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View Full Version : my newest stupid skating trick

07-20-2007, 11:06 PM
So lately I've been catching the heel of my blade on back swing rolls and back progressives. I did this THREE TIMES today and went flying backwards, legs in the air, butt smacking down on the ice. Argh. Coach says it's from not pointing the toe on the free foot.

What's your newest stupid skating trick?

07-21-2007, 12:01 AM
Been there, done that! Went on my butt straight in front of an ice-dance coach when doing back cross-strokes.

I actually have one of my own to post here. Lately I've been putting in quite a bit of effort into correcting a billion of scratch-spin problems, and am often trying to make adjustments once in the spin. This has resulted in the newest stupid skating trick: start a poorly centered spin that travels, after several revolutions adjust something and completely reverse the direction of travel, and after yet a few more revs start traveling to the left (or right).

Have never seen anyone draw such patterns on the ice when spinning... LOL.

07-21-2007, 03:27 AM
Well mine's actually an old one. I have the stupidest spin entry! My previous coach tried to correct it but gave up in the end. He decided 'Oh well, you can spin so we'll just leave it'.

It looks so ridiculous it's embarassing!

My other favourite is kicking myself in the right shin when attempting backspins and trying to cross my legs on Flips. I have a series of small scars to prove it.

S xxx

07-21-2007, 01:54 PM
Spinning on the skating foot, instead of doing a proper outside three-turn.
I can do the latter quite well, but sometimes laziness and a bad habit promote the former (though thankfully not yet in front of the coach) :lol:

07-22-2007, 10:53 AM
I do an easy catch-foot upright spin usually as part of a camel/sit/catch upright/back spin combo. The right foot is caught in frontwith knee bent so the blade is just above the left knee.

A week ago I was doing my last spin of a session when I started to fall out of this upright......instead of just letting go of the blade, I tried to save the spin and jerked the catch foot too hard and stabbed my quad just above the knee!
I had to ask the desk person at the rink for a band-aid to place over my bleeding quad!

No big injury but it did hurt for two days!