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09-25-2007, 04:34 PM
Just curious for the coaches out there. What level is your highest student and your lowest. And what are there ages :)

09-25-2007, 05:10 PM
My youngest is 8. She'll probably test her pre-pre moves this winter, & she's working on her lutz & loop. My oldest, I'm guessing is in her late 60's/early 70's, & is working on crossovers & mohawk. My most advanced student is a senior in college (hasn't done much skating while in school). She's on her silver dances & intermediate moves. I'm hoping she moves back here after she's done with school so we can keep working together!

09-25-2007, 05:50 PM
Youngest: 6 years old
Oldest: 12 years old

Highest level currently teaching: Pre-Juvenile MIF, Pre-Preliminary freestyle; Skaters at this level range in age from 10-12
Lowest level currently teaching: Alpha (for an ISI skater), Pre-Preliminary MIF (for a USFSA skater); Skaters at this level range in age from 6-8

09-25-2007, 10:31 PM
Youngest: 4 years old (Pre-Prelim level)
Oldest: 17 years old (Sr. Bronze level)

Lowest level currently teaching: Canskate badge 5 (ages 5-8)
Highest level currently teaching: Jr. Silver Free/Juvenile Competitive (age 12), Jr. Bronze Skills (Pre-Juv Moves), and Jr. Bronze Dance (Pre-Juv). I rarely teach dance and skills/moves, only the low levels and then they work with coaches who specialize in those areas.

09-26-2007, 12:29 AM
Youngest: 3
Oldest: 9

My lowest level is the 3 year old who is just working on forwards swizzles, backwards wiggles, and one foot glides.

My highest level is a couple of girls working on back scratches, loops, flips, sit spins...

09-28-2007, 05:58 PM
Youngest: 2 1/2
Oldest: 10

Lowest Level: Snowplow Sam 1 (not the 2 1/2 year old)
Highest Level: Basic 3 (no, not the 10 year old)

it's funny that my highest/lowest is not my oldest/youngest!!! :D

09-29-2007, 12:10 AM
hey.... neither are mine.... that is kind of funny I guess :)

09-29-2007, 05:51 PM
Youngest: 2.5: This one can just manage to stand up and take a few steps, with me hovering and holding a hand. She's had two "lessons" and mom is very enthusiastic, while tot goes along with it and likes the stuffed animals and colored markers. This is going to take a while, but as long as everyone is happy, I'm game.

Oldest: Not sure, but somewhere around 60. I have one starting soon who is 62.

Lowest Level: See "Youngest" :)

Highest Level: Pre Preliminary Moves & FS, Adult Bronze Moves.

I most likely won't be taking anyone higher than Prelim MIF and FS, but I really enjoy the fix-it jobs - skaters who have been progressing, but with bad habits such as toe pushes and straight knees. It's amazing how far some kids can get like that!

Can we add Most Frustrating?

Mine is a 10 yr old with the attention span of a gnat. Sweet girl, but really has a disability in that respect.

10-02-2007, 11:16 AM
Youngest: 7

Oldest: Late 50's

Lowest: Basic 3ish

Highest: I have an adult who'll probably take her Pre-Bronze moves in the spring, and I have a teenage boy who could easily be taking his prelim dances in a few months if he practiced between lessons (he's not interested in testing anyway, but he could if he wanted to)

Most Frustrating: Probably the aforementioned teenage boy, just because we've been doing the same stuff for about eighteen months. I've introduced everything I think he's even remotely ready to try, because I think we're both getting bored, but with him not skating at all between lessons, progress is slow.

I have another kid whose mother could drive me insane. Cannot get the kid to the rink on time, calls me at home at night almost every week because she's forgotten when the next lesson is, can't make a phone call/leave a message and get to the point so every call with her is like twice as along as it needs to be... it's a good thing I like her kid ;)

10-06-2007, 08:50 AM
Oldest: 5

Youngest: just turned 4. I teach a tots group lesson.

Lowest: the 5 year old. She does forward swizzles, 2ft glides, dips and we're working on back swizzles, 1ft glides, stroking instead of stepping and 2 ft spins.

Highest: See youngest. :) She's been on the ice off and on since she was 2, maybe younger. When she was 3, started lessons (parents are a hockey coach and a former figure skater). She is amazingly good for 4 and does forward crossovers both directions (choppy but with correct arms), 2ft spin out of swizzles, back swizzles, 1ft glides, etc. We're working on lloooonng 1ft glides and 1ft glides around the "rainbow" (edges). She can also do 3turns holding my hand. We're working on letting go now.

10-12-2007, 08:49 PM
Youngest: 8 years old
Oldest: 12 years old

Lowest level: Approximately Basic 7/8 but can do salchow, scratch spin and is working on back scratch a little bit.

Highest Level: Juvenile, working on the dreaded double axel! 8O

10-18-2007, 04:57 AM
Youngest: 3 or 4
Oldest: 13ish

Lowest: Tot 1
Highest: low FS (working up to FS3)
