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05-01-2007, 05:49 AM
my friend made a video of me n my friends skating
comment it plz tell her what u think of it :D

05-01-2007, 07:39 AM
Nice video. It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. It is really hard to comment on technique since there are so many of you working on different things. Just keep up the good work!

05-01-2007, 01:59 PM
Great video! You all look like you're having a blast:)

05-01-2007, 02:14 PM
The girl in the white top with green shoulders and black skirt needs to straighten her standing knee on the spirals. Also she should try grabbing the leg with the arm at the same side first, as this is easyer than with the opposite one.
The knee is bent on the girl with the black dress and pink skirt too.

All you girls' toeloops need work. But your spins are really great!!! :bow:

Another thing for your bielman spirals (grabbing the leg and trying to lift it over your head).
This is actually easyer if you grab your leg by the blade just under the toepick, as this gives you the maximum leg length. And it's easyer if you grab your leg like this.
http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6626/bielmanki6.gif (http://imageshack.us)

You take for example your right arm and your right leg. You'll be grabbing with the index or middle finger of the right hand. Now, lift the leg up behind you, and stretch your right arm to your right side, your right thumb will be pointing up. Now twist your arm so that your right thumb points to your back. This will mean your palm will be facing up. Bend your elbow slightly and push the arm in this position as far back as you can. You should be able to grab your blade just barely this way. However, your index or middle finger will be entering the blade from the OUTSIDE, not the inside. So your right hand's thumb will be essentially pointing almost to your left behind your back. You're getting pretty much the maximum stretch you can from your arm at this point. Now, you can just lift your leg up with your arm, and it will go far higher than otherwise.
You get something like this:

Maybe you can make something out in this video;

Mind how my finger is slipping underneath the blade from the right, not from the left! This is the outside, and the hand stays there. If you slip it from the left, you block your shoulder and you can't lift your leg without dislocating your shoulder higher than shoulder level.
Now in the video, I'm keeping the elbow bent down. However, once you have enough back flexibility, you can pull some more, higher, and your elbow automatically bends forward at this point like on the photo. From there, you can proceed to pull the leg over your head in time. I'm almost there after about a year of stretching.

05-01-2007, 09:40 PM
You girls rock!!!!