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View Full Version : Back on the ice..skates hurt!!

03-11-2007, 11:29 PM
Hey all,
Glad to have found some skating friends. ;) I have been off the ice for some time now (about 9 months) due to medical restrictions, etc. I've missed it a ton! I got my skates cleaned up (there was minimal rust on the blades), but they really hurt. The leather has stiffened and I feel like I'm going to have to break them in all over again (not fun). Any suggestions as to how to make this process easier and less painful??

03-12-2007, 03:45 AM
Oh that's what my skates felt like after not skating for 5 months in summer due to lack of ice.

I've gotta tell you, your worries are in vain. All it takes is sweating really hard in them a few times before they're back the way they were. Perhaps you can speed it up by wettening them with a plant spray or something from the inside?

Eliza ;)

03-12-2007, 05:09 AM
I'm going to be off the ice for the next few weeks (had right knee arthroscopy last Thursday) and I intend to put my skates on at home once a week or so for 5-10 minutes (just as I would wear new skates around the house to help break them in).

03-13-2007, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the input guys. I took them over to the shop (we're so lucky to have awesome people here) and we're going to re-heatmold them and then bump them out as necessary. Sounds like an awesome plan to me!! Can't wait to get back out there!

Ice Dancer
03-13-2007, 05:25 PM
I'm not sure if it works, but one of my coaches said to put bubble wrap, between your foot and sock, in any areas that really rub. It provides cushioning and helps against blisters.

Is definately worth a shot I think, especially as it is so cheap, often free if you buy something!

03-14-2007, 11:30 AM
I use "party feet" (and compede also has similar stuf) gel cushions. However, I find the grip on the skates lessens somewhat even with that tiny bit of slippery area which is actually sticky-covered too.

But it could be worth a shot.