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View Full Version : Getting deeper in the knee

06-23-2007, 05:24 PM
I don't usually post many threads, and here are two within two hours!

Anyway, what do you all do to remember to stay deeper in the knee on jumps, and to not be sore or stiff going out there after having an early morning skate,and say several hours later have to do your test or program?

Do any of you all do weights for the legs, or special supplements for the soreness?

06-23-2007, 08:39 PM
Well, a good warmup is essential, as is a nice stretch once you are warmed up. By warming up, I also include nice deep kneebends and skating moves that incorporated bending. Also off-ice moves. And more stretching.

I do weight-lifting for the legs (and whole body). Take a multi-vitamin and calcium. My left knee aches once in a while, so I wrap it with a neoprene wrap which keeps the heat in and that is all I need. If I whack something on the ice (or off-ice) I take tylenol.

06-24-2007, 08:37 AM
In order not to be sore, you need to be in good condition to start with (no matter how much you warm up and stretch, if you're not accustomed to running 20 miles - you're gonna have a heck of a soreness the day after if you run it! Same with skating) and you need to warm up, stretch and COOL DOWN. This keeps the blood running through your muscle for some time after the exercise, taking all the junk waste products out of them, thereby preventing soreness. And stretching a little after the exercise, mildly (else you'll overstretch and be sore for that reason).
Laying OFF anything with caffeine helps (lots of energy drinks, carbonated drinks and beverages like tea and coffee contain caffeine) since caffeine dehydrates you, and you wanna be well hydrated.
Getting enough proteins in your food is also good (if you're not a vegetarian, you probably are getting enough - but just in case).

I take magnesium, iron (since I've always had a deficit in that for some reason, maybe cuz I tend to bleed very heavily), multivitamins and also glucosamine for my joints (doctor's receipy, but you can get it without one over here anyway).