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05-11-2007, 11:07 AM
ok so I know skating is expensive, but this is ridiculous:

I bought a SkateUK passport which I need to pass the Bronze/Silver/Gold levels in the UK. This cost £14.99
Today, a big package came from NISA. Inside was the passport (a flimsy book of which I only require 2 pages for my discipline), a see through folder for the passport (which I admit is a nice touch) and a bag (like a skate bag but not one of the skate-shaped ones).

My own skate bag cost £12. It feels now like I actually paid for the skate bag from NISA and got the passport as a freebie. They say that the bag is a "free gift" but come on!! It's probably only worth around £3.

Postage for this was nearly 2 pounds, now we know why. Before we'd thought, how can postage for one small passport be so much?

Anyway, I was just annoyed that they are clearly trying to rip off money. I'm probably not going to use the bag for my skates (since I don't like the design, colour or quality) and now I feel like I paid so much because of this bag.

Sigh. :??

05-11-2007, 11:54 AM
.... and then you will pay for membership...
.... and then you will pay for tests...
.... and then you will pay for competitions...

just consider it a skating "tax" and donate the bag to nearest charity.

05-11-2007, 11:56 AM
I don't mind paying for all that, as long as they don't charge inordinate amounts and then give you "free gifts". I'm sure that the passport would have cost less without this "gift"...

05-11-2007, 12:01 PM
I don't mind paying for all that, as long as they don't charge inordinate amounts and then give you "free gifts". I'm sure that the passport would have cost less without this "gift"...

It used to cost £10 without the bag.

05-11-2007, 12:18 PM
along with tests, don't forget:
cutting music
dress, off the rack or custom
and then let's not forget when you travel to a comp:
car rental, airfare,
and the biggie:
practice ice.

I have paid $25 for 40 minutes w/ over 50 people on the ice. Ack!:giveup:

Skating is not cheap...and you are just at the beginning try doing multiple disiplines.:twisted:

05-11-2007, 01:31 PM
the bag does seem like a rip-off. i'm in the u.s. - what is the passport for??

as far as skating being expensive, i'm still wondering why i just paid $90 to skate for 1 minute 30 seconds and probably completely embarrass myself, lol! (that's just the cost of the actual in-town competition, not including everything else)

05-11-2007, 01:33 PM
The passport is basically a "tick book". It lists all the elements, and then has a line for your coach to sign their name to certify that you've passed the element.

Mrs Redboots
05-11-2007, 02:03 PM
But keep it safe, because you have to return it to NISA along with the application form for your first level 1 test, whether elements, free, moves, compulsory dance, variation dance or free dance (or any or all of the above), and it's at that stage you also have to join NISA, which is also not cheap.

Anyway, the point is the passport is probably a rip-off, but don't lose it!

05-11-2007, 02:04 PM
haha as if I would, for 15 quid. my mum would kill me!
i do like the folder they give though. it keeps it water- and dirt proof if I take it to our rink.

05-11-2007, 04:42 PM
I know what you mean - mine also came today!! WTF!! *colourful exclamation*

"and find it useful for carrying your skates to and from the rink" - hahah, humm yeah maybe one skate (big feet)

05-12-2007, 02:33 AM
black, I know!! today I tried to put my size 40 skates in it (just to see how good it could be for carrying them around) and they don't fit, either.

I don't know about my new skates (they will probably be around size 38 because I think that 40 is actually too big) but I'm doubting that they'll fit either...

05-12-2007, 03:42 AM
Maybe I should order another one and stitch two together to make a rucksack!! :twisted: :lol:

05-12-2007, 01:36 PM
Welcome to NISA ;)