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View Full Version : Ice Dancing (Partner)

07-07-2007, 02:28 PM
I feel kind've silly joining this site. But I'm Jacque, I've just joined. I mainly and probably only (now) do ice dance. I'm currently working on my Rocker Foxtrot and American Waltz for testing soon. And I was kind've wondering if there were some ice dancing guys that live in the Kansas City area (or close) that I haven't seen before that is looking for a partner.

I would like to say that my home rink has changed to Ice Sports, because Ice Chateaus just recently closed down. And there are MANY ice dancing girls from Bronze to Gold levels in our little pack of ice dancers and none of us have partners! Yes, its true we have two lovely guys that are trying to get their golds to test us through our golds. However they aren't very interested in becoming one of our partners.

A little more about me: I have only failed one dance: The Fourteenstep. I'm very powerful and can skate an American rink without trying very hard, especially partnered! I'm educated in being a girl dancer from my lovely coach, Katie Holmes. I'm 5'4" and not very heavy.

If you're interested...give me a message! (Even if you're way too tall for me, theres a Bronze skater at my rink who is 5'10" and she'd be amazed to find a partner!)

07-07-2007, 04:54 PM
Hi IceDancer. Unfortunately I can't help you out, but have you checked out http://icepartnersearch.com? There are plenty of people looking for partners, at various levels. You can find people in your area through there, or people who are willing to relocate. That's how I got in touch with a couple of potentials before I found my partner (funny enough, my partner was local and not found through there!)

Good luck -- I know it's not an easy search!

07-07-2007, 06:59 PM
Hey! I skate at Ice Sports! Freestyle though.