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View Full Version : 1st Teaching Paycheck

04-21-2007, 05:54 AM
I just got it in the mail yesterday! For one session but it's enough!

I'm psyched! This fall I start teaching, probably one night per week (the little tots) so it will help supplement my income.


04-21-2007, 07:22 AM
Congratulations! I'm sure you'll do great this Fall.
Let us know if you need help or advice.

Just be aware that teaching and coaching gets very time-consuming.
It's hard to carve out "skate for myself" time when a student needs help/lessons.
That's why I skate at a different rink where "no one knows my name."
Well, lov2sk8 knows me, but none of my students are there. ;)

I had posted an insurance thread (http://www.skatingforums.com/showthread.php?t=23365) earlier this month.
You might need the info for the Fall semester.

04-21-2007, 09:27 PM

It feels great to get paid for doing something you love!

04-22-2007, 03:35 PM
It was my understanding that the "employees" of the rink are covered by the State Fair insurance. That is a good thing.

As far as going somewhere else to skate, the other rinks are about 45 minutes to an hour away...not very practical. I only plan on teaching one night or Saturday per week for now. Or Tuesday daytime for the Mom & Tot time. That's when the director teaches so I would be directly supervised. Plus, I've helped her out during that time (it's right after public ice so I've gotten extra skate time that way).

I was surprised by the amount of the check...for one hour! It was a nice chunk so I'm not complaining-plus I got a free moves class!

04-23-2007, 11:12 AM

04-25-2007, 12:54 AM
Fantastic S@D!
Sounds like from other posts too, that you are building quite a resume.
Happy skating 8-)