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02-03-2007, 08:06 PM
The Club I teach for on Sats has a group program for Moves and Stroking, with cool music and movements. My younger twin watched the class last week and asked if she could take the class this week. I agreed, as long as she didn't fool around. The little one talked her twin into joining her for the class and I said okay.

I can't believe it still. They skated so beautifully and worked so hard to keep up with the bigger kids. I was impressed that they can do the cross-legged stretches and the t-stops. Their edges are becoming very strong and correct. Arms? Well, we won't talk about it, but they're getting better. LOL

One of my students saw me watching them and asked me if I was laughing at them. I told him, "Nothing of the sort - this is sheer delight!"

Mrs Redboots
02-04-2007, 02:38 AM
That's great news - shows they really are improving!

02-04-2007, 05:06 AM
oh that is great !! Good on them for giving it a go!

02-04-2007, 11:48 AM
call me ignorant, but i'm tired of reading threads and not knowing what people are going on about... what DOES the abbreviation 'dd' stand for??

thank you

02-04-2007, 12:48 PM
Isk8NYC - Congrats on the twins' progress! Can't wait until I get to see them skate again.

DD = Darling Daughter or Dear Daughter (http://www.gaarde.org/acronyms/?lookup=D). Follow the link to a dictionary of online acronyms. "DD" can mean other things also and you often have to go by context.

02-04-2007, 10:04 PM
great news !!!
How old are they ?

02-05-2007, 10:27 AM
They're eight going on nine going on 27. LOL

They're working on Basic 7/8 now in groups. They can almost do a toe loop and salchow.

02-05-2007, 12:02 PM
As long as its fun to them, that is all that matters !!!!
Stoking and power classes should be fun !!

02-05-2007, 12:24 PM
Isk8NYC - Congrats on the twins' progress! Can't wait until I get to see them skate again.

DD = Darling Daughter or Dear Daughter (http://www.gaarde.org/acronyms/?lookup=D). Follow the link to a dictionary of online acronyms. "DD" can mean other things also and you often have to go by context.

thank you
I did think of that, actually. But I wasn't sure.

02-05-2007, 12:43 PM
... Arms? Well, we won't talk about it, but they're getting better. LOL...

It sounds like a great class. The arms ....well, what is it about arms that they seem to forget they have them as soon as they step on the ice? You would think it would make skating much more difficult when they have those things flopping around like wet noodles! :P Oh well, I guess it all comes with time! My daughter says jumping is way easier than holding up her arms :roll: