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View Full Version : Beginning dance lifts - any hints?

06-19-2007, 01:25 AM
The title really says it all - DH and I have started doing basic lifts with our coach's OK (only off-ice so far - we're not silly enough to take them onto the ice yet!), and I wanted to know from your experience what we need to watch for: what's likely to cause injury; best way of practising them; how many we should do and how often; technique tricks etc. There's about a 20cm difference in height, and a 15-18kg difference in weight. I'm not sure what equivalent standard we are: on a good day, we can manage a passable Swing and dances under that, and we're working on the Foxtrot (and we will be for some time!).

Thanks so much! :)

06-19-2007, 08:45 AM
Start with what you're most comfortable with, and build from there. For avoiding injury, one of the mst important things is to stop when you get tired or sloppy. The next time you're with your coach you could probably talk about setting a mini or sample practice routine, what you two can practice on your own and what you should have a spotter for.

Team Arthritis
06-19-2007, 10:59 AM
one big suprise for me was that the hardest part of sideways lifts was that the sudden weight added to just one skate made it dig in and STOP! I also bought a small punching bag and skated around holding it to get used to the mohawks.

Sigh,,,,, after my second back surgery its time to say no to any more lifts, headstands or handstands and no more jumping or running. Ever. Looks like Mountain Biking is not a good idea eather, sigh, sigh, sigh.

Now if I'm going to skate, I have to learn to do what I'm absolutely the worst at - Ice Dance, oh the irony:roll: