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09-19-2007, 05:05 PM
The Professional Skaters Association publishes a MITF book as well as a video. Is one more worthwhile than the other? Or would you pick up both? (I'm heading into pre-bronze, by the way.)

09-19-2007, 05:28 PM
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than video is worth a million!
I have the video and it is a godsend. :)

09-19-2007, 05:59 PM
Video and a rulebook. I own the video and with my rulebook, don't need their book. That being said, I don't think the PSA has adult standard clips on the video (at least the ones I own) so you will have to get inferences for those things...

09-20-2007, 03:48 AM
Is the Moves in the field book for dance or figure skating, or both?
CrystalIce x

09-20-2007, 04:43 AM
There is also a book on the USFS dances.

The advantage of the books is that they outline the common errors and test expectations, as well as some "look for's"

09-20-2007, 08:10 AM
The advantage of the books is that they outline the common errors and test expectations, as well as some "look for's"

Yes, absolutely. I was complaining and cursing about waltz 8 until I read this:

Waltz Eight
Reasons for Development:
Teaches proper check positions for jump entries—3-turn for salchow, BO mohawk transition for stepping into waltz jump or
axel. Beginning of symmetrical development of the body. Larger circles require development of increased core body strength.

Focus: Edge Quality: Substantial steadiness with a minimum of
subcurves. (notice, it's NOT the 3turns!)

Common errors: Not skating the waltz 8 with an even rhythm or timing, back outside edge too short, not dividing circle into thirds, not checking after forward 3-turn, problems stepping forward after the back outside edge, difficulty controlling forward outside edge into center, inability to control upper body rotation and positions
Test Standard: The judge should expect the following:
• some control of all body positions and edges
• awareness of rhythmic motion (waltz timing)
• control after 3’s and mohawks in a check position
• circles should be larger than in figures
• does not need to come back to same center
• some evidence of good posture

Then I decided I'd better learn the damn waltz 8 and learn it well - and so I did!

09-20-2007, 12:39 PM
You can also go here to see standards and common errors on MIF (Note that some of the adult MIF have changed since this was published, but all you have to do is find your moves on the standard tests and then read about them here):


09-20-2007, 01:46 PM
I own both the video and the book, but I think you should just get the video.

The book is enticing, but I’m not really thrilled with it. The double-sided pages and spiral binding make updating or adding to the book difficult.

The adult tests aren’t separated or even NOTED on the patterns – it’s all standard track patterns. When the new Adult Pre-Bronze Three pattern was introduced, all the book had was a loose insert (which has fallen on the ice almost every session) that was a copy of the abbreviated USFSA pattern. That’s it – no notes, hints, test standards, anything. If you’re working on the adult track, you have to put post it notes to follow along from standard test pattern to the next pattern.

The tips and guidelines in the PSA book are the same ones you can get from the rulebook or the reference links others have provided.