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View Full Version : New Hip/Thigh Pain

07-07-2007, 06:44 PM
After skating yesterday, I started to have a completely new pain in my L hip/thigh. I didn't fall and didn't do anything unusual. It's on the outside (and slightly forward) right where a panty line would be in regular cut panties (sorry, can't figure out how else to describe it). I can't quite figure out exactly which movements hurt it, but I couldn't get my L blade guard on or off because crossing the L leg over the R and pulling the heel up was excruciating. I had to sit down to do it, and even that hurt. It also hurt in bed when lying on my R side, lifting the L leg to move it forward or back. It seems to hurt when I raise the leg from the hip, sitting down and getting up again, especially if I sit for a while. I don't have a clue what this is or what to do for it. Normally, I would throw ibuprofen at it, but I can't anymore because of allergies. Any & all help appreciated.

07-07-2007, 07:38 PM
Sounds like it may be IPS/hip flexor strain (http://www.physioroom.com/injuries/groin_and_pelvis/hip_flexor_strain_full.php)?

If this doesn't sound like it, try to figure out what movement exactly hurts.

07-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Could it be from adjusting to your new skates where you actually put stress/strain on it? I saw your other thread about new boots/blades.

Icy/Hot patches work wonders.

07-07-2007, 08:21 PM
I've been feeling pain in my right hip lately, thought it's more of a mild aching, right around the area you mentioned. It's gotten much better with stretching my hip flexor muscle before and after skating.

07-07-2007, 08:26 PM
also look at the sartorius muscle

07-07-2007, 09:22 PM
Sounds like it may be IPS/hip flexor strain (http://www.physioroom.com/injuries/groin_and_pelvis/hip_flexor_strain_full.php)?

If this doesn't sound like it, try to figure out what movement exactly hurts.

It's farther to the outside. I don't think this is it.

Could it be from adjusting to your new skates where you actually put stress/strain on it? I saw your other thread about new boots/blades.

This started after skating yesterday afternoon. I got my new skates this morning.

also look at the sartorius muscle

Sartorius is looking good. I remembered that I was working on improving my extension on FXO's, in particular by lifting the free leg higher on the FO edge. According to this tutorial on the sartorius muscle (http://www.getbodysmart.com/ap/muscularsystem/thighmuscles/anteriormuscles/sartorius/tutorial.html), it "flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip; (also flexes leg at knee)". Except for the knee flexion, this describes exactly what I was doing the past two days. It would also explain why it hurts when I lift the leg and flex the knee.

Thank you all for your input.

07-07-2007, 11:13 PM
I've been having this same pain- didn't know what to call it and don't have any suggestions, but I guess I'm glad you mentioned it because now I have all of these resources!

For me it's been going on a LLLOOONNNGGG time but is one of those minor things (compared to the constant pain in my mid-thoracic spine!)

07-08-2007, 03:11 AM
another thing to consider is Ilio tibial band problems, which can be on it's own or from piriformis syndrome. I'm battling this at the moment, and it seemed to come from wonky camel spins. Physio reckons it was trying to maintain balance and control with that part of my leg. So following on from your thread about struggling for control on L edges, makes me wonder.

07-08-2007, 09:49 AM
Muscle strain usually start from muscle imbalances. All the muscles are related. When one muscle is weak another takes over, causing the other muscle to to become overworked. Off ice exercises to find your particular weakness is key.

07-08-2007, 09:59 AM
Also look at Tensor Fascia Lata, it has a direct relationship. Hope this can help.

07-08-2007, 10:11 AM
At this point it seems pretty clear that it's the sartorius and that I overdid it working the extension on CW FXO's. It seems a little better today, and I'm taking the day off as I have a cold anyway.

Feel free to keep the thread going on other similar problems.

07-08-2007, 10:31 AM
I've been working on extension and line as well and that's when my pain started. I've also been skating five days per week.

I think the message here for all of us is that we have to listen to our bodies and react accordingly. Information is power.

07-09-2007, 04:28 AM
Also look at Tensor Fascia Lata, it has a direct relationship. Hope this can help.

yes, that's what I meant, the tensor, not the ilio tibial band.

Glad to hear you've worked out what your problem is dbny. And I'll take up your offer of continuing the thread on similar problems - my tensor fascia lata problem.

Started out with the side of my left thigh going numb when I lay flat on my back in bed. One day though it stayed numb all day, even through skating. The only thing I felt was a sharp pain in my left hip when I did a lunge (right leg behind).

I had a bowen therapy treatment on it (a soft tissue alternative to chiro/osteo), but after that I got these weird patches of sort of pins & needles. Then that night I was woken by sharp pain down the side of my though whenever I tried to move it. Happened a couple more times, but now it has reverted to night numbness, and it still doesn't like lunges.

Pretty clear it is the fascia, but why, and what to do about isn't clear. It is also much looser when I have skated, though tighter again at night. It is a weird one. Given my limited budget, I haven't seen anyone or received any treatment for it.

07-09-2007, 10:13 AM
Are you sure this isn't sciatica? It sounds like a nerve problem to me. I would be alarmed at the numbness.

Update on my problem - Given that I have a cold and felt like sitting in bed anyway, I applied a heating pad to the painful area several times yesterday. It's now much better!

07-09-2007, 10:24 AM
I thought I had sciatica, and had the same symptoms. Turns out I have a torn labrum (ie: the cartilage in my left hip joint is torn).

Get an MRI to check it out, regardless.

07-09-2007, 12:35 PM
I thought I had sciatica, and had the same symptoms. Turns out I have a torn labrum (ie: the cartilage in my left hip joint is torn).

Get an MRI to check it out, regardless.

I had that and my symptoms were completely different. I was on 600-1800 mg of ibuprofen daily to ease the constant pain. When I became allergic to a prescription NSAID, I had to stop taking the ibuprofen but the pain did not return. It seems the cartilage healed!

07-09-2007, 09:52 PM
Don't overlook the si joint, most Doctors do. If your sciatica stops about at your knee it's probably the si joint. Very common is skating.

07-09-2007, 10:06 PM
Don't overlook the si joint, most Doctors do. If your sciatica stops about at your knee it's probably the si joint. Very common is skating.
Oh, yeah...i have this!! my chiropractor said a lot of athletes he treats (and dancers) have a tight lumbar region AND si problems...it's a protective/stabilization thing the body does.

I do a yoga pose to release it...makes a loud POP when that happens!!!


But, instead of putting one arm on the floor (yeah, right!) I slide it down the leg that has the toes pointed out...while the other arm goes directly overhead. Be sure that those toes point straight, and your hips don't twist. Do this movement controlled and slowly! You should feel the muscles around your iliac crest stretching. Keep your abs tight!

07-09-2007, 10:35 PM
My SI joints sometimes pop when I sneeze. My PT said that wasn't a problem unless I felt pain when it happened, and I don't. Usually, if I feel SI pain, it's because my piriformis is getting tight and getting ready to flare up.

Thanks to those who posted info on the sartorius muscle and what it does. I've had that pain before, usually in my takeoff leg (non picking foot) in the flip jump when I've done too many or when they go wonky. Usually for me, a few days off skating makes it better (so far).

07-09-2007, 10:37 PM
I get pain in my knee sometimes...must be arthritis starting.

this thread should be renamed:

What hurts today.... :lol:

07-10-2007, 12:04 AM
this thread should be renamed:

What hurts today.... :lol:I think given that a good group of us have AOSS, the thread should be renamed "What DOESN'T hurt today???" (Shorter answers... :P :lol: :twisted: )

07-10-2007, 12:07 AM
I think given that a good group of us have AOSS, the thread should be renamed "What DOESN'T hurt today???" (Shorter answers... :P :lol: :twisted: )

You beat me to it! Only, I would add that it also goes for my age group :x.

07-10-2007, 09:29 AM
Don't overlook the si joint, most Doctors do. If your sciatica stops about at your knee it's probably the si joint. Very common is skating.

SI joint? Please define.

07-10-2007, 09:42 AM
Like Manelywoman I also had a torn labrum, my hip flexor compensated, and when that got tired my back took over. My hip failed over a year and a half ago and I had surgery just a year a go. Unfortunately along with the torm labrum and had also torn my stabilizing ligament that kept my femur in the hip socket (specific to people with severe hip dysplexia), the femur or the ball part of the joint slowly ripped all my cartlidge as it was not stable in the socket. If you have pain in your hip flexor or what might feel like your inner thigh you should go to a doctor (my pain went all the way down to my knee). I had pain for almost 2 years before giving in and going to the doctor. Even the MRI did not show the extent of the damage, my small 2 hour surgery was 7 hours long and I still have 6 months left on my recovery. After I recover, I will have another surgery in possibly 2-5 years to resurface my hip. Needless, to say, be careful when dealing with your hip, listen to your body and go to the doctor if you feel undue pain.


07-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Si joint is short for sacroiliac joint. It is located at your lower back where you have those two dimples.

coskater64 how did you finally get the diagnoses? I think part of my problem is also a tare in the hip, although mine sounds posterior . Did they have to inject dye to find it on the MRI. Also does it feel any better after surgery?

07-10-2007, 07:54 PM
WEll, thanks, dbny, for bringing this subject up - I've had similar pain for years and it's been worse in the last few weeks, to the extent that when I do a FO 3-turn with someone (like in dance - on the Willow or the European) my hip totally tweaks and I usually kind of scream (which is very unpleasant for the partner!).

So today when I went to my PT (for my back and foot, presumably), I asked him about my hip. He did some tests and thought it was probably piriformis and maybe something with the internal rotator muscles. Then he did a technique called Neuromuscular Release (which I believe is based on Rolfing, but much less painful) which seems to be helping - at least since I had the treatment which was about an hour ago!!

He says he's seen good results with this treatment. Of course we don't know how long it will last, and he has me scheduled for another appointment in 3 weeks. He also gave me an exercise (which looks something like "Pigeon Pose" in yoga, but slightly different) which will help to stretch the piriformis.

I look forward to being pain-free one day! We'll see how it goes when I skate tomorrow...

07-10-2007, 08:09 PM
I had a die injected MRI, but they didn't find the torn ligementum teres until they actually were performing the operation. I seem to have 2 main issues, even with the surgery my cartlidge is compromised and two my hip is very tight in the socket and I have new alignment with regards to the placement of my femur in the hip socket. I have pain currently but it's more weakness related, my hip is more stable, but until I get back all my strength it hard to tell. 8O 8O

07-10-2007, 09:50 PM
Sartorius is looking good. I remembered that I was working on improving my extension on FXO's, in particular by lifting the free leg higher on the FO edge. According to this tutorial on the sartorius muscle (http://www.getbodysmart.com/ap/muscularsystem/thighmuscles/anteriormuscles/sartorius/tutorial.html), it "flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip; (also flexes leg at knee)".

Wow, what a great website!

07-11-2007, 12:51 PM
I've had similar pain for years and it's been worse in the last few weeks, to the extent that when I do a FO 3-turn with someone (like in dance - on the Willow or the European) my hip totally tweaks and I usually kind of scream (which is very unpleasant for the partner!).

I bet it is :lol:!

As I reported in the progress thread, I foolishly re-injured my hip/thigh yesterday :x. No skating today, and more heating pad. Think I won't wear guards for a while.