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06-19-2007, 05:33 PM
If you've taken the Keirsey-Bates or Myers-Briggs test and remember your type, enter it here. If you haven't taken the test, do NOT guess, since these words don't mean the same things they might mean in daily conversation. Since only 12 choices are allowed, I could not include all 16 types. Instead, choose EITHER:


Then enter your discipline(s)

For example, I just took the poll. I chose Introverted + Intuitive + Feeling + Judging, then selected Freestyle Singles.

06-19-2007, 05:51 PM
The Keirsey-Bates or Myers-Briggs test revealed that I am:

78% introverted - I am a very expressed introvert
25% sensing - moderately expressed sensing personality
1% thinking - slightly expressed thinking personality
100% judging - very expressed judging personality

I was ISTJ and the disciplines I selected are freestyle singles and dance!

Very cool test and right on, IMO...

06-19-2007, 06:08 PM
100% judging - very expressed judging personality

8O 8O 8O Okay, so if you were to send out an eVite and I answered "Maybe", it would drive you absolutely bonkers, right? ROFL!!:lol:

06-19-2007, 06:43 PM
I am ISTJ:

33% introverted - moderately expressed introvert
38% sensing - moderately expressed sensing personality
50% thinking - moderately expressed thinking personality
56% judging - moderately expressed judging personality

I checked off freestyle singles, dance and interp.

06-19-2007, 08:02 PM
Hahaha, Doubletoe! You're probably right!:lol:

06-19-2007, 08:09 PM
Last time I took the M-B test, I was an INFJ. So I picked that and Freestyle Singles.

Interesting that so far we have more introverts here, when the majority of the general population is extroverted...perhaps it's the nature of the internet?

06-19-2007, 08:11 PM
OK I did the test earlier and forget the exact percentages but... I'm

Extroverted - Surprise, Surprise
Sensing - Something like 85%
Thinking - Again something in the high 80%
Perceiving - But slightly


06-19-2007, 08:19 PM
I took the Myers-Briggs 5 years ago but don't remember what I was. I do remember a different test that said I have a "promoter" type of personality, which may be why I enjoy teaching so much. I only promote things I am into myself, and I really do push them whenever I can.

06-19-2007, 08:22 PM
Last time I took the M-B test, I was an INFP. So I picked that and Freestyle Singles.

Interesting that so far we have more introverts here, when the majority of the general population is extroverted...perhaps it's the nature of the internet?

Hmm, interesting point! We aren't just skaters, we're skaters who like having our conversations over the Internet, somewhere where we can just post and run! Of course it's also unusual that we have almost as many Intuitive types as Sensing types so far (Intuitives being only 25% of the population). Then again, Intuitive types tend to gravitate towards subjects like, "What's your personality type and what does it mean?" LOL!

06-19-2007, 08:53 PM
I've taken it before and changed types... if I took it again I wouldn't be suprised if I got a different one again....

06-19-2007, 10:14 PM
Interesting that so far we have more introverts here, when the majority of the general population is extroverted...perhaps it's the nature of the internet?

Perhaps the nature of the sport? ;)

Anyway, the term "introvert" here is supposed to refer to a person being more reflective... not necessarily in the social sense as the term is generally used for.

The following is quoted from http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/extraversion-or-introversion.asp

"Extraversion and Introversion as terms used by C. G. Jung explain different attitudes people use to direct their energy. These words have a meaning in psychology that is different from the way they are used in everyday language."

06-19-2007, 10:28 PM
Perhaps the nature of the sport? ;)

Anyway, the term "introvert" here is supposed to refer to a person being more reflective... not necessarily in the social sense as the term is generally used for.

The following is quoted from http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/extraversion-or-introversion.asp

"Extraversion and Introversion as terms used by C. G. Jung explain different attitudes people use to direct their energy. These words have a meaning in psychology that is different from the way they are used in everyday language."

Actually, it's the Keirsey-Bates/Myers-Briggs test results themselves that indicate that 75% of the U.S. population tests as extroverted (I've heard that in Norway the majority of people test as Introverts). Introversion (according to these test result definitions) is a matter of whether you re-energize yourself by spending time alone or by spending time in a group of people, and whether you tend to be more focused on your internal thought processes or what is going on in the external environment.

I took the Myers-Briggs 5 years ago but don't remember what I was. I do remember a different test that said I have a "promoter" type of personality, which may be why I enjoy teaching so much. I only promote things I am into myself, and I really do push them whenever I can.

I believe the "Promoter" is an ESTP (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

Rob Dean
06-20-2007, 06:45 AM
I haven't taken the test in a while, but the last time I did I came out as an INTP, a little opposite of what you might expect for this. On one hand, it could be reasonably claimed that one of the reasons I'm doing this is to try to address the "other side" of the personality type, so maybe it makes sense to be going against the grain. On the other hand, my second job (proofreading) and two of my other hobbies (battles with historical model soldiers and photography) are activities in which nitpicky attention to detail is a useful trait, so maybe this is more of the same. (You'd think from that that I'd test out as an S, but at my regular job I'm definitely an N ... )


06-20-2007, 06:51 AM

I voted singles and dance as well

06-20-2007, 07:04 AM
INFJ; singles and dance. I do artistic numbers sometimes, but didn't check that.

It does seem like we're mostly introverts so far - I wonder whether you'd get different results if synchro skaters were included?

06-20-2007, 08:02 AM
Currently INTJ - and dance

06-20-2007, 09:16 AM
feeling - pairs and interp.

06-20-2007, 10:39 AM
So at what point do we start to correlate which type you are and how that relates to what discipline we are drawn to?

Who wants to do the stats on that?????:twisted:

icedancer2, definitely INFJ!!

LOVE dance, Moves, figures... don't want to do freestyle, although I do think about it sometimes, probably since I have to judge it...

Mrs Redboots
06-20-2007, 10:52 AM
Usually test INFJ, but am absolutely borderline T/F and pretty much so on I/E and J/P....

Ice dancer, please. Also enjoy moves. AND Interp.

06-20-2007, 11:14 AM
78% Introvert
12% Sensing
12% Feeling
33% Judging

Competitive Singles and Ice dance. Love practicing MITF, hate testing them!

06-20-2007, 01:04 PM
So at what point do we start to correlate which type you are and how that relates to what discipline we are drawn to?

Who wants to do the stats on that?????:twisted:

icedancer2, definitely INFJ!!

LOVE dance, Moves, figures... don't want to do freestyle, although I do think about it sometimes, probably since I have to judge it...

Let's get some more data first, to give all the P's a chance to answer, LOL! :) But it's definitely interesting how many introverts we've got. We also seem to have more Judging types (goal-oriented personalities) so far, although we've also got a fair number of Perceiving types (go-with-the-flow types). And if we end up with more than 25% Intuitives (those more interested in theory and meaning rather than the facts and events themselves), then that would be an interesting trend as well. Of course the hard part will be figuring out how much of the data is skating-related and how much is Internet discussion group related. ;)
BTW, it's nice to see some other INFJ's here! :D (Mrs. R., I'm also pretty much on the border of T/F, but a little more to the Feeling side.) Each of the 4 Introverted + Intuitive (IN) personality types only comprises 2% of the population, so we IN's sometimes feel like we're visiting from an alien planet when we're around Extroverted or Sensing people. :roll:

06-20-2007, 03:51 PM
Man are all of us introverted?? :lol:


06-20-2007, 04:50 PM
I'm not introverted!! I came up as ESFP last time I did the test approx 3 years ago. I guess it explains why I get really bored practising on my own during patch sessions and respond much better in a lesson, whether 1-1 or group. As for what type of skater I am - I just like skating, not really at the stage where I can pick and choose what discipline to follow. But - as someone who enjoys others' company, maybe synchro would be best, shame I have no co-ordination and jump and spin the opposite way to everyone else!!!

06-20-2007, 05:26 PM
I got INFP.

Definitly the more reflective type and not much of a team player.

I like a bit of everything so do dance and free, test and compete in both and quite like MITF (or 'skating moves' as they now are in the UK). Also have done group artistics and enjoy performing in the annual show.

Other personality tests have shown I am an ideas person and a 'starter' but definitely not a 'completer/finisher' - maybe why I get impatient with what I see as the pernicketyness of ice dance compulsories - but I love free dance.

Skating is one of the ways I recharge my energy since it requires total concentration and I'm not able to think about anything else at the same time.:lol:

06-20-2007, 07:49 PM
I'm an ISFJ (and in the Star Trek version of the test I therefore "share a basic personality configuration with the characters of Beverly Crusher and Chakotay." (:lol: I'm a geek, I know it))

I definitely love freestyle and really like skating in my own little world, so I guess that makes sense. And my goal is to just get into the artistic and interperative side of skating. I want to advance, yes, but I'm more into the arty side of skating than the actual "sport" side of it.

06-21-2007, 12:42 AM
INTJ, but I don't remember the percentages.

06-21-2007, 12:52 AM
INTJ, strongly expressed N&T. I do freestyle, skills and dance, but freestyle is really my thing. Have no use for dance, too darn picky, do it only because my coach makes me, LOL (although I do appreciate how it helps my skating!).

06-21-2007, 01:44 AM
Your Type is

Strength of the preferences %
Extraverted: 11
Intuitive: 12
Feeling: 25
Judging: 1

You are:

slightly expressed extravert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personalityAnd I'm in Freestyle!

06-21-2007, 01:51 AM
Then again, Intuitive types tend to gravitate towards subjects like, "What's your personality type and what does it mean?" LOL!

And also to actually be interested to answer such polls?
(sorry, couldn't resist)

06-21-2007, 01:55 AM
Let's get some more data first, to give all the P's a chance to answer, LOL! :) But it's definitely interesting how many introverts we've got. We also seem to have more Judging types (goal-oriented personalities) so far, although we've also got a fair number of Perceiving types (go-with-the-flow types). And if we end up with more than 25% Intuitives (those more interested in theory and meaning rather than the facts and events themselves), then that would be an interesting trend as well. Of course the hard part will be figuring out how much of the data is skating-related and how much is Internet discussion group related. ;)
BTW, it's nice to see some other INFJ's here! :D (Mrs. R., I'm also pretty much on the border of T/F, but a little more to the Feeling side.) Each of the 4 Introverted + Intuitive (IN) personality types only comprises 2% of the population, so we IN's sometimes feel like we're visiting from an alien planet when we're around Extroverted or Sensing people. :roll:

By the way, doubletoe, how do you intend to correlate the poll results? as in, from the poll numbers, you can't tell, say whether the I's were related to freestyle or dance or pairs... unless they have posted all the information here too.

Anyway, I just realised I've said so much but haven't answered the question...

I tested INTJ more then 15 years ago - way before I started skating! Not sure if it would still come up the same now.

I now skate mostly freestyle, would love to dance if I can ever find a partner, and am up to doing pairs so long as I don't get dropped.

06-21-2007, 04:15 AM
On the abbreviated test from the previous thread my result was INTP,

I 44%
N 38%
T 6%
P 22%

however I am sure I had a different result when I took the full thing a couple of years ago. I seem to vary, especially on the Feeling/Thinking bit.

And there really isn't any option but singles freestyle and artistic at our little rink. Certainly no dance, pairs or synchro at this time.