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View Full Version : Rink reopening (oh please please please let it be true!)

Laura H
07-10-2007, 02:01 PM
I haven't posted in a while . . . but you might remember that our local rink was abruptly closed down on 4/30/07 (out of state management company). Rumors have been flying, but it actually made the papers this a.m. that the rink is under contract and the new owners DO plan to keep it a skating rink :bow: . . . it's been nervewracking these past few months waiting to hear one way or the other!!

We've been burning up the highways to keep the kids (and yeah, myself) on ice . . . (one son figure skates, the other plays hockey) my figure skating son has been lucky enough to still get a weekly private lesson with his usual coach - she is commuting too - & he's gotten really solid on his lutz and loop . . . still chasing that elusive axel though!! ;)

I have been trying to keep up with my skating too, but it's awfully hard to do without formal instruction . . . and the public session ice at the rink where we have been going is a little "scary" for jumps, at least for an . . .umm . . . MATURE skater such as myself . . . (they only zam at the beginnig of the session, as far as I can tell). (Also, the skaters are MUCH more erratic - there is no rink guard, at least at the session we have been going to, and people routinely cut straight down the middle of the ice with no advance warning - eek!)

Anyway, it's been a very interesting few months (and we have definitely realized how SPOILED we were before! 8O ) Hoping and praying that things will work out for the prospective buyers and that we can be back on "home ice" soon!!

07-10-2007, 05:16 PM
That's great! Our rink was closed by the bowling alley that owned it.. they gave us about a month's notice. (Although rumors had been flying for awhile.) You're lucky someone is buying yours- no one wanted ours, even though it had been there for 40+ years. :( That rink was an hour away and the other 3 are about the same distance so thankfully I didn't have that big of an adjustment to make. I hope they reopen yours quickly!! :)

07-10-2007, 05:18 PM
HOORAY! Hope it all works out better than ever!

07-10-2007, 05:31 PM
Oh, WOW!!! Congrats to you! I hope you'll get your rink back soon!!!

I'm still waiting on my weekend rink to reopen again. Of course, this will be a HUGE battle... since no one wants to buy the rink... well, they want the property but not as a figure skating rink. :roll: (The current owners wants to sell it at a high price and figures that the best way is to sell it for its land value for condos. However, the city of Berkeley has made my weekend rink a city landmark, so it's gonna be harder for them to tear it down and turn it into condo. Now the current owners are trying to overturn the ruling of the rink being a landmark (http://www.saveberkeleyiceland.org/?q=node/135).)

I'm hoping that eventually this non-profit (http://www.saveberkeleyiceland.org/) will buy the rink outright and reopen it soon. But I'm not holding my breath on it for now. :cry: (I guess I shouldn't complain. I do have my home rink to go to if not my weekend rink but I sure love my weekend rink when it was there.)