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12-22-2006, 07:31 PM
Does anyone have tips for keeping your free leg straight during a spiral?

12-22-2006, 08:17 PM
my daughters coach tells her to keep her butt muscles clenched ... that way you're so focused on your butt you sort of automatically tense (straighten) your leg

12-22-2006, 08:58 PM
It's easier to keep your free leg straight if the rest of your body is in the right position. Keep your chin up, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and pull back against the heel of your skating foot so that your hips are behind your skating foot, not right above it. Then just think about locking out *both* knees and also think about your toes: Point the toes that are in the air and lift the toes that are on the ice.

12-23-2006, 07:55 PM
I absolutely love this way, it brong my leg up soooo much higher and i was able to keep my self ballanced longer. :D
Ok, when you go into a spiral do a nice push and hold it, SLOWLY bring your leg up, pointing your toe. Your arms should be out to the side and push out hard as if you were pushing a wall. The most important rule of all is to arch your back and keep your chin up. NEVER NEVER NEVER LOOK DOWN. Trust me you will fall flat on your face! :frus: Good Luck! Hopefully this way will help you!