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View Full Version : clueless skaters

03-28-2007, 11:50 AM
so, I know 3 girls from school who skate on a higher level than me (levels 9, level 8 compared to my level 6) but are clueless about skating, like accessories and off ice training etc...

they didn't know what my soakies, blade guards and boot covers were. they have no idea about boot care, and they laugh at the idea of training and practicing on the ice before a lesson, what an absurd suggestion!!!

anyway, to top it off, the level 8 girl "won't talk to me about 3 turns until I pass them". so I said, "if your 3's are so perfect, show me one, if you get them right every time without ever practicing them now you've passed them" she told me that she didn't have to prove anything.

now, tbh, she is not a very confident (therefore good) skater, as she only ever does moves for 20 mins a week. the 30 mins before the lessons are spent stroking around the rink.

ANYWAY, why are some skaters so clueless, and have you got any similar stories? some of my non skater friends know more about skating.

03-28-2007, 11:58 AM
The way I see it, just keep practicing & working hard, and in time, you will be a lot farther along than all the people who don't warm up before a lesson.

There are some skaters online who will tell you that they have a solid dsal or axel, and when you see them in real life, they can barely land a waltz-jump & toe loop.....! I sometimes wonder what makes people lie about their abilities, or even if they know they are lying (maybe a move just feels a certain way on the ice and they *think* they have it? I don't know....). I know it annoys the skaters who legitimately worked hard to get these skills & actually CAN do them. :roll:

Either way, all we can do is concentrate on ourselves & not worry about other people....

03-28-2007, 12:15 PM
It sounds like they just don't care about skating as much as you do. When you really care about something, you want to practice as much as you can and you also want to learn all you can about it. So let them skate the way they want to skate and meanwhile, keep practicing and learning and you'll be skating circles around them in no time. ;)

03-28-2007, 01:21 PM
And not just circles, but circles with 3 turns, 3 jumps, crossovers, mohawks ... :)