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View Full Version : Rink where I can train at near Elizabeth, New Jersey?

09-25-2007, 10:23 PM
Hi everyone, I have yet another possible trip planned to the US and this time I should be near Elizabeth, New Jersey, are there any rinks nearby that I can train at? I am hoping to go around 22nd nov to 10 dec!

09-26-2007, 04:10 AM
Union Sports Arena is a nice indoor rink in Union, NJ - a bit northwest of Elizabeth, NJ. www.unionsportsarena.com (http://www.unionsportsarena.com)

Warinanco Skating Center is a seasonal, covered outdoor rink that's in Roselle, NJ - one town over from Elizabeth, NJ. http://www.unioncountynj.org/parks/iceskating.html

09-26-2007, 10:29 AM
Thanks! I presume they don't have public transport going there... since their website doesnt seem to say anything about it.

09-26-2007, 11:07 AM
Where are you coming from? PM me - NJ transit passes by the park - hopefully youre traveling during daytime, bc its not safe during night-time

Nj transit bus - Route 62 passes by the park (http://www.njtransit.com/pdf/bus/T0062.pdf)

I suggest exiting at St. George & Thompson Avenue... Its easier walking through Thompson bc its closer to the rink, than going through the park. The facility has a huge roof - so you wont miss it :mrgreen:

You'll love it there, ;) its my home rink

09-27-2007, 10:40 PM
Tim is referring to Warinanco Park, where I also skated for many years.
(I can't believe we've never met, Tim.)

There is public transportation to Union Sports Arena, but you'd need to change buses - check with NJ Transit.

09-28-2007, 12:23 AM
thanks for the info so far...
Is it worth it to take a trip down to the ice house as well?
Do these rinks usually stay open during the holidays?
I am now considering 7 dec to 30 dec instead...

09-28-2007, 07:14 AM
Tim is referring to Warinanco Park, where I also skated for many years.
(I can't believe we've never met, Tim.)

I know, tis crazy :halo:

thanks for the info so far...
Is it worth it to take a trip down to the ice house as well?
Do these rinks usually stay open during the holidays?
I am now considering 7 dec to 30 dec instead...

If you intend to go to hackensack, you will have to go to New york - port authority bus terminal to catch a bus from there. Unfortunately there are no buses that passes through Elizabeth that goes up to Ice House.

10-03-2007, 09:49 AM
Ice House is one heck of a rink, though. I skate there sometimes, and I get my skates sharpened there. When I'm waiting for my skates, I don't even bring a book. I just sit and watch the celebrities go by. Oh, there's John Zimmerman. Oh, there's Galit Chait. Oh, there's Sylvia Fontana. Oh, there's Kyoko Ina... Mathew Gates... Nikolai Morozov... Miki Ando... Cathy Reed... Alexander Abt... It's weirdly fun. Skating royalty, past and present.

10-03-2007, 09:38 PM
What means night time? Because I know that in winter you people get alot less day light... so does it mean after dark? Is it safe to drive in a car at night?

Also for the three rinks mentioned, are there any "no freestyle on public ice" rules?

10-04-2007, 07:07 AM
"Dark" is pretty much 5 or 6pm at that time of the year in NJ. I think Tim meant that you wouldn't be safe walking around at night; he didn't mean that you couldn't drive to the rinks. All three have parking on site, although Hackensack's lot is small and you often end up in the commuter lot across the street.

Warinanco has only public sessions, AFAIK. I wouldn't do a camel or spiral -- too dangerous on a public session. The guards are pretty laid back if you keep to the center ice. During the day, the publics are more like freestyles - maybe 2-3 non-figure skaters.

Union's public sessions require you to stay in the middle, even for jumps. Again, no free foot above the hip maneuvers. Their freestyle sessions are usually uncrowded and reasonably priced - check the calendar.

Never skated a public at Hackensack, only freestyles.

10-04-2007, 11:53 AM
Public sessions at Hackensack can be a bit crowded. A lot of school groups go there. They're usually too packed to do much freestyle, but they do keep the center of the ice for it. I make the judgement when I get there, on what I can do safely.

Freestyles are generally better places to do any sort of real skating.

10-04-2007, 08:43 PM
Ok I'm just asking because I'm on holiday so I could go to the rinks almost any time I wanted, but if they restrict what I can do on public ice I will have to have a more detailled plan then. Thanks again :)

10-04-2007, 11:34 PM
Public sessions at Hackensack can be a bit crowded. A lot of school groups go there. They're usually too packed to do much freestyle, but they do keep the center of the ice for it. I make the judgement when I get there, on what I can do safely.

Oh wish I knew that. I was told that I couldn't do freestyle on public ice, so I had to buy freestyle sessions. The public sessions I saw when I was there were really quiet... but then again, I was there during school term and would skate only in the mornings when schools were in session.