs? I have them in both feet, but they're invisible!
I still wouldn't put a picture of them online - don't want to entertain anyone's fetish.

10-10-2007, 02:14 PM
ACtually, mine aren't so bad considering years of wearing skates and high heels. They're flat, but that's entirely genetic. I have slight corns/callouses on my little toes from my skates, but they aren't huge and ugly (at least not yet!). And my left foot is fatter on the top, probably from scar tissue from the weird nerve pain I always used to get on the top of that foot while doing spins as a kid. Other than that, my feet aren't so bad:)

Mrs Redboots
10-10-2007, 02:22 PM
The only thing wrong with my feet is that they've spent over 50 years being walked on, and it shows! Skating doesn't help, but it hasn't hurt much, either.

10-10-2007, 04:02 PM
Bunions! Bad bad ones. :giveup: They are a gift from my dear mom. From legs to feet, you can tell we are mother and daughter. I can't blame and won't blame skating because I love it. We have different toes though. Mine are as long as my pinky fingers. 8O Just describing them is horrible enough, posting a picture will definitely cause the Web server to go down.

I don't have custom boots. Could someone please tell me how much more do they cost? Because of bunions I can skate up to 1 hour and must rest for a while and can go for another hour.

10-10-2007, 06:48 PM
It would be nice if we had technology like in the new bionic woman series where anthrocites, or however you spell them, or micro-machines etc could just go into the body and whittle away the bunions or bone growths (spurs etc) and end up with normal feet.

I had this small bump at the back of my left foot, on the left side of the heel (not under the foot).......and I'm pretty sure that skating and pressure on the bump from the boots has made it get bigger in size.

10-10-2007, 07:03 PM
I'm only 15, and i have rediculous bunions. I dont even remember when they appeared, one day my mom just pointed them out to me haha. Ohhhh they huuurt.

10-12-2007, 07:10 AM
OUCH! Yes...VERY VERY bad bunions......

I have a very hard time finding ANYTHING comfy for my deformed aching feet..let alone skates....

SkateSkate....if you have bad bunions which hurt at 15, are you planning to do anything about it? Or by the time you get to my age, you could be in big trouble....