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05-18-2007, 12:44 PM
self-explanatory title...

and, don't your hands get really hot?
can anyone say whether fingerless gloves are better for skating than fingered ones?
what material are your gloves made of?

I skate without gloves cuz my wooly ones make my hands too hot, and I find that if I fall over and break the fall with my hands, they get really smooth but then don't get cold at all... hmm. ;)

05-18-2007, 12:59 PM
I usually wear gloves during lessons and practices. I used to have microfleece ones that were outstanding, but I lent them to someone and didn't get them back. Now, I make due with two identical pairs of black acrylic knit gloves. (I always end up with a matching pair!)

I take my gloves off frequently to make notes about my students or to use them as training tools. When I have a student who just can't figure out left and right hand, they get to wear my left glove! LOL

During tests, shows and comps, I don't usually wear gloves unless I'm a spectator. Then I dress like an eskimo and wear my beautiful swedish knit double-thick mittens.

05-18-2007, 01:00 PM
I wear cheap brown cotton gardening/work gloves when I skate. They last about a month before I replace them.

Our rink is COLD, so I never get hot in them.

05-18-2007, 01:06 PM
When I jump, I have to have the little shrinky-type gloves on. It's like Dumbo's magic feather. I hate jumping without them on -- and yes, this has gotten me into trouble at competition when I can't wear them. I've got about 5 pairs in my skate bag with various amounts of holes in them. I usually don't wear them for moves and never for synchro.

05-18-2007, 01:09 PM
I always wear gloves when I teach or skate.

I have a specific pair I wear when I teach. I teach tots, who wipe their nose and then grab your hands. The gloves are important to me! They get washed much more frequently than my other ones.

I have a pair I wear when I skate. I have nerve damage in my hands and wrists and even on "hot" skating days when I am in a tank top, I have to skate in gloves. The cold is not cold to me, it's painful. Obviously I do not peform in them, but I wore the gloves up until I stepped on the ice for the show I was in- but they were on my hands until my guards were off my blades.

05-18-2007, 01:21 PM
I always wear gloves unless the ice is freshly resurfaced and smooth. If I fall and slide on my hands when the ice is rough, it can really hurt!

05-18-2007, 01:22 PM
I wear weight lifting gloves with the fingers and the wrist straps. When I fall, I don't have to worry about sliding on my hands, it doesn't hurt. (Then again, with the way I typically fall, I usually don't hit my hand these days. My KNEES gets it more. 8O I do try to aim towards the butt cheeks though.)

My hands are usually cold b/c of the carpal tunnel problems where blood circulation isn't that great. Occupational hazards... :roll: So... for me, I prefer warm gloves. I don't have much of a choice though at competitions and tests, where primary coach insists that I do NOT wear any gloves... and if I do wear one at the warm-ups, that I wear nice woolly ones instead of my weight lifting gloves.

05-18-2007, 01:36 PM
Our rink can vary quite wildly in temperature so I wear gloves sometimes, sometimes not. I have finally managed to break my habit of always wearing them. They were my little security blanket and it was getting silly...


05-18-2007, 01:59 PM
I always wear gloves. The ice makes my hands smart when I fall on it, through cold, impact and the friction.

I wear magic gloves most of the time, because they're thin enough to stay fairly cool - but they do soak through pretty fast. I wear woollen thinsulate ones when I freeskate, because I spend more time falling over!

05-18-2007, 02:46 PM
I skate in gloves, but short-sleeve shirts. Keeps my hands from getting hurt grabbing the blade, keeps my fingers from getting hurt on cheesegrater ice during public sessions, keeps my fingers from freezing and developing cold sores.

I use velvet gloves, but could imagine switching to lycra "satin" short party gloves type of thing too.

Rusty Blades
05-18-2007, 03:11 PM
I feel naked going on the ice without my gloves! When I think of all those hockey players spitting, bleeding, and blowing their sn@t on the ice 8O I think I ought to wear bio-hazard gloves! I like a little protection on my hands to (from blades and such).

For competition I don't wear gloves and don't miss them.

05-18-2007, 03:17 PM
Not for pairs.

05-18-2007, 03:17 PM
I always skate in gloves. I buy those cheapo ones from Target, that are something like 2 pairs for a dollar. And I stock up becausae they always seem to go missing. And when I would spin, and have to check out of it, I always forgot which is my right and which is left because I'd be so discombubulated, I started wearing 2 different colors. Also helps on 3 turns and other things, where it's easier to remember "Must see green in front" than right arm in front.

05-18-2007, 03:38 PM
I always wear gloves to skate, too. My hands get cold! I'm so used to them now that I feel naked without them.

I generally use the Target magic gloves, too. Easy to wash, easy to replace. Gloves never last all that long, eventually they can't take the stress from your fingernails.

I once had this spectacular black-and-white striped pair of elbow-length magic gloves. Some jerk STOLE them practically from under my nose at AN a number of years ago. I was so ticked. :evil:

05-18-2007, 04:27 PM
I always skate in gloves. I buy those cheapo ones from Target, that are something like 2 pairs for a dollar. And I stock up becausae they always seem to go missing. And when I would spin, and have to check out of it, I always forgot which is my right and which is left because I'd be so discombubulated, I started wearing 2 different colors. Also helps on 3 turns and other things, where it's easier to remember "Must see green in front" than right arm in front.

Ditto to all of that! those gloves are great and I'm so happy I bought difft colors to help me for those days when my right and left are all mixed up. In the winter months I either double up and wear two pairs of magic/stretchy gloves or a very thick pair of insulate gloves.

05-18-2007, 05:04 PM
I skate with gloves, fingerless ones. But at the same time, I guess that the usual thing applies. If hands are cold, wear gloves. If hands aren't cold, then don't wear gloves.

05-18-2007, 05:29 PM
I only wear gloves when I know I'll be standing around a lot, like during show rehearsals or a group class. I don't like wearing gloves for freestyle especially, because I feel like I jump differently with and without gloves, and I hate making the adjustment, especially for a test or competition.

05-18-2007, 06:13 PM
I always wear gloves - our rink is COLD!! I never compete with them and it doesn't bother me at all but I don't have any catchfoot spirals in my programs right now. I also warm up without gloves at competitions. For MIF tests, so far (I've tested through Prelim MIF), I have kept my gloves and warmup jacket on (the rink we test at is even colder than my home rink if that is possible!). I think the only time I've skated without gloves is once in a while in Cardio class if I'm SUPER hot and I've already taken off my jacket, tshirt, warm up pants, etc and I'm down to just a skating dress. Usually I end up in a tshirt and gloves....go figure.

05-18-2007, 06:38 PM
I definitely wear gloves. I fall too much!!! :lol: My hands will get red and swollen from the cold. I hate that. You can't even bend your fingers. Haha!!

05-18-2007, 07:58 PM
I once had this spectacular black-and-white striped pair of elbow-length magic gloves. Some jerk STOLE them practically from under my nose at AN a number of years ago. I was so ticked. :evil:

OoooooooooHHHHHooooHHHH... I want those gloves! *Emberchyld stares covetously at her computer screen*

I have a pair of skiing gloves that I picked up a while ago-- they're nice and thin so they don't get too hot, have a good grip surface, but also keep my hands just warm enough. I guess since they were designed for sport, they're more breathable and not as hot as most gloves.

Mrs Redboots
05-19-2007, 12:32 AM
Only if I'm skating alone and my hands are cold. Never when dancing with Husband.

05-19-2007, 03:38 AM
I do wear gloves every session and feel naked without them. However I get hot very quickly, so I wear fingerless gloves. Once when I temporarily lost a glove I had to wear some with fingers, which lasted about 10 minutes because it made me even hotter.

I wear cycling gloves. These have a lycra and mesh back, velcro closure. The palms are a synthetic suede and have gel pads right where the hands hit the ice if I fall on them.

Although expensive, they have lasted me about 2 years now, can be thrown in the washing machine, and dry quickly.

Not wearing gloves is too dangerous on our ice. I usually wear short sleeve-t-shirts and graze my arms and elbows if I fall, but the gel padding in the gloves protects my hands.

05-19-2007, 05:23 AM
I always wear gloves except for competitions lol!

Our rink is cold, but I would wear them anyway for the purpose of protecting my hands when falling.

S xx

05-19-2007, 06:56 AM
I never wear gloves. I just get too hot! Our rink is so warm that we really don't need them. On the odd occasion where the heating's broken I've worn them but that's probably once a year if that.


05-19-2007, 01:22 PM
I always have to wear gloves. It feels weird when I don't. It likes weighs me down. My coach thinks I'm crazy for it but it's just my thing. Even for comps. and test days, I wear skin coloured gloves. :lol:

05-19-2007, 01:40 PM
skin coloured gloves

wow! what an amazing invention... that's what I need :)

05-19-2007, 01:53 PM
When I skate in a cold rink I always start with mittens and then switch to gloves after I get warmed up. I have been doing this for YEARS (at least since I came back as an adult skater anyway). I always have a few pairs of those stretchy "magic gloves" in my bag - sometimes they get holes in the fingers which I don't mind, especially in the summer when the entire atmosphere is warmer.

But at the mall rink where I sometimes skate a dance session I would NEVER wear gloves - in fact it gets so hot skating that I have often considered taking off my sleeveless top, but of course I don't want to gross out the mall lookers!!

05-24-2007, 10:27 AM
I recently broke the habit of wearing gloves all the time, because I started feeling like I HAD to have them. It's so hot here now; I don't usually need them. If I feel cold, I'll wear them until I warm up. Otherwise, I only use them when I'm working on something like the axel, where I know I'll be falling a lot.

05-24-2007, 01:12 PM
Yesterday, one of my gloves got missed out of my skating bag when I went to my class.

I felt practically naked :lol:

05-24-2007, 01:21 PM
I always wear fingerless gloves - I can't bear fingered gloves with holes in the end, but if the hole's supposed to be there it's fine. (Yes, I'm weird).

Not for competitions, but then I don't have time for my hands to get cold then (and I don't seem to get cold when I'm nervous anyway).

05-25-2007, 01:15 AM
I always wear gloves - my hands never get hot. A few weeks ago it was really warm in our rink and the water didn't freeze very quickly so I fell once and my gloves were soaked so I took them off. I felt pretty naked without them. I am in a synchro number for our summer ice show, so of course I don't wear gloves for that. It's kind of fun because I am weird like that and it feels like I am trying something new.