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View Full Version : Dress Makers

09-09-2007, 07:41 PM
I posted this in trading post and it didnt get very many "views" so i thought i would try it here. I didnt really know where it belonged.

Not sure if this is allowed, so i wont post who just recently made a dress for DD but I thought it would be nice to list links or even ebay sellers names of people you have purchased nice quality made dresses from.

If this is an okay thread let me know because I am thrilled with my DD newest dress i just had made.

I posted this because there are sooo many dress makers and a ton on ebay. I get nervous sometimes and took my chance and asked one of the sellers on ebay to custom make one according to measurements i sent her.

The dress was amazing and an awesome deal. So I thought if we could come up with a list of sellers (accessable via internet) we all liked and have had good success wtih it would be beneficial.

09-09-2007, 08:15 PM
I'm interested in seeing this-I make my own but sometimes I get in a "time crunch" and would like someone else to make me something!!!! Especially if it is beyond my skill level.

I know we have some very talented seamstresses and artisans here on this board. Not just for skating apparel but for other crafts as well. Hmmm maybe that's how they fund their skating?

09-09-2007, 09:19 PM
Hey, I don't know if it s/b here or not either ... but I have had great success with WenDesign for DS (amazing fitting on boy's stuff, no 'web' on the crotch :lol: ) and for DD1 and DD2. Measurements sent, fabric samples rec'd, feedback incorporated, and dresses absolutely perfect. Know other skaters and skater's families who are equally happy with them. DD loves that they LINE the dresses (and can put a bra in if necessary) and that there are no itchy seams :D

I've put the website on other posts, but, here goes again: www.skatingdress.com

09-10-2007, 03:18 PM
We use...

Her kids used to skate but dont anymore. All the special dresses we have come from her. In fact we had a comp this weekend and I had a judge come up and tell me she really liked the color and style of her Artistic and fs dress.

09-10-2007, 05:48 PM
Hmmm maybe that's how they fund their skating?

You betcha!

09-10-2007, 06:12 PM

This is the seller we used off ebay. I really liked a dress she had but wanted it in a different color and with nude sleeves. I sent her the measurements and she made the dress. It is the most beautiful dress every. The beading is remarkable. Our coach thought I paid over 300.00 for it and we paid less then 100! :) hehe

09-10-2007, 06:52 PM
Stephen had the most amazing list of dress resources. It's in the sticky item at the top of this section, Reference links for skaters. Thanks Stephen, I still use this list.