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View Full Version : Rinks in Vancouver, Canada

05-25-2007, 03:42 PM
I've been lurking for a few weeks and have finally plucked up courage to ask a favour. My little sister is moving to work in Vancouver and will need to find a rink(s) to practice and take lessons at. She's NISA Level 5 moves and level 2 elements and dance (I don't know what this is in the Canadian system), so would probably want to find an all round coach.
Any ideas on how to go about this? I've moved rinks twice for work so far and have luckily managed to find coaches from my old one in the UK. His network doesn't cover Canada (although he did find me one for Houston!) Thanks for any help and suggestions you all may have.

05-25-2007, 04:09 PM
What types of jumps is she working on?
High level competitor? Or more "festival" type of skater?

I'd recommend Burnaby 8 Rinks - The Centre for Excellence - if she is a high level competitor, or depending what area in Vancouver just a local club. There are very many in Vancouver and the suburbs around it.

05-25-2007, 08:01 PM
See, i wouldn't recommend 8-rinks unless she is a competitive skater. The atmosphere is quite competitive.

Is she an adult? There is a wonderful adult session at 8 rinks on Sat mornings, but thats about it. (at 8 rinks that is..lots of sessions elsewhere)

There are lots of rinks in BC, and i suppose it all depends on what area of Vancouver she moves to.

If she is an adult, some rinks are adult friendly, some not so much. There are coaches that will work with adults, and many that won't.

Send me a PM once you know the area she's hoping to move to and i would be happy to provide some rink names.

She can also check out www.skatinginbc.com

What types of jumps is she working on?
High level competitor? Or more "festival" type of skater?

I'd recommend Burnaby 8 Rinks - The Centre for Excellence - if she is a high level competitor, or depending what area in Vancouver just a local club. There are very many in Vancouver and the suburbs around it.

05-25-2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the burnaby suggestion. she's going to be working at the women's and children's hospital (i think that's what it is called - down Oak St?). She is most definitely adult now, although will deny it (25).
In terms of jumps, she's landed a flip albeit slowly (no one seems to skate at speed in our home rink) and is still working on getting a test standard sir spin. Hasn't done a camel spin really since going to nursing school.
Do most adults skate on adult sessions or do you have to go on specialist freestyles? Our rink at home won't let you do ANYTHING on public ( a 3-turn was once classed as a spin and therefore banned).
Thanks again for the advice.

05-26-2007, 01:04 PM
Definitely not 8 Rinks then - sorry, I wasn't sure what those test levels mean. I would say check out the skatinginbc.com website and go to clubs webpages. Lots will have hours, coaches, phone numbers, etc.

If she's interested in Adult or Masters synchro, PM me.

05-27-2007, 03:30 AM
There is a large, active and supportive group of adults that skate at the Annex in Coquitlam. The Saturday morning Adult session at 8-rinks is a great group and the Kitsilano arena (which might be the closest one to Vancouver Women's Hospital) also has a large group of supportive, active adult skaters.