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View Full Version : What Age & Level Is Your Favorite to Teach and Why?

07-15-2007, 04:17 PM
Coaches, after nearly 7 years of coaching privately and group lessons, I've had 'em all from barely-standing 3 year olds to adults in their mid-50s! Just wondering: what age and levels does everyone like to teach best and why? :D

I've defined the following as:
Advanced skaters = doubles and above
Intermediate skaters = axels and beginning doubles
Beginners = the basics (stroking, single jumps, etc.)

07-16-2007, 05:16 PM
I wouldn't say that I have a favorite level or age, but that I like to have a mix. I've had times where I was teaching tots four days a week and I started to feel like I was going to scream if I had to play one more game of Simon Says. Right now I'm teaching more advanced groups, but I've subbed for a Snowplow Sam/Basic 1 group the last two weekends and I had a blast, just because it was such a change. I also did part of a lesson with an adult- I like teaching adults a lot because they're usually so enthusiastic, and I can explain things without having to figure out how to simplify them quite as much.

My favorite class ever was about five years ago- I had a Snowplow Sam group, eight kids, all boys. I was looking at that class list and panicking, especially because I couldn't be sure I was going to have a helper. As it turned out, I didn't need one. They were so well-behaved, (and cute!)and every one of them was marching independently by the end of the first class.