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View Full Version : Klingbeils and Harlicks

06-13-2007, 08:36 PM
Okay, now, my continuing drama with my Klingbeils ....and for those who don't know -- i have a narrow heel (AAA) and fairly narrow foot.

I've waited through Klingbeil's tweaking and tweaking my origin. boots, and finally he re-made them from scratch. Meanwhile, i had to wear my old Harlicks which are REALLy narrow (works for me!), and even the toe box is different on them.

I have worn the Harlicks for so long while waiting, i am not sure now with my new Klingbeils (i just got them in today) if the toe box is really wide on the Klingbeils, or do the new boots eventually pull in more as you get to lace them more snugly the more you break them in....Also, there's a teeny bit more toe room on the insole where my other four toes hit. Also, when i put my feet in the Harlicks as old as they are, i stillhear that sh-woomp suction-y noise, and i don't with the Klingbeils. I am so paranoid now. Any tips?

06-13-2007, 08:57 PM
This is a tough one. The fact that your Harlicks are so old and well worn means that it's possible that even the exact same boot, brand new, would not feel right. FWIF, Harlick has redesigned their toe box to be bigger, so new Harlicks would not be the same as old ones.

06-13-2007, 09:02 PM

thanks for the input, i know they are totally different "feels", so i guess i'll just wear them for 15 mins at a time till i get used to them. I also know i am definitely lower in the heel with the Klingbeils, but the arch he put in this time is excellent. I tend to pronate. The other thing that bugs me i guess, is that i thought all well-fitting skates were supposed to have that "suction-ey" sound when putting them on....?

06-14-2007, 08:02 AM
The "old" Harlick toe box is still available, the X Line is a feature now.

06-14-2007, 09:08 AM
The "old" Harlick toe box is still available, the X Line is a feature now.

I prefer the "old" toe box to the new one... Check it out on their website...

as for the "sucky" suction noise, get them to stick more tendon padding in there... I love that noise too... I remember the days of my Harlick stock boots when I could stick my one finger in the padding and be able to pick up my boot w just my finger, bc there was SOOOOO much wonderful padding... now I have to request it on my customs... ::sigh:: the good 'ol days....

06-14-2007, 08:21 PM
Why does one have to request extra padding when they already know i have a narrow heel? Do some people not like as much padding? I love that heel gripper!

06-15-2007, 07:54 AM
You have to request heel huggers to be installed as some people don't need/want them