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View Full Version : What do you want out of skating?

Rusty Blades
07-02-2007, 09:42 AM
Particularly for the over-40 crowd, what do you want/expect out of figure skating? Why are you doing it?

I am thinking of long-term goals. What does figure skating contribute to your life that makes the expense and work worthwhile?

Ain't none of us going to the Olympics and I doubt anyone will make a living at this or garner any degree of "fame", so what is your ultimate objective?

(This is a little exercise I went through during my 2-1/2 week spring break, a "re-focusing" and I thought it would be an interesting question to pose to the group.)

Mrs Redboots
07-02-2007, 09:47 AM
What I want out of skating is basically good exercise - I can't think of any other form of exercise that isn't bo-o-o-o-o-ring!

And good friends.

And challenging myself, to see if I've improved more than any of my friends over the previous year.

And just the sheer fun of it.

07-02-2007, 09:47 AM
I want to stay fit, keep my weight down, and fight chronic depression. Coaching is also important to me, although, like you said, I can't make a living at it, it's far better than a part-time office job, IMO.

07-02-2007, 09:49 AM
Well, I'm not 40 yet, but my long-term goal is to have a sport I can do for the rest of my life and enjoy. Skating is ten times more fun than the treadmill at the gym:lol: I hope skating will help me stay in shape for as long as I can put on my skates and stroke around the ice. I also love forgetting about everything else in life for an hour or two while I'm on the ice. Skating is a great escape from work, school, responsibilities, etc.

(...and I'd kind of like to get an axel and a double or two and some nifty combination spins...)

07-02-2007, 10:14 AM
I'm in it for the exercise/fitness aspect, too - it's the ONLY sport I've ever really enjoyed. Did the whole aerobic queen thing in the 80's, but that was more of a chore - this is FUN! I also like the performance aspect of it, and try to have good presentation even with my limited skills. I aspire to look like a skater, even if the program is very easy. I like that there's always a challenge - something new to learn, or something to improve. Skating is never boring. And as a dyed-in-the-wool perfectionist, I think it's good for me because it reminds me to enjoy the journey and not just focus on the outcome.

07-02-2007, 10:18 AM
enjoyment of doing something creative, great excercise, lots of friends, always learning and trying.

07-02-2007, 10:30 AM
Can I reply even though I'm a little less than halfway there?
Well, too bad, I'll reply anyway. I want to have fun, have an escape from everything else. When I couldn't take work, I"d take a "mental health day" and go skating. When I was in school, it didn't matter if I just took a ridiculous biochem exam, or if I had 3 lab reports to write, if I went skating, even for 30 mins, I would be happier, calmer, and more able to focus.

Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a skate even once or twice a week when med school starts. Depends on the schedule though.

07-02-2007, 10:32 AM
Hmm, what I want out of skating... it's a great way to exercise without thinking it's exercise, it's a challenge, & I like challenges, & I also like the fact that this is something that not everyone does - like that it's different from plain old boring weightlifting or aerobics. I love the feeling you get when a move finally "clicks!" I told myself when I first started that I would love to go as far as an axel, then I'd be completely happy! :D

07-02-2007, 10:58 AM
I am struggling with money and seriously considered giving up skating for awhile. I could deal with giving up the enjoyment and stress relief it gets me. I could deal with the fact that it's the only place I have an social interaction with non-church people. But when I realized that I've lost weight and kept weight off since skating and I have struggled with weight all my life, I realize this was a necesity for my health and I have to figure out a way to keep skating. Other people might say "oh you could excersize in a cheaper way -like walking," but the reality is, skating is the only excersize that I am motivated to do.

I see how slow my progress is and I'm pretty sure I won't ever pass the bronze freestyle test - moves are a possiblity. I'm not even sure I can get real far with dance because this stuff is just hard for me, but I keep plugging away at my pace, I enjoy myself, I like to compete even though I finish last and that's what I get out of it and it's reason enough to play "will there be enough money left in the bank before payday to buy one more walk on session?"


Rob Dean
07-02-2007, 11:32 AM
Sounds like I'm echoing everyone else, but I got started on this because I was looking for some sort of exercise I could stand to do. 60 pounds lighter and 3 years later, my practical goal is to keep that weight off. Impractically speaking, I love ice dance so far, so I'm aiming to improve my skill level and do more at the social dance sessions, and I'm working on a trial with a partner for some competition just because it's about as much fun as I ever had doing anything... but that weight thing has to count as the biggest motivator.


07-02-2007, 11:45 AM
Exercise, mental break from the stresses of life, self expression, a good physical challenge to see how far I can go if I put my mind to it. I've given up trying to say fitness b/c my body is now rebelling from my training and the weight is quickly coming back up again. :frus:

Friends are obviously a VERY nice end-product of all these things too, but I can't say that I expect it out of skating. It's something that I get out of being me.

07-02-2007, 12:04 PM
Yep I have the same set of reasons for skating at the age of (almost) 42. It's great exercise and much more fun than the gym, I've met some lovely people whom I now consider to be my friends and when people ask "what did you do at the weekend?" they reply "oh wow are you really good then? which really makes me laugh as I've only been skating properly for 3 months.

And I definitely agree with Morgail - skating is a great way to escape my responsiblities, at least for a little while.

07-02-2007, 02:29 PM
Like so many others have said, skating is about the only exercise that engages my mind. Gym activities bore me senseless (plus gyms don't smell nearly as nice as Zamboni fumes and a rubber-floored lobby :lol: )

Wish I could be doing more of it though. When our rink shut for the season, my weight shot up ten pounds. I've managed to trim a couple off through proper eating, but nothing sheds weight like regular ice skating.

07-02-2007, 05:10 PM
I just love the feeling of being on the ice and I want to see how far I can go with it. I've already gotten much further than I ever thought I would... so it's already been a positive thing for me as far as self esteem and all that.

The fitness aspect is also great, as others have said. Plus, I love all the people I've been able to meet through my involvement in skating, especially my fellow adult skaters.

There are so many little things... I could write a really long post if I wanted. But it all boils down to 2 main themes: I love doing it and I feel it's a positive force in my life. And those 2 things make it all worthwhile.

07-02-2007, 05:30 PM
Skating makes me happy. It's one of the most exciting things I've ever done. I also like being challenged. There is always a new move to learn; there is always room for improvement. Although I'm a slow learner, skating boosts my self-image because hard work always pays off, and I'm improving.
Of course, it's a great exercise. Even when I was a teenager, I wasn't as fit as I'm now.
I don't want to ever give up skating, for it brings joy to my life.

07-02-2007, 05:54 PM
Well, will join the chorus regarding exercise. A necessity, from my point of view; have a bad heart, and don't tolerate heart meds very well. Aerobic exercise seems to keep heart running well, bad timing and leaky valves not withstanding!

Also have a badly gimped knee (souvenir of High School football (what we in USA are pleased to call football, that is)) which won't tolerate jogging for any great distance. Skating, OTOH, regular MIF drill, edges and turns, doesn't stress knee too badly.

As for freestyle, well, can just about manage a Waltz Jump, as long as I launch from gimp knee and land on sound one. And, hey, Waltz Jump is good enough for me!

07-02-2007, 07:22 PM
Apart from the fitness aspect of it (which is really great), I love the freedom that comes from feeling the ice under my blades!!! I also love skating in the shows at my rink (I'm a sucker for glitter and sometimes corny costumes).

I want to pair skate (not ice dance). I want a double salchow and an axel. I want a sit-spin and a nice camel.

I do want to compete in the Olympics, even if it's the Senior Olympics (I have 5 years to train and find a state that will let me skate-my state doesn't have winter sports).

I want a lot, I have high expectations of myself and my sport. As long as my knees, body, and pocketbook hold out, I will be at the rink!!!!

07-03-2007, 02:48 AM
I LOVE SKATING!!! Three years ago when I stepped on that ice for the first time after a 26 year absence the ice just seemed to say 'welcome home'

There is no other form of excercise that appeals to me, although I have gone back to taking one dance class a week in order to help my skating.....

I want all my single jumps up to and including an axel. I love fast, intricate footwork.

I love the glittery skating dresses. And since I can sew, I have lots of them.

I love the travel opportunities that skating has afforded me - I mean, would I have ever experienced Tallinn if I didn't skate? I am not sure, but the opportunity to compete in the Vana Tallinn Trophy was something I will never forget.


07-03-2007, 04:31 AM
I'm not in it for the exercise, though goodness knows I need it!:roll:
I do agree it helps battle chronic depression. Although the money side of it worries my husband, he doesn't complain often because he sees how much it helps me.

I love the feeling of moving on ice, the sound of the blades on ice, the wind in my face, the feeling of (almost) flying. I love that I can be graceful in a way I just cannot be otherwise.

I don't often wear skirts or dresses, but I think it is the perfect excuse to put on a little glitz from time to time. I get to express myself to music, to allow that side of myself to come out.

I challenge myself to jump bigger and better, and to improve every little thing I do, regardless of what the teenagers might think of me.

I am going to be the best skater I can be, as me, right now. Not when I'm thinner, fitter, better etc. Me, as I am now.

Rusty Blades
07-03-2007, 09:15 AM
I hope ya'll don't mind but I'm also using this as a bit of a survey.

I talked my coach into being the Adult Rep for our Section (Province) and we want to start a bit of a reach-out-to-adults advertising campaign this fall. Knowing why other started skating and have stayed with it will help us focus out efforts.

Mrs Redboots
07-03-2007, 10:43 AM
it's the only place I have an social interaction with non-church people.
Me too - and I value that enormously.

07-03-2007, 10:59 AM
So many reasons - for one thing, it is the only sport that I know how to do and I love it!!! Coming back to skating was about the best thing I have done in my adult life (although we don't want to look at the pocketbook part of it).

At this point I also am really into learning about skating itself - the physics of it - like, why does it matter whether my shoulder is forward or not, and why is this or that skater able to do what they do and why another does not - in other words, I have really gotten into technique, which is fun for me.

This may also be an extension of my yoga practice, which is also important to me in terms of body alignment, health, etc.

And, of course, everyone knows I am totally addicted to the glide!!

07-03-2007, 11:23 AM
My goal as an adult competitor is to win 10 Adult National Titles :halo:

07-03-2007, 11:06 PM
What a good question. As an adult skater my goal is to be challenged. I want to be pushed and not babied. I want to see what I can learn and accomplish. I'd rather learn less and do it well than learn a lot and do it poorly. The more I'm pushed the more I like it though. =-) My goal is to see if pushed how far I can grow in the sport. My biggest goal is to work on doubles. Maybe even land them!


07-04-2007, 06:36 AM
What a good question. As an adult skater my goal is to be challenged. I want to be pushed and not babied.

My poor coach - because sometimes I want to be challenged and sometimes I do want to be babied. I was in a power class and she made the kids do bunny hops down the rink and I was whining "NO BUNNY HOPS FOR ME - they are too scary"

And then for cool down we were doing spirals and she knows I favor one side and she told me I only had to do them on one side if I wanted and I was like "no I'll try it on both sides"


07-04-2007, 07:22 AM
I ask myself why all of the time-- especially when I start adding up costs and personal time, I hear about all of the horror injuries that some have sustained in the sport 8O 8O 8O ...

And then I step onto the ice, and it's magical.

I skate because I love feeling strong and graceful. I skate because it is hard and I love the challenge.

And, apparently, I skate because I must want to be broke! (uhm, I wouldn't use that as an ambassador!:lol: )

07-04-2007, 07:27 AM
Interesting question. I guess my answer is mostly like everyone elses': it keeps me fit, I've lost weight, I like the challenge, and it's a great form of escape from life's stresses. I love the social side - I've met some great people.

I'm struggling financially at the moment, and feel I'm making such slow progress, so I often find myself asking the question 'Is it worth it?'. But everytime I contemplate giving up, within a day or so I'm itching to get back on the ice. It feels like skating has well and truly become part of my life.

As for what I want out of skating? Well, it's difficult to say, as my goals are always moving. At the moment, I want to get better at dance, learn some new footwork/MIFs, sort out my lutz, create a new freeskate programme, and do some tests.

S xxx

Jeanne D
07-04-2007, 08:05 AM
Particularly for the over-40 crowd, what do you want/expect out of figure skating? Why are you doing it?

My expectations keep changing. But I am satisfied with my progress after 10/11 years of being able to step onto the ice and feel comfortable. That was my goal (feeling comfortable) being able to skate without fear.

I do it because it's fun and great exercise.

07-04-2007, 05:51 PM
I ask myself why all of the time-- especially when I start adding up costs and personal time, I hear about all of the horror injuries that some have sustained in the sport 8O 8O 8O ...

And then I step onto the ice, and it's magical.

I skate because I love feeling strong and graceful. I skate because it is hard and I love the challenge.

And, apparently, I skate because I must want to be broke! (uhm, I wouldn't use that as an ambassador!:lol: )

You've got it exactly, on all counts. *nothing* feels like skating, and I've never in my life been so fit and strong. I'm edging up on 40 and I'm ok with that because I feel better now than I did at 30 or even 20.