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09-13-2007, 04:03 AM
How do you handle it when you and your coach don't see eye to eye about your program?
Things like what elements should be included, or when they should occur in a program?

09-13-2007, 06:35 AM
How do you handle it when you and your coach don't see eye to eye about your program?
Things like what elements should be included, or when they should occur in a program?

If it's about me, my ability, what I can handle, then I stand firm. If it's about what I think makes the program better, I'll voice my opinion and sometimes the coach will say "Oh okay" but if she's insistent and gives me reasons based on her experience and knowledge, I'll trust her above my opinion, or at least give it a shot. She's done this longer than me.

In the end though, you have to skate the program, you reap the consequences of your program and if you are consistently getting in disagreements and you are not comfortable with the give and take of putting together a program, it might be time for a new coach.


09-13-2007, 08:01 AM
We discuss the program very clearly up front with expectations, elements, etc. We talk about what are stretch elements and what goes in up front. We choreo TOGETHER. We have been working together for a while, though.

09-13-2007, 10:18 AM
I've been together with my coach so long and my programs have been so successful (in both competing and really liking them) that I trust him. I will always give it a try. After that, if it really is not working, then we discuss it.

09-13-2007, 10:35 AM
How do you handle it when you and your coach don't see eye to eye about your program?
Things like what elements should be included, or when they should occur in a program?

Perhaps you should look at what the program is for - things like what elements should be included often are dictated, to some extent, by what elements are allowed.

In terms of where elements should occur, your coach probably has a reason for where an element should occur in a program. Discuss the reason, maybe you might be convinced of your coach's reason - or you may convince your coach of your reason!

Personally, I choreograph my own programs, and my coach would just comment on it. Sometimes I see his point and change some things around. Sometimes I explain why I want things there, and he would either agree, or just let it be 'cos its not that big a deal, and I'm the one skating it anyway!

Rusty Blades
09-13-2007, 11:19 AM
My coach and I work together on everything. She has more faith in my abilities than I do and excellent technical knowledge so I rely on her. Ultimately though I pay the bills so the final decision is mine (as is the responsibility).

09-13-2007, 12:36 PM
With my new-ish coach, I went along with his first programme but then decided I wanted to change the order of things so worked it out myself and then presented some suggestions. He was happy to go along with it if it made things better for me.

It probably depends on the relationship you have with your coach and on their personality. My coach is happy for me to give him information about what is needed in my programme to satisfy various competition requirements (less work for him I guess!:lol: )

With my new programme I am generally happy with his suggestions but if I want to change something I'll suggest it and why and we talk it over and try it.

Actually in this one he had put a loop in and when I went to run through it I felt like I could do a loop-loop combo there and did and once he got over the shock of me actually landing it he said 'fine leave it in if you want':lol:

09-15-2007, 12:54 AM
Personally, I choreograph my own programs, and my coach would just comment on it. Sometimes I see his point and change some things around. Sometimes I explain why I want things there, and he would either agree, or just let it be 'cos its not that big a deal, and I'm the one skating it anyway!

that's how it worked for me with coaches I had in the 1980's. I would be told what elements were required or to be included. I'd select and cut the music, do the choreography and element placement. Coach would have a look at it, suggest improvements or any changes she thought were needed from a judging point of view, and give me a footwork sequence to learn that suited the program.

Current coach gets you to select music, then she cuts it and gives you the program. I did ask what elements I should include but came away with a longer list of possibles and only one definite. I don't think my coach is used to her students arguing with her about program composition. I reckon I'm probably a real pain to coach. :lol: The competition is 3 weeks from today8O , so far I have only got about 1/2 a program. I'm worried and don't know how to handle this.

09-15-2007, 03:53 AM
Why don't you just give you coach a free hand for that first program? Give her a chance to show what she can do for you, when left to work in her own way.

Plenty of programs in the future where you can do your own thing.

09-15-2007, 04:09 AM
It isn't our first program together. We did the same thing last year. In the end, with 2 weeks to the comp, she told me to choreograph a certain part myself because it wasn't working.

I also suspect that this could be my last program, for a variety of reasons, and I want to feel good about it, like I gave it my best shot.