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View Full Version : What would you do if you have weak ankles?

05-01-2007, 05:41 AM
Like the title says...

I have really bad and weak ankles which are killing my skating. :x
I was wondering: does anyone have any ideas on how I could strengthen them?
Would be muchly appreciated.


05-01-2007, 06:42 AM
How do you know your ankles are weak, and what bad effects does it have on your skating? Many times, the real problem is the boots.

05-01-2007, 07:08 AM
I have naturally quite weak ankles and they often turn when I'm walking. However I have no problems with skating as my boots give me plenty of support. If you are having problems still then maybe your boots aren't supportive enough.


05-01-2007, 07:38 AM
Try ballet....

05-01-2007, 08:02 AM
Every skating coach I've ever known has said there is no such thing as weak ankles, just badly fitting skates. Get yourself some good boots and you shouldn't have any problem.


05-01-2007, 09:10 AM
Every skating coach I've ever known has said there is no such thing as weak ankles, just badly fitting skates. Get yourself some good boots and you shouldn't have any problem.


While I agree with that, I must also say, having sprained both ankles badly before, my ankles *are* weak. Good boots do help to prevent further injury. My physio once recommended balancing exercises to strengthen the ankles - things like standing on one foot on a cushion.


05-01-2007, 10:07 AM
If you had weak ankles, you'd get hurt doing other things as well. It's probably your skates. When looking for new skates, try to bend the top of the boot down to the outside. If it "gives" more than an inch, don't buy the skates.
My physio once recommended balancing exercises to strengthen the ankles - things like standing on one foot on a cushion.A balance or "wobble" board will help, too. I have a small, sand-filled weight ball that I use for this purpose.

05-01-2007, 10:49 AM
Depends what about your anckles is weak. Ballroom dancing and ballet have strengthened mine. Also good is to stand with your toes on the edge of a step (like, stairs) and then bounce up and down on your toes. Like your heel goes below the surface of the step first, then far above it, etc. Build gradually until you can do this for a quarter an hour on end and you'll have very strong anckles. But build it up GRADUALLY.
I had weak anckles myself, after ballroom dancing for a year on 3 inch heels I could run (like, fast) on any 3 inch heels I own.

05-02-2007, 02:17 AM
what level of skating are you at? (edges & 3-turns, waltz jump, singles, doubles ...?).

Figure-skating boots actually give me so much support that I don't need much ankle strength in them for just balancing and holding edges.

Ankle excercises might help, but personally i'd find them boring. ballet is probably a good idea, or what worked for me was inline speedskating (on either "marathon"/fitness boots (http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/skatebuys_1943_20295961) which are lower cut than regular inlines but still above ankle, or true speed boots which are ankle-height or lower). If you have the spare time, money, and desire to try it, recreational inline speed skating will do wonders for your ankle strength.

Also my speedskating book makes the claim that most people who complain of weak ankles have sufficient strength, but aren't bending their ankles and knees enough ("sitting" down towards the skates/ice). If you are a beginner ice-skater, this may apply to you as well. Bending those knees should make you a lot more stable.

oh, and if you happen to be wearing worn-out rental skates, that explains everything! See if the rink rents hockey skates (they might be a lot harder to get your forward-backwards balance on, but they should be stiff enough to support your ankles from flopping left and right). If that works, then you know it's the skates, and you can work on getting a decent pair of figure skates. :)

05-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Here are some stretches and exercises that helped me after I sprained an ankle repeatedly last summer. Helped a lot to strengthen my ankle so that my foot wouldn't bend over again and the ankle give out on me. I agree with other posters, though, too--it's definitely worth finding good, supportive boots that fit right.



05-03-2007, 10:45 AM
... I could run (like, fast) on any 3 inch heels I own.

Whoa, awesome. :o