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View Full Version : How is a Synchro. Team's uniform disided apon?

04-14-2007, 10:11 PM
Say,how are the uniforms of a Synchronized Skating Team desided apon, and what do they go by when choosing the disine and colors?

04-15-2007, 06:59 AM
I am a dress designer, and recently, I did the dresses for the Notre Dame synchro team. What we did was the coach sent me the music, and shared any ideas about color/design/feel with me. Then I sat down and listened to the music (...over and over and over...!) and came up with an idea. What I go by when designing a dress is the theme of the music (in this case it was "Haunted") and the "character" it creates in my head. I just kind sketch while I listen, see what the music evokes in me. There really is no set formula for dress design, be it syncro or freestyle. For me, colors are just chosen because they look and feel like the music, design can be taken from the music itself. For example, the ND music had some Edward Scissorhands in it...what comes to mind? Black leather or vinyl! There's part of your design.
Thats just how MY process works...I'm sure others have their own ways.

04-15-2007, 10:07 AM
I am a dress designer, and recently, I did the dresses for the Notre Dame synchro team. What we did was the coach sent me the music, and shared any ideas about color/design/feel with me. Then I sat down and listened to the music (...over and over and over...!) and came up with an idea. What I go by when designing a dress is the theme of the music (in this case it was "Haunted") and the "character" it creates in my head. I just kind sketch while I listen, see what the music evokes in me. There really is no set formula for dress design, be it syncro or freestyle. For me, colors are just chosen because they look and feel like the music, design can be taken from the music itself. For example, the ND music had some Edward Scissorhands in it...what comes to mind? Black leather or vinyl! There's part of your design.
Thats just how MY process works...I'm sure others have their own ways.

Ok. Can you please explain what is ment by looking and feeling like music? BTW. is a Team's name it'self chosen before or after the uniforms? I ask that because I was aways unde empression that color and desine had to do with the name of a Team. Such as Fire on Ice's uniforms looking like fire. BTW. is there such a thing as a sign. uniform for a Synchro. Team? Just like a Sign. move?

04-15-2007, 10:23 AM
Generally, a synchro team is going to have a different costume for each program, to go with that particular music. So they wouldn't have a "signature" outfit. They might have team uniforms in their team colors that they would wear for practice, though, and warmup suits and stuff like that. Those would be more likely to stay the same from year to year, and could be recognized as belonging to that team. The music really determines what the competition outfit will look like. If the music has a particular theme, the outfit will probably be designed to reflect that - for instance, if a team is skating to "Pirates of the Caribbean", they'll probably have outfits that remind you of pirate clothes. Otherwise, the mood of the music will have a lot to do with it. Fast, energetic music is likely to inspire outfits in bright colors like red or yellow, more lyrical music is more likely to be quiet colors like blue. The designer will come up with some different ideas and the coach will choose (maybe asking for input from the skaters), or the coach will select something from a catalogue or web site. I would say that most teams have their outfits made - that way, they can be sure no one else will have exactly the same thing, and the outfits can be made exactly to fit the skaters. The name of the team has nothing to do with their competition outfits, but might be reflected in their warmups, either by the choice of color or with some kind of logo.

04-15-2007, 10:30 AM
Can someone give me an example of a song and a disine for it? BTW, do the skaters have a say in what they want in a uniform?

04-15-2007, 10:41 AM
All you have to do is look at any picture of a team in competition, and check out what their music was. You could look online, or in skating magazines. The skaters might have a say in the outfit, or they might not - it depends on how the coach does things. For our youth team, the coaches picked the design. Our adult team discusses ideas and votes. Different teams do things different ways.