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View Full Version : Synthetic Ice-Skate@Delaware's Summer Show Experience

04-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Well, guys, tomorrow night I start "rehearsal" on the synthetic ice! We were to have started Tuesday evening, but they were still breaking down the rink itself and did not get the surface put down. There are a few rules/guidelines we were briefed on and then we were measured for costumes. A few highlights of the rules are:

-everyone is to get along since we will be close for the whole summer
-buy Lysol disinfecting wipes; as the silicone spray is gooey the wipes will get it off your hands and blades
-use Gam G3's or cheaper blades because of all the sharpenings (every 20 hours)
-tights are to be worn, mostly to protect skin from the silicone and from "plastic burn" from falls

I'm really excited!!! Of course, we do get free meals, but only at the rink (eww!!!) and during the course of the fair, we get about 3 hours between shows (each show lasts about 25 minutes).

I will report more after my first experience! But now I need to swap out my blades (I'm using a set of old comets...or mirage...can't decide which).


04-19-2007, 01:58 AM
Hey S@D,
:?? silicone spray goo? "Plastic burn?" :?? hmmm....
What I would wonder is how holding edges on the stuff would be like... entering spins, spirals etc...
should be interesting to hear about your experiences.

04-19-2007, 03:12 AM
That's something that I didn't think about for the synthetic surfaces. I really think that plastic burns and scrapes could be a bit of a problem on that kind of surface.

04-19-2007, 07:14 AM
sounds painful! Better you than me I say! :lol:
Have fun and be nice LOL!

Team Arthritis
04-19-2007, 08:35 AM
P.S. Pictures - we need pictures!

04-19-2007, 01:14 PM
Look out for the 'snow' caused by the blades cutting into the surface of the artificial ice. It gets into your tights - and clothes - not just on the surface and is really hard to get out. The silicone stuff gets absorbed by the artificial surface and then scratches off when you skate on it.

Also - wouldn't worry about the blades too much. Even Gold Seal blades were just fine after a fresh sharpening, and at least the jumps didn't feel twice as funny with the ice and different blades.

04-19-2007, 07:14 PM
Well, we had our first time on the "ice" tonight! It was very STRANGE to say the least! I hit the surface tentatively, marching just like the little tots do, then moved up to slaloms. You don't glide at all-friction keeps you from moving! It felt like skating on carpet with socks on....get the idea? You also have to B-E-N-D!!!! How many times have we heard that one? It helps a lot!

After about 45 minutes of slaloms, I worked up the nerve to try a waltz jump (from forward only). It was interesting-you really stick the landing and don't really glide out.

I then tried a spin, from a T-position. Nah! It wasn't any good, I ended up on my toepick...and barely caught myself from falling over!! 8O Maybe this is a good time to work on the "go around in a circle before you bring your leg to the front" thing my coach was always trying to get me to do??? And, we were cautioned to have a strong check, push down (i.e. keep tension) in our arms and shoulders, and have our arms go first. Not sure if I get that one. By the end of the session, I did try swizzling a bit backwards and it was sort of scary, but at least I was not the only one that had a hard time with nerves. There were a few new girls also.

For now, until my "cheap" blades come in, I'm on my Aces. I dropped them off for a sharpening (3/8"). She did say we could do regular ice, but to make sure that we skate on the fake stuff at first, since 3/8" is deeper than the typical 1/2" (hmmmm, I just recalled that I normally skate on 7/16" and wonder if that makes any difference now?)

We also listened to the music-way cool! I'm all there! Think barnyard theme with P-A-R-T-Y and animals going crazy and you will get the idea (maybe). After all, it's for the state fair! Our costumes are cute, for the most part denim skorts and white eyelet sleeveless shirts with embellishments. And there are costumes. And props.

We are being offered an opportunity to have a few lessons (if we need them, and I do) to become more comfortable/friends with the surface. It's a good thing! Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Thursday from 5-7 pm. We have a few weeks until our first show on May 5, then a few shows here and there, then the big state fair the end of July. My boss approved my additional leave time so that's good (he might even come see it since he practically lives at the fair-he's such a kid!).

Stay tuned....Terry

ps-thanks for all the advice on the shavings and stuff. Our skating director is posting a schedule so we will be taking turns cleaning the ice...too bad there isn't a mini-zamboni for it!!! :lol: We are also not allowed to skate unless we are wearing tights-because of the chance of getting the plastic scraped into our skin if we fall! Ouch! We are set up in an air conditioned room so it will be cool, we can wear shorts as long as we wear tights.

04-19-2007, 07:58 PM
Would putting some ski wax or some kind of wax under the blade help to give a little bit of a better glide on that surface? I've never been on that kind of surface.

04-19-2007, 08:22 PM
Would putting some ski wax or some kind of wax under the blade help to give a little bit of a better glide on that surface? I've never been on that kind of surface.
Actually, the surface is sprayed with water-based silicone. This substance gets into the grooves and onto the surface of the ice and helps increase the amount of glide. What really helps you glide is pushing and bending...and eventually your muscles get you through it!

04-20-2007, 08:09 AM
You're going to be soooo strong by the last show - that's great. Keep those reports coming, Terry.

04-20-2007, 07:40 PM
You're going to be soooo strong by the last show - that's great. Keep those reports coming, Terry.
That's what the skating director says. And, (ta-da) she says it will help my spins (which have been c-r-*-p!!!) because you have to really be dead-on to get one!

Lyle: as soon as I get permission I will get some video. Or have someone take a short vid of me (which will suck I assure you).

Two of the girls hit the ice...and one landed her loop the other landed her flip BOTH WITHIN 15 MINUTES!!!! I told them I hate them and gave them a hug! Isn't that amazing! Kids!

I skate again on Tuesday....on freshly sharpened blades, so stay tuned!

04-24-2007, 08:59 PM
So, we have been assigned our parts for the show. I am a: Vegas showgirl, potato ("spud" to be exact), and a "person" for the show. More parts may be added as the director sees fit.

Which brings me waaaay back, I'm talking my first ever ice show...and I told the skating director she could dress me up as a potato and I'd skate; I really did not care what part I got! Every ice show I told her that....guess I got the part!!! :lol: (maybe I should try that for "snowflake"???)

Anyway, we worked on some choreography. My synchro background has really helped. My skates are sharpened to 3/8" and it helped tonight.

I also tried a spin...man, are they hard! I did make one squeak out, but they will take some work. It did not help that I have a strained lower back muscle and everything connected to my lower back hurt tonight. However, two-foot spinning is really good!!!! No problems there!

Waltz jumps were much more comfortable. You really have to check hard and strong though.

Backwards skating is still weird and uncomfortable.

There were less falls tonight; which was really good. The lessons will pick up soon. I will get spinning lessons.

Once my back is better, I'm sure things will go better. It hurt and I can't find my heating pad (as recommended by my chiropractor). Oh well.

04-24-2007, 09:24 PM
At least one cruise ship now has a skating rink onboard. I wonder whether the "ice" is actually synthetic. Also, I wonder whether one can do anything on the surface, whatever it is, because the ship sways constantly.


04-24-2007, 09:37 PM
So, we have been assigned our parts for the show. I am a: Vegas showgirl, potato ("spud" to be exact), and a "person" for the show. More parts may be added as the director sees fit.

Which brings me waaaay back, I'm talking my first ever ice show...and I told the skating director she could dress me up as a potato and I'd skate; I really did not care what part I got! Every ice show I told her that....guess I got the part!!! :lol: (maybe I should try that for "snowflake"???)

....Once my back is better, I'm sure things will go better. It hurt and I can't find my heating pad (as recommended by my chiropractor). Oh well.

I guess for your spud part, you can tell people that "all eyes were on you" during the show. (Sorry, couldn't resist) :lol: :lol:

I hope your back is feeling better. Sometimes heat makes me feel better when I have a sore back (I like a warm soak in epsom salts) but sometimes that makes the pain worse (in which case cold helps me more than heat).

04-25-2007, 04:14 PM
I guess for your spud part, you can tell people that "all eyes were on you" during the show. (Sorry, couldn't resist) :lol: :lol:

I hope your back is feeling better. Sometimes heat makes me feel better when I have a sore back (I like a warm soak in epsom salts) but sometimes that makes the pain worse (in which case cold helps me more than heat).
I don't know which is worse...my back or your pun!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

My back gets really tight (former accidents and age, I guess) and heat helps, but I did put an ice pack on it last night; heat today (found the heating pad buried-and I do mean BURIED in daughters room) so I found some relief.

I have decided to lighten up on my leg workouts while this fake ice thing is going on...my legs are getting a heavy workout twice a week!!!

04-25-2007, 04:32 PM
At least one cruise ship now has a skating rink onboard. I wonder whether the "ice" is actually synthetic. Also, I wonder whether one can do anything on the surface, whatever it is, because the ship sways constantly.


Nope, Royal Caribbean has real ice- Apparently its a tiny surface but they have public skates and everyone I know who has been has said it's a ton of fun. They also have an ice show- which I have been told is impressive, but I don't know how involved it is.

An interview with one of the skaters says it "trial and error" to get used to the movement of the ship.

04-25-2007, 10:26 PM
Skate@Delaware- I hope they let you take a video! I'd love to see the show & the "ice." And I can't help but be curious about what the spud costume entails;)

Nope, Royal Caribbean has real ice- Apparently its a tiny surface but they have public skates and everyone I know who has been has said it's a ton of fun. They also have an ice show- which I have been told is impressive, but I don't know how involved it is.

I've skated on the RCI ice on Mariner of the Seas. and the ice is definitely real:) It is the tiniest rink I've ever been on. I never felt the ship sway, but I also didn't try anything harder than a salchow.
That interview is with Matt Kessinger! He skated at my rink when I was younger & then moved away to train - he was our rink celebrity:) I saw him and talked to him on my cruise. He was in charge of the skating sessions & was also in the show. He was nice and let my husband borrow some skates to skate with me on the bring-your-own-skates session.
The ice show is fantastic - it's amazing what they can do on such a tiny sheet of ice.

04-26-2007, 02:57 PM
My honeymoon was on Royal Caribbean with the rink (adventure of the seas) We didn't skate because I'm a rental skate snob, but we did see the show. It was okay...not great...I think the highlight of it was one guy running into the wall on a double salchow. Good times.

05-01-2007, 08:52 PM
It just seemed to be one of those BAD rehearsals when the director tried to smile, but spent more time yelling and saying, "This was supposed to be an easy routine...why haven't you guys got it yet?"


I don't know....

Half the time, I wasn't sure where she wanted me to be...her direction was a bit vague.

We have our first show on Saturday. It will be a short one, as we only know 4 numbers as of yet. We did learn one just for Saturday...a duck number which is rather cute (picture wearing duck floaties around the waist) but it took forever (see above statement!!)

One number features a line dance (which I am NOT good at) but I suffer through and have one more rehearsal to learn.

Here is a place to look at me skating on the "ice"...It's not good quality, taken from my cell phone.

One is of me just stroking around, the other is a waltz jump. Enjoy! It's going to be hard getting video's as our rink has a "no video" policy if there are kids...unless it's a public performance, then it's another story.

I'm still learning to scratch spin. Haven't tried anything beyond a waltz. Maybe next week? My blades were skidding. The director said it was because the surface was dirty. Yikes! One sharpening per week!!! I have my new G3's in but they are not mounted yet. Might do that next week.

05-01-2007, 10:20 PM
C'mon, you're an old hand at skating shows and rehearsals. Even I've gotten used to the stressed-out choreographers changing things left and right, only telling 2 of the 15 people on the ice, then yelling because someone missed a step. (Usually me! LOL)

I wonder if a quick stoning might tide you over until you get another sharpening?

In any case, thanks for keeping us updated. I'm enjoying your first-hand reports.

05-02-2007, 07:15 AM
I had to do a double-take when I first saw the word "stoning" because I thought it might have been directed at the skating director!!!! :lol:

I gave her my skates to be sharpened. Since I was already bending my knees deeply...there was nothing else to do. I don't have a stone so I'm sunk.

Yes, I am an "old hand" at the shows. Just venting my frustrations. I don't mind messing up a bit but I don't want to mess up a lot!!! And I will have a lot of friends at the show.8O Maybe I get a bit of an excuse since I AM the OLDEST one in the show????? he he he!!!! I out-age the next one by 20+ years and am old enough to be a grandma to some of these kids!

Next week, I start working on some of the other jumps, 3-turns, and still trying the scratch spin! Plus, I will try to get up to The Pond to have my blades mounted. <sigh> I'm soooooo busy!!!!! I need a clone!

05-03-2007, 08:32 PM
Well, it's almost "showtime!!!"

Skates are sharp, run-through of show numbers are fair-to-middlin', and costumes are there!

The pre-show lecture has been given (i.e. shave your pits, wear deodorant and makeup, tights are a must, etc).

Guess the only thing left to do is skate on Saturday morning!!!!

For those that tried to download and watch the videos and couldn't, bear with me....I am in the process of converting them but it might take a few days.

05-05-2007, 09:30 PM
Today we had our first show-it was a diamond in the rough but actually turned out fair.

We performed at a local school's "KidFest" which is a fair/carnival. Unfortunately, there weren't too many people watching the show but there were more guests than parents. Also, we were inside (which was good-it woud have sucked to have been set up outside in a parking lot).

There were a few glitches. Several falls (including yours truly who actually fell on my right hip) and some confusion. We did have last minute directions about lining up backstage and all that.

I forgot part of my "duck" number. That was the one I fell on. I did remember the line dancing number (miracle of miracles!!!). The finale was good!

My skirt was TIGHT! It had no side slits...remedy-take the darn thing home and fix. Easily done since I wore it there and didn't take anything to change into for the way home (oops! my bad!)...:halo:

Final report from the skating director-not bad for only having had 6-7 rehearsals! That is a good report!!!

05-05-2007, 10:26 PM
Congrats on the show. I can't imagine skating on that synthetic ice, let alone performing on it. But it sounded like you had a good time, and a nice report too! Now that you've got one performance done, skating director is probably going to raise his expectations now.

05-06-2007, 05:28 AM
Congrats on the show. I can't imagine skating on that synthetic ice, let alone performing on it. But it sounded like you had a good time, and a nice report too! Now that you've got one performance done, skating director is probably going to raise his expectations now.
Well, I will tell you, she ALWAYS has HIGH expectations of everyone in the shows. Sometimes that is good as it pushes you to be a better skater and you learn new skills; sometimes it's frustrating because you (esp. adult skaters) have a harder time keeping up.

Two years ago, I was hard pressed to do power-3's for a Nutcracker number!!! I can do them easy now, but back then I could barely do a regular 3-turn!

One the one hand I felt bad because I messed up my number, OTOH I don't because of the short prep time we've had. No biggie!!!!

05-06-2007, 08:24 PM
Skate@Delaware: It has been fun to follow your progress on the synthetic ice! Thanks for sharing and congrats on your parts and first performance! You know I am waiting for the video!:bow:

05-15-2007, 02:15 PM
Ok, after having many computer glitches, personal problems, and a daughter getting ready to graduate from HIGH SCHOOL next week (prom was on Saturday and I did 2 heads of hair)....

Here is some video:


There are two up and in two formats: skating and waltz jump. Take your pick and choose your format. Sorry for the poor quality, I used my cell phone (which sucks, but hey, maybe if I didn't keep dropping it...)

We are still hashing out the "video taping is verboten" issue...:frus: even trying to get a copy of our performance which was PUBLIC!!!! sucks. Oh well.

I have other things to do than get into a political war with the rink or skating director. Like working on my jumps and learning to spin again!

07-02-2007, 09:25 PM
Here is the link to their article. It's just a blurb, I came across it while looking for the new rink hours (still not up yet...)


07-02-2007, 10:16 PM
What a nice article! Great name for the show too:)

07-03-2007, 08:54 PM
Thanks, Morgail! Tomorrow, we skate in the capital for their 4th celebration....if it doesn't rain (anyone besides me hoping for rain????)

I am a little nervous about this show-we should have a bigger audience. The celebration usually attracts 30,000 people downtown for the event (vendors, bands, stuff going on and the fireworks).

07-26-2007, 09:30 PM
Ok, I haven't updated this. We opened with the fair and next thing I knew, my schedule was: working, skating, crawling into bed, repeat!!!

I've dropped 3 pounds from sweat/fat loss/not eating since we started on July 19!!!

We typically do 2 shows per day (4 & 8 pm) and 3 on the weekend, and 3 on Tuesday (which was Kids Day).

did I mention I was exhausted? the show was supposed to be 25 minutes, but we timed it and it is about 35-40 minutes.....roughly!

But, during the course of the show, two girls "got" their axel!!!! One girl got an attitude problem adjusted, there were multiple minor injuries (escalating as the week is progressing and exhaustion is setting in) and we are learning one can sleep ANYWHERE!!!

I will update more after we close on Saturday. We are also getting a video/dvd which I believe I can put on youtube (i will have to ask about that).

Later, it's late and I'm tired!!!!

07-27-2007, 10:21 AM
Speaking about synthetic surfaces, did everybody see Lucinda Ruh doing that 'rest room' paper spinning contest? I think that was synthetic ice right?
