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View Full Version : Some Minor Celebrations Here

12-15-2006, 01:48 AM
On Saturday just gone I took part in a local artistic competition. Our rink is tiny - 1/4 size, I believe, and there were about 21 skaters, including 3 in the adult divisions, which they included for the first time.

I got 2nd out of 2 in the adult silver division, but that tells only 1/4 of the story. For me it was about overcoming performance anxiety. The first time it hit was 20+ years ago, in a similar competition, when I totally lost it and didn't want to perform. They were pushing me out onto the ice when it was my turn. I skated really badly and came last. Ever since then I have suffered really badly from performance anxiety, in whatever I have undertaken.

I expected it to get me again this time, but I forced myself to "feel the fear and do it anyway" (title of a terrific book). I was S@#t scared, but I got out there, and I did it. I didn't skate the best I can skate, mucked up the sit spin and a couple of other things. But I didn't withdraw into myself and into the fear either. I stuck the smile back on my face and got on with it.

It was a huge experience for me to get out there at age 47 and at my size, and do that in front of a packed audience and other skaters. It helped that people were so supportive. Even a couple of teenage boys said they enjoyed my program - I didn't even know one of them. Somehow I don't think I shall ever be so affected by performance anxiety again.

Other minor celebrations: this morning I did loops and flips (which weren't in my competition program) better than I have since returning to skating. Yay! Maybe I can achieve my goal of regaining all my elements by the end of the year - big ask though, with only a couple of weeks left and still camel and lutz to go.

But I am feeling good, if somewhat sheepish and blurting all this out here.

12-15-2006, 02:31 AM

Performance of ANY kind can be nerve-wracking.. but especially after you had a bad experience in your last on-ice event. You should be turning cartwheels. You conquered a MAJOR demon!!! You should be REALLY proud of yourself!!!! That's a huge accomplishment... especially the part about pasting the smile on and just going out and doing what you had to do even after the sit-spin wasn't perfect. (1988 Olympic Bronze medalist Debi Thomas basically admitted she couldn't do that, after she didn't land her triple toe/triple toe combination perfectly in her freeskate, she basically gave up and wanted to get off the ice, but stayed out there and went through the remaining 3-1/2 minutes of her program half-heartedly, virtually assuring herself she would not do well in the scoring.)

Hurray for you!!!:P :lol: :P

(Jazzpants, where are those dancing smilies?)

Now, when are you going to go out and do it again? (It does get easier as you go along... I promise!)

Rusty Blades
12-15-2006, 04:09 AM
Way to go Clouds!!!

That's GREAT! :bow:

(Can I have you at the boards when I skate my first competition in the spring?)

12-15-2006, 08:10 AM
That is so good to hear! I am so happy for you! It is a major hurdle to overcome and you did it very well!


12-15-2006, 08:59 AM

And remember, you don't need to tell people you got 2nd out of 2 if you dont' want to. You could always just say you got 2nd place in the competition. I did this when I got a gold medal for coming in first of my age group in a 5K race. Of course, I left out the small detail that I was the only one in my age group, but it's ok. Getting over the anxiety is more important anyway.

Mrs Redboots
12-15-2006, 10:41 AM
You just say you came 2nd! But 3rd out of 3 is almost better, as in the photos, you don't have to tell the grandchildren that there were only the 3 of you, whereas in 2nd out of 2, that shows in the podium shots!

Many, many congratulations!

Competing isn't for everybody, but now you've mastered your demons, maybe you will enjoy it as much as I do?

Team Arthritis
12-15-2006, 10:51 AM
http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/k015.gif Rock ON! http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/k015.gif

12-15-2006, 08:08 PM
(Jazzpants, where are those dancing smilies?)Which ones??? There's a BUNCH of them I have!!!

Okay, I'll pick something...

http://www.cosgan.de/images/kao/musik/a040.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/kao/musik/c030.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/kao/musik/c025.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/kao/musik/k055.gif

Congratulations, SkatingOnClouds!!! Performance anxiety can be QUITE debilitating. I can definitely assure you of that!!! So pat yourself in the back for getting thru that!!! :mrgreen:


(Okay, I'll throw in one of the Blues Brothers for good use! He needs the work...) ;)

12-15-2006, 09:06 PM