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View Full Version : help re: stretching n muscles (i think i pulled mine)

04-20-2007, 01:10 PM
So this is the situation:

I've started stretching every day, today is my 5th day of regular stretching. I figured that I'll see if I can keep this up for 2 weeks, then after evaluate if I need to get a Maxiflex or not (considering, a) can I regularly exercise and b) after stretching, do I still need it?)

I haven't been particularly strenously stretching or anything, and I've been holding the positions (not "bouncing") but now everything in my body "clicks" quite easily and I can't sit in a position with my knees (esp. the right one) bent because when I stand up it really hurts.

So I'm wondering, what's wrong? Have I pulled some muscles near my knee? Or is it normal to experience these things when first starting regular off-ice conditioning? Maybe I should wear legwarmers/rub my leg muscles vigorously before stretching?? (just that, when I did ballet at 7 yrs of age, I remember our teacher told us to massage the different muscles before stretching them)

OK, any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

04-20-2007, 01:21 PM
1. Were you doing static stretches or "bouncing" the stretch.

2. Were you stretching to the point of pain?

Without knowing the specifics of the types of stretches you were doing, and if you were doing them correctly, it's hard to say.

Physiologically speaking... it is possible to perform any exercise, including stretching, incorrectly and risk injury.

Where around your knee does it hurt? What type of motion causes the pain? Straightening the leg? Bending the leg? Does it feel like a "tight" muscle?

Stretching carefully and cautiously is always best, especially when just starting out. And one should never "bounce" into a stretch or stretch to the point of pain.

04-20-2007, 01:22 PM
Are you warming up the muscles your stretching first, or are you just stretching cold? Stretching a cold muscle can lead to damage...you always want to warm up thoroughly before any stretching.

04-20-2007, 01:23 PM
Are you warming up the muscles your stretching first, or are you just stretching cold? Stretching a cold muscle can lead to damage...you always want to warm up thoroughly before any stretching.

Hope that helps a little...

fyi...everything clicks on me too...it's just annoying ;-)
