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View Full Version : Who uses Maxiflex?

11-04-2003, 08:49 PM
I was just looking at the maxiflex ultimate stretcher as an off ice training tool I was just wondering wut peoples opinion on it are. is it good does it actually help you ????

11-04-2003, 08:52 PM
Ive actaully never heard of it to be honest??
But it sounds quite interesting!
Please explain more!

11-04-2003, 09:27 PM
My daughter has the Maxiflex stretcher. Here is a link to a web site where you can buy them.


11-05-2003, 12:44 AM
I like mine. havent been using it lately though. Hey, Ive been sick, I have good reason....

11-05-2003, 06:46 AM
Wow it looks realy great for strectching!
I am definetley going to purchase one :D:D:D

11-10-2003, 12:04 AM
Found it here too, for $7 less than the linkie above... and more piccies. Looks very cool.


01-15-2007, 02:05 PM
Anyone out there use the MaxiFlex (http://www.rainbosports.com/shop/site/product.cfm/id/4AC58647-475A-BAC0-51F725CFD7083651) that's sold on Rainbo Sports? I'm strongly thinking of getting it for my home so I can get a higher spiral w/o having my hubby help me out on the stretches?



01-15-2007, 02:55 PM
Mel and I have a friend who absolutely loves her Maxi-Flex.

She's still somewhat of a beginner and is working on her spiral - it seems to be helping.

01-15-2007, 03:46 PM
We have used it and like it alot too !! helps with stretch !

01-15-2007, 03:47 PM
This thing is great for working on your flexibility - just use it carefully. Do remember to work just as much on strengthening the core, lower back, & leg muscles. You can have all the flexibility in the world. Super flexibilty is not much good without the STRENGTH to maintain the position.

01-15-2007, 03:51 PM
You can have all the flexibility in the world. Super flexibilty is not much good without the STRENGTH to maintain the position.
I was just going to write that. So, ditto.

Combine stretching exercises with leg lifts. I like to put 2lb weights on my ankles and do leg lifts on the floor - on my side, on my stomach and on my back to get all the muscle groups worked.

01-15-2007, 07:26 PM
...what they said.

...and, if it hurts, back off. My father has a great stretching book that he got 20 years ago on a bargain book table, and the best general piece of advice in it is "stretch to feel good"--that is, if it really hurts in a bad way, it's probably not a good stretch.

Mrs Redboots
01-16-2007, 05:52 AM
Combine stretching exercises with leg lifts. I like to put 2lb weights on my ankles and do leg lifts on the floor - on my side, on my stomach and on my back to get all the muscle groups worked.A resistance band is good, too - I find that better than weights, in many ways.

01-17-2007, 04:22 PM
Anyone out there use the MaxiFlex (http://www.rainbosports.com/shop/site/product.cfm/id/4AC58647-475A-BAC0-51F725CFD7083651) that's sold on Rainbo Sports? I'm strongly thinking of getting it for my home so I can get a higher spiral w/o having my hubby help me out on the stretches?

Jazz, one of my coach's 13 year old students brought her MaxiFlex in today. They used it. It looked good to me, for stretches back, forward AND to the side. It made me think of getting one as well. It appears easy to hook onto a door, etc.

If you get one, let me know how it goes.

01-17-2007, 04:50 PM
I have one and use it to supplement my regular stretching, not to replace it. It's very important to be completely warmed up when using it, and to hold each position completely before cranking it to the next one. Also, if you have balance issues or think you might become unsteady when using it sideways, place a chair within reach so you can steady yourself. Trust me on this, with one leg hiked up the other leg gets very tired and when you try to loosen the strap, you could become very unsteady!

01-17-2007, 05:36 PM
i don't know if its just me but this thing looks extremely difficult to use from the picture.

I bet I would fall down trying to stretch on it. Maybe I'm just clumsy :lol:

01-19-2007, 05:05 AM
I have one and use it to supplement my regular stretching, not to replace it. It's very important to be completely warmed up when using it, and to hold each position completely before cranking it to the next one. Also, if you have balance issues or think you might become unsteady when using it sideways, place a chair within reach so you can steady yourself. Trust me on this, with one leg hiked up the other leg gets very tired and when you try to loosen the strap, you could become very unsteady!It looks like the cord wouldn't let you put both feet on the floor - is that true? If so, I understand the need for a chair.

How you put it on and take it off your foot? Velcro strap?

01-19-2007, 07:10 AM
I've got one, and it isn't hard to use at all, although it was kind of hard to figure it out at first. Your foot goes into a kind of sling. It's not fastened in any way, and the outward pressure of your foot keeps it in place. Isk8NYC is correct in that both feet cannot be on the floor at the same time. I have mine fastened over the closet door in my bedroom - if I'm stretching my leg forwards, I have my back against the door, and if I'm stretching back like in a spiral, my hands are pressed against the door. So far, that's been enough support for me to keep my balance easily, but I can see why people might want to have a chair or something handy. I like it - I've only had it for a few weeks, but my flexibility has noticeably improved.

01-19-2007, 07:56 PM
Hmmmm, the reviews sound positive, and I really need to work on my flexibility. I used to be a lot more bendy than I am....sigh....it's not that expensive, so maybe I'll bite and get one.

01-19-2007, 08:05 PM
I just received mine in the mail from Rainbo Sports. I'm going to try it tonight after my regular stretches. Does anyone know if there is a website with more pictures of the stretching exercises?

01-19-2007, 08:06 PM
I found this. http://www.skateconnectionproshop.com/product.php?productid=16159&cat=268&page=1

Boooo, it's sold out at Rainbo! :(

01-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Could you perhaps multi-task with it and watch TV out of the corner of your eye whilst stretching or something... or would you need 100% concentration?

Peanut x

03-01-2007, 12:54 PM
Does anyone here use the Maxiflex strethcing device?
What level of flexibility did you start using it and how quickly did you improve?
How often do you need to practice with it?
How much has it improved your skating?
and finally,

Is it worth the money, time and effort?I am considering buying one. When I (hopefully) start Bronze level in the autumn, I want to be fully prepared and be able to get my leg up anywhere, do splits etc. the "full monty"!


03-01-2007, 01:10 PM
I am using it... but I just started using it! So far so good, but we'll see how long it will take for me to finally get a nice above the hip level spiral like e-skater! :P (instead of one that's barely at hip level now... :roll: )

03-01-2007, 02:08 PM
Now that I'm the local split-obsessed adult, I'll chime in with my #1 split tip! Make sure that before you try to do a spiral or split, you first stretch your calves, then your hamstrings separately (seated hamstring stretch is a really good one). That will increase your split range dramatically and more importantly, keep you from pulling a hamstring!

03-01-2007, 02:45 PM
I just got the maxiflex....tok my a while to figure out how to attach it to the doorway. :) But I can see it's going to be beneficial...as long as I keep using it. :) I think it's worth the money.

03-01-2007, 07:09 PM
I bought one about a month ago too - I think it will help trying to improve my spiral and attempted beillman positions - i am very flexible in the legs - all 3 splits - but my back has never been flexible, so it limits the spiral somewhat and totally limits the beillman.

Mine came with a photo of stretch for spread eagles - but I cant figure out how to use the maxiflex around the waist like the photo shows- anyone doe this exercise? how do you do it? Thanks!

03-01-2007, 09:10 PM
I have one too! My coach had been bugging me about getting one, so I finally did so last month. I think I need to put it on another door though, because having both my weight and the weight of all my shoes on my closet door will probably make the door fall off its hinges:lol:

Anyway, I generally try to use mine about 3-4 times a week (usually right after I get home from skating).

I can't figure out how to do the spread eagle stretch either...I'm lucky to figure out the spiral stretches and the forward/side stretches!

I have, however, noticed a slight improvement on my spirals so far, and, when stretching on the floor, I can actually get my face to touch my knee on the left side (which I could never do before!).

Mrs Redboots
03-02-2007, 09:29 AM
There's one in the fitness room at our rink, and I plan to ask about it next time I see the trainer (hopefully am having a lesson with her next week). I need to get my spirals higher, but this might be a question of balance, rather than flexibility. We shall see....

03-02-2007, 10:58 AM
so where did you guys buy your maxiflexes? any good websites?

03-02-2007, 11:11 AM
I bought mine here: http://www.jenskates.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=92

(Cheaper than Rainbo...) :D

03-02-2007, 11:13 AM
I bought mine at Rainbo (I had a gift certificate from Christmas).

03-11-2007, 05:09 AM
oh yes, another question,

how often should you use the maxiflex (like, is it bad to use it every single day or ok) and

how long does it last (wears out easily? lasts forever? loses stretchiness?)

03-11-2007, 10:49 AM
I went out, bought a really long satin ribbon and get the same effect with it.

Maxiflex Instruction Booklet: http://tinyurl.com/mfbkpg1 (http://tinyurl.com/mfbkpg1) and http://tinyurl.com/mfbkpg2 (http://tinyurl.com/mfbkpg2)

03-12-2007, 09:21 AM
oh yes, another question, how often should you use the maxiflex (like, is it bad to use it every single day or ok)

I think it would be okay to use it every day, as long as you are warmed up before you try to use it. I try to do some sort of stretching every day - sometimes with the MaxiFlex, and sometimes without it.

04-18-2007, 07:35 PM
Mine arrived this week. I've decided to use it after doing yard work. That way I'm sure to be warmed up and loose.

I used it for the second time tonight. The manufacturer should include better illustrations and exercises. Also, because I'm 5'11'', I'm kind of running out of door space. Next time I'll hook it to one of the 10-foot doors in the study.

Damn long legs.

07-26-2007, 03:55 PM
I saw the maxiflex thread from april or may and think it might be interesting to hear how you guys are doing with it. :-) What stretches are you guys doing & how often? What are you now able to do that you weren't before? :-)

07-26-2007, 07:16 PM
I've had mine since January, I think. I have gotten my spirals higher since I started using it, but I also work on spirals without the maxiflex so I can build up the muscle by holding my leg up without any help. I'm not sure which has helped more - I suppose both have contributed.

I do spiral stretches and leg out to the side stretches with mine. I try to use it every time after I skate, but that doesn't always happen:halo:

05-14-2008, 07:07 PM
OK, I'm resurrecting this thread to see if anyone who started using MaxiFlex last year has seen major results from it! Jazzpants? Morgail? Stormy? Anyone else? I'm considering getting one, but I probably need to work on back flexibility more than anything, and I'm not sure if it will help . . .

05-14-2008, 07:17 PM
I bought one, but I keep hurting myself with the stretches. If you don't use it regularly, it's not fair to judge how well it works.

05-14-2008, 07:32 PM
i got one last year in august and used it a few times - i liked it.
I stopped skating during the school year =( Hopefully I start skating again and use the maxiflex too?

I want to know what progress everyone made too!

05-15-2008, 05:05 PM
I actually :giveup: using it. I found plain old regular stretching works better for me. But that dosen't mean it won't work for someone else. Actually, if anyone's interested in buying mine, PM me...that way you could try it for cheaper than what Rainbo sells it for. I know I won't be using it and I'd rather it went to someone who would rather than it sit on the floor in my living room. :)

05-15-2008, 05:19 PM
I actually :giveup: using it. I found plain old regular stretching works better for me.

Hmm. . . That's what I was afraid of, myself. . .:roll:

05-16-2008, 05:18 AM
Now that I'm the local split-obsessed adult, I'll chime in with my #1 split tip! Make sure that before you try to do a spiral or split, you first stretch your calves, then your hamstrings separately (seated hamstring stretch is a really good one). That will increase your split range dramatically and more importantly, keep you from pulling a hamstring!

Ditto that advice. I do splits every night, and one night I just slid down into one without stretching beforehand and pulled my hamstring badly. It's been 3 weeks and I am still sore, and now the muscle is so tight that it's affecting my spirals and pulling on my back muscles too. Go very gently with the stretching, because it only takes a second to do weeks' or months' worth of damage. However, this maxi flex looks cool - I may give it a try. I have been rigging up my own system in my upstairs hallway, where I hold onto the stair railing and put my leg up behind me against a close wall and push back. Aside from getting foot marks on the wall, if the railing ever gives way, I'm dead!

05-16-2008, 01:30 PM
Hmm. . . That's what I was afraid of, myself. . .:roll:Ditto on that. Of course, I will admit that I've been slacking off on this b/c I keep forgetting to bring it to the gym and the adjustable height weight bars does a much better job than the Maxi-Flex and doesn't freak me out b/c I don't have to worry about losing my balance. I also do floor stretches on a mat and that also does the job too.

Doesn't mean I won't take the thing out again. In fact, I've thought of doing that again last week...

05-16-2008, 01:54 PM
Ditto that advice. I do splits every night, and one night I just slid down into one without stretching beforehand and pulled my hamstring badly. It's been 3 weeks and I am still sore, and now the muscle is so tight that it's affecting my spirals and pulling on my back muscles too. Go very gently with the stretching, because it only takes a second to do weeks' or months' worth of damage. However, this maxi flex looks cool - I may give it a try. I have been rigging up my own system in my upstairs hallway, where I hold onto the stair railing and put my leg up behind me against a close wall and push back. Aside from getting foot marks on the wall, if the railing ever gives way, I'm dead!

Oh, no, I feel for you!! I pulled my hamstring not long before AN2007 trying to do the splits on the floor with bad form (I now know how to do it correctly). My physical therapist told me to continue to stretch the pulled hamstring regularly, but to just stretch it very gently and gradually. So that's what I did, and it recovered fully in a few months. I can now slide right down into a split with that leg in front. . . but only after stretching my hamstrings and hip flexors first, of course!

So have you PM's Stormy yet to see about buying her MaxiFlex? LOL!

05-16-2008, 03:18 PM
OK, I'm resurrecting this thread to see if anyone who started using MaxiFlex last year has seen major results from it! Jazzpants? Morgail? Stormy? Anyone else? I'm considering getting one, but I probably need to work on back flexibility more than anything, and I'm not sure if it will help . . .

I used mine a lot over the spring and summer. But I also did floor stretches, so I'm not sure which one helped the most. I definitely improved my spirals over that time. Since the summer, I haven't used it much but I've continued doing floor stretches and spirals without the MaxiFlex. Spirals have gotten even better and I'm thisclose to getting into splits with my right leg in front.

I need to move the MaxiFlex to my family room, since that's always where I end up stretching. Think I'll use it more there.

Black Sheep
05-16-2008, 05:45 PM
The strap kept slipping out of the door frame when I used it at home. Instead, I use a martial-arts hand-held strap to practice my "Biellmann" stretches during my off-ice warm-up at the rink. No door needed! ;)

05-16-2008, 10:08 PM
I used mine a lot over the spring and summer. But I also did floor stretches, so I'm not sure which one helped the most. I definitely improved my spirals over that time. Since the summer, I haven't used it much but I've continued doing floor stretches and spirals without the MaxiFlex. Spirals have gotten even better and I'm thisclose to getting into splits with my right leg in front.

I need to move the MaxiFlex to my family room, since that's always where I end up stretching. Think I'll use it more there.

Cool!! BTW, you can probably already do a full split with your right leg in front if you do it the right way. Here's what got me from "thisclose" to all the way down: First, pre-stretch the right hamstring and left hip flexor, then go into the split with your right leg straight out in front and your left knee on the floor. Push forward onto the front leg until you get your chest flat down on the thigh. Keep pushing down as far as you can with your chest on your front thigh, then bring your torso upright, straighten and extend the back leg and push your weight back and down onto the hip flexor of the back leg. I don't know why it works, but that's what got me from "thisclose" to all the way down. It also kept my hips square so I didn't risk pulling my hamstring like I did last year.:P